The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.
Miami, Florida
Excerpts From Unofficial Minutes of March 171999 Board
10 a.m. Conference Session
DISCUSSED Attendance Boundary Areas 1999-2000.
APPROVED Minutes of the February 10, 1999 School Board
96,366 A-1
AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to accept the sponsorship of
Koning Restaurants International, a Dade Part-ner, to participate on
a districtwide basis in BOOK IT!, the educational reading incentive
campaign from Pizza Hut.
96,367 A-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking pro-ceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-5A-1.10, Attendance Areas 1998-99.
96,368 A-3 RATIFIED The first labor contract with The Dade County School Administrators' Association, effective until June 30, 2001.
96,369 B-1 DISCUSSED New Business: Board members.
96,370 B-2 SELECTED Senior Assistant School Board Attorney Johnny Brown to serve as School Board Attorney.
96,371 B-3 APPROVED Resolution No. 99-12, endorsing April 13, 1999, as "Stop Day--Enough Is Enough."
96,372 B-4 ADOPTED The position statement regarding Effort Index Grants, as described [in the Official Agenda].
96,373 B-5 AUTHORIZED The use of certified police officers as volunteers with full police powers to assist the Division of School Police in routine and emergency school-related incidents, and other actions [as delineated in the Official Agenda].
96,374 B-6 REQUESTED The Superintendent to direct staff to conduct a feasibility study and provide a report on implementing a district Student-of-the-Year recognition program for the 1999-2000 school year.
96,375 B-7 DIRECTED The Superintendent to review and prepare a report on the language used in its "School Impact Review Analysis," so it may correspond with the stated intent.
96,376 B-8 DIRECTED The Superintendent to investigate the impact of the Algebra I requirement on students FCAT scores, the feasibility of a geometry requirement for graduation, and submit the findings and recommendations in a report for Board consideration.
96,377 B-9 DIRECTED The Superintendent to prepare and review a report on school safety in agreement with the intent stated (in the Official Agenda).
96,378 B-10 ADOPTED Resolution No. 99-15, honoring William J. Heffernan for his distinguished service on the School Board Audit Committee.
96,379 B-11 DIRECTED The Superintendent to disseminate information to the Miami-Dade County Public Schools community and public opinion regarding the status of MDCPS Y2K project for the tranquility of all.
96,380 B-12 HEARD A position statement from Mr. Demetrio Pérez in support of Governor Jeb Bushs education plan. [A vote of the School Board was not taken.]
96,381 B-13 RECEIVED The report on Direct Instruction.
96,382 B-14 DIRECTED The Superintendent to research the medical benefits and associated costs of including an electrocardiogram (EKG) in the required annual physical examination for student athletes.
96,383 C-1 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Florida State University to provide advanced degree programs in mathematics and science education for 250 elementary and middle school teachers, over the period summer 1999 through summer 2001.
96,384 C-2 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Ryder System Charter School, Inc., effective March 18, 1999, for a period of five years commencing on the first day of the 1999-2000 school year.
96,385 C-3 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with Cisco Systems and Miami-Dade Community College to create Cisco Networking Academies in 10 senior high schools; and accepted a donation of networking equipment from Cisco Systems.
96,386 C-11 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement between Metropolitan Miami-Dade County, Florida, Department of Human Services, Office of Youth and Family Development, to jointly operate non-school-based day treatment programs for severely emotionally disturbed students, from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; and the renewal of this cooperative agreement annually on a continuing basis.
96,387 C-12 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with the Bertha Abess Children's Center, Inc., to provide services to emotionally handicapped and severely emotionally disturbed students, from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; and the renewal of this cooperative agreement annually on a continuing basis.
96,388 C-13 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with the Public Health Trust/Jackson Memorial Hospital to operate a short-term transitional educational program for severely emotionally disturbed students, from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; and the renewal of this cooperative agreement annually on a continuing basis.
96,389 C-14 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of $4,000 from the Dade Monroe Regional Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Partnership for substitute funds, for a maximum of 25 teachers to attend the Linking Forces VIII Conference. There will be no cost to the District.
96,390 C-15 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel to provide services related to the district Office Employee-of-the-Year Recognition Ceremony on April 22, 1999, at a cost not to exceed $20 per person.
96,391 C-16 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a $10,000 award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to support the WLRN Ready to Learn service.
96,392 C-17 CONFIRMED The renewal of a contractual agreement with Miami-Dade County, in the estimated amount of $522,000, to continue to provide countywide educational cable television services from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999, with the provision that the agreement may be cancelled by either party with 90 days prior written notice. No local funds are required.
96,393 C-21 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with The Center for Family and Child Enrichment, Inc., a private, nonprofit agency, to provide academic services for school-age students for the 1998-99 school year.
96,394 C-22 AUTHORIZED The development and dissemination of Request for Proposals for a program to provide child care services for approximately 550 children, age 0-3, of parents participating in the Teenage Parent (TAP) Program, at an approximate cost of $2,000,000; and the issuance of an RFP for suitable child care providers.
96,395 C-23 APPROVED Resolution No. 99-11, endorsing March 15-19, 1999, as School Social Work Week in all Miami-Dade County public schools.
96,396 C-30 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-29 (98/99).
96,397 C-31 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-45 (98/99).
96,398 C-32 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-64 (98/99).
96,399 C-33 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-65 (98/99).
96,400 C-34 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-67 (98/99).
96,401 C-35 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-68 (98/99).
96,402 C-36 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-69 (98/99).
96,403 C-37 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-70 (98/99).
96,404 C-38 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-71 (98/99).
96,405 C-39 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-72 (98/99).
96,406 C-40 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-73 (98/99).
96,407 C-41 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-75 (98/99).
96,408 C-42 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-76 (98/99).
96,409 C-43 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-77 (98/99).
96,410 C-44 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-80 (98/99).
96,411 C-45 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supple-mental material SM-034AD (98/99).
96,412 D-1 APPROVED The newly-elected officers and Board of Directors of the Dade Schools Athletic Foundation, Inc., for the 1998-99 school year.
96,413 D-2 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Spain, France, and Italy, for students at Miami Sunset Senior High School, April 1-11, 1999.
96,414 D-3 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Rome and Southern Italy, for students at Miami Senior High School, April 1-10, 1999.
96,415 D-4 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Italy and Greece, for students at MAST Academy, March 31st through April 9, 1999.
96,416 D-5 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Paris, France, for students at New World School of the Arts, March 31st through April 8, 1999.
96,417 D-6 APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Atlanta, Georgia, for students at Charles R. Drew Middle School, May 26-29, 1999.
96,418 D-7 APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Birmingham, Alabama for students at American Senior High School, May 7-9, 1999.
96,419 D-8 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Adenau, Germany, for students at Sunset Elementary School, May 15-29, 1999.
96,420 D-9 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Madrid, Spain for students at Sunset Elementary School, April 29th through May 13, 1999.
96,421 D-10 APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Columbia, South Carolina, for students at Cutler Ridge Middle School, Miami Southridge Senior High School, and Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School, March 18-21, 1999.
96,422 D-11 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Germany, Austria, and Italy, for students at Miami Southridge Senior High School, April 1-10, 1999.
96,423 D-12 APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Atlanta, Georgia, for students at Norland Middle School, April 2-6, 1999.
96,424 D-13 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to San Jose, Costa Rica, for students at South Dade Senior High School, April 2-9, 1999.
96,425 D-14 APPROVED The exception to the opening and closing hours of school for the 1999-2000 school year for Charles R. Drew Middle School.
96,426 E-1 APPROVED The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 877.
96,427 E-2 APPROVED The recommendations set forth for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,428 E-3 APPOINTED Mr. Carlo Rodriguez to the open, budgeted position of District Supervisor, Instructional Sup-port Bilingual, MAPP Pay Grade 45, 12 months, and assigned him to the Division of Bilingual/ Foreign Language Skills, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,429 E-4 APPOINTED Mr. Gregory M. Mingo, Sr. to the open, budgeted position of Network Analyst I, pay grade 41, 12 months, and assigned him to Net-work and Internet Services, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,430 E-5 AUTHORIZED Contractual agreements with the following individuals as Project Manager, Project Scheduling, effective March 18 through June 30, 1999: Timothy T. Arahill; Norbert C. Madison; Carlos E. Marvez; and Sammy Williams.
96,431 E-6 APPOINTED Ms. Wilma Steiner to the open, budgeted position of Instructional Supervisor, MAPP Pay Grade 45, 12 months, and assigned her to School Health Services, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,432 E-7 APPOINTED Mr. Eddie L. Cooper to the open, budgeted position of Project Manager, Systems and Pro-grams, pay grade 43, 12 months, and assigned him to Systems and Programming Services, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,433 E-8 APPOINTED Ms. Susan Rothstein to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator III, Compliance, pay grade 42, 12 months, and assigned her to the Office of Equal Educational Employment Opportunity, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,434 E-9 APPOINTED Ms. Addea D. Cole, and Ms. Maria C. Longo to the open, budgeted position of District Super-visor, Instructional Support, MAPP pay grade 45, 12 months; and assigned them to the Division of Bilingual/Foreign Language Skills, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,435 E-10 APPOINTED Mr. Luis Quintana to the open, budgeted position of Systems Analyst I, pay grade 39, 12 months, and assigned him to Systems and Pro-grams, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
96,436 E-11 APPOINTED Messrs. Don F. Bailey and Wilfredo A. Sabater to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator, Pay Grade 40, 12 months, effective March 18, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated; Ms. Ana Maria Arias to the open, budgeted position of Project Manager (Contract) 12 months, effective April 2 through June 30, 1999; and assigned them all to Construction Management.
96,437 E-12 APPROVED Nominations of the instructional personnel whose names appear on Appointment List I for professional service contract, subject to reduction-in-force procedures in accordance with state statutes, collective bargaining provisions and Miami-Dade County School Board rules, effective July 1, 1999.
96,438 E-13 APPROVED Nominations of instructional supervisors, assistant principals, and principals whose names appear on Appointment List 2 for annual con-tract, subject to reduction-in-force procedures in accordance with state statutes and Miami-Dade County School Board rules, effective July 1, 1999.
96,439 E-14 APPROVED Insurance coverages, as delineated in the Official Agenda, for WLRN radio and television operations.
96,440 E-15 ACCEPTED The resignation of Mr. Frank Mathieu, Teacher at Homestead Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999.
96,441 E-16 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Addie H. West, Teacher at West Homestead Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,442 E-17 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Leslie J. Solomon, Para-professional at Madie Ives Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,443 E-18 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Zandras A. Spivey, Heavy Equipment Operator III at the Office of Facilities Operations, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,444 E-19 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Osie D. Khan, Teacher at Howard A. Doolin Middle School, effective at the close of the workday March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,445 E-20 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Denise Kitchen, Bus Driver at the North Transportation Center, for 10 workdays, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of hearing, if requested.
96,446 E-21 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Curtis Harrell, School Monitor, North Dade Middle School, for 20 work-days, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,447 E-22 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Kenneth Hummel, Teacher at North Dade Middle School, for 30 workdays, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,448 E-23 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Hywatha Joyner, Teacher at Miami Jackson Senior High School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
96,449 F-1 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of grant awards and submission of various proposals and grant requests, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
96,450 G-1 RECEIVED The report on the Governors Budget Recommendations for FY 1999-2000.
96,451 G-11 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for January 1999.
96,452 G-12 AUTHORIZED The advertisement and distribution of a Request for Proposal to obtain the services of a collection agency; and approved the appointment of the Selection Committee to review the proposals.
96,453 G-21 APPROVED The selection of an arranger for lease/lease back transaction proposals, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
96,454 G-61 APPROVED The supplemental awards on term bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda, inasmuch as the estimated requirements, previously awarded by the Board, will be exceeded before the bid terms expire.
96,455 G-62 RECEIVED The report of purchases made within guidelines of Board Rule 6Gx13-3C-1.10.
96,456 G-63 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #173-TT03 Installation and Transporting of Commercial Kitchen Equipment (Gas and Electric), with various vendors delineated in the Official Agenda, effective April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000.
96,457 G-64 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #129-VV03 Processing of USDA Frozen Beef, Pork, Turkey & Poultry, with vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000.
96,458 G-65 AWARDED Bid #181-XX06 -- Art Supplies, to vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 17, 1999 through March 16, 2000.
96,459 G-66 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #176-VV10 Roofing Supplies, with Bradco Supply Corporation and Sunniland Corporation, effective March 18, 1999 through March 17, 2000.
96,460 G-67 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #179-VV10 Auction Services, with National Auction, effective April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000.
96,461 G-68 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #187-VV06Infant Car Seats, with Century Products Company, effective March 18, 1999 through March 17, 2000.
96,462 G-69 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #197-VV02 Lawn Maintenance: Southwest Transportation, with Kings Bay Landscape Maintenance, effective April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000.
96,463 G-70 AWARDED Bid #095-XX10 Cooling Tower, to PECO Enterprises, Inc., effective March 17, 1999.
96,464 G-71 AWARDED Bid #135-XX07 Trucks, Miscellaneous, to Rechtien International Trucks, Inc., effective March 17, 1999 through February 9, 2000.
96,465 G-72 AWARDED Bid #136-XX07 Fork Lifts and Pallet Trucks, to Ace Equipment, Inc. and W.E. Johnson Equipment Company, effective March 17, 1999 through February 9, 2000.
96,466 G-73 AWARDED Request for Proposal #148-XX10 Technology and Learning Report Card, to Milken Family Foundation, effective March 17, 1999 through September 30, 1999.
96,467 G-74 AWARDED Bid #153-XX03Solid Waste Collection, to Waste Management of Dade County, A Division of Waste Management, Inc. of Florida, effective May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000.
96,468 G-75 AWARDED Bid #158-XX09M/WBE Tools, Supplies and Equipment, Custodial I, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 17, 1999 through February 28, 2000.
96,469 G-76 AWARDED Bid #162-XX09 Signs, Illuminated, to Signs Plus New Ideas-New Technology, Inc., effective March 17, 1999.
96,470 G-77 AWARDED Bid #163-XX07 - Trucks, to Palm Peterbilt GMC Trucks, Inc., effective March 17, 1999.
96,471 G-78 AWARDED Bid #164-XX07Radiator, Repair and Recore, to Hialeah Radiator & Air Conditioning Service, Inc., effective March 17, 1999 through March 16, 2000.
96,472 G-79 AWARDED Bid #165-XX07Transmissions, Factory Rebuilt, to Florida Detroit Diesel-Allison, Inc. and Rechtien International Trucks, Inc., effective March 17, 1999 through March 16, 2000.
96,473 G-80 AWARDED Bid #166-XX10 Boiler Repair, to Simons Welding Company, Inc., effective March 17, 1999.
96,474 G-81 AWARDED Bid #167-XX10M/WBE Windows (Supply and Install), to Coreland Construction Corporation, effective March 17, 1999.
96,475 G-82 AWARDED Bid #170-XX07 Vehicle Towing, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 18, 1999 through March 18, 2000.
96,476 G-83 REJECTED Bid #173-XX04 Computer Off-Site Record Storage, to permit rebidding using revised specifications.
96,477 G-84 AWARDED Bid #176-XX10 Elevator Service Contract, to Diversified Elevator Corp., effective March 17, 1999 through March 16, 2001; and accepted payment of liquidated damages, in the amount of $1,762, from Mowrey Elevator Service, Inc., for items 125 through 130B, and 162 through 225B.
96,478 G-85 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to explore the possibility of entering into an exclusivity agreement with a major soft drink company, and report the findings to the Board.
96,479 H-1 APPROVED The revised mutual aid agreement, joint decla-ration, and standard operating procedures; and authorized the Superintendent to implement the agreement with cooperating local governments within Miami-Dade County, at no additional cost to the district.
96,480 H-2 ENDORSED Miami-Dade County Public Schools participation in Poison Prevention Week activities.
96,481 H-3 ENDORSED Miami-Dade County Public Schools participation in Electrical Safety Week activities.
96,482 H-4 ENDORSED Miami-Dade County Public Schools participation in Lead Awareness Week activities.
96,483 H-11 AUTHORIZED The renewal of a contractual agreement with Alcalde and Fay for government relations services, in an amount not to exceed $75,000, for the period beginning April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000; and the renewal of same for up to two additional one-year periods.
96,484 H-21 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 98-142, George E. William-son, II, and Thomas W. Williamson, for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.
96,485 H-22 AUTHORIZED The execution of a lease modification and extension with McCrory Associates, Ltd., for the use of 25 parking spaces in the 3930 N.E. Second Avenue Building garage, at a monthly rental amount not to exceed $625, and an annual rental amount not to exceed $7,500, under the terms and conditions set forth.
96,486 H-23 AUTHORIZED Payment, in the amount of $97,890, to the City of Miami for 60% of actual maintenance and utility costs incurred for the use of six City of Miami park/school sites, for the period of October 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998.
96,487 H-24 AUTHORIZED The execution of a purchase and sale agreement with Sanford Land Development Corp. for the purchase of a parcel for horticulture-related industries, at a price of $800,000 and under the terms and conditions set forth.
96,488 H-25 AUTHORIZED A partial reimbursement from Educational Facilities Impact Fee funds to CCJ Investments, Inc., in the amount of $300,000, representing the minimum value for the PLC "H" site.
96,489 H-26 AUTHORIZED The renewal of a lease agreement with Steven Borek Farms, for the use of Board-owned land for agricultural purposes, at an annual rental rate of $3,412.50. The term of the renewal option period will commence March 17, 1999, and will end March 16, 2000.
96,490 H-27 AUTHORIZED The execution of a Joint-Use and Operating Agreement with Miami-Dade County for use of the playground and recreational facilities at Melrose Elementary School, under terms and conditions set forth.
96,491 I-1 AUTHORIZED An agreement with the firm Sharpton, Brunson & Company, PA., CPAs, for two years to perform an independent audit of the Educational Facilities Impact Fees received by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1999 and June 30, 2000.
96,492 I-2 APPROVED The list of contractors (as delineated in the Official Agenda) for pre-qualification, and authorized the Superintendent to issue a certificate to each contractor, certifying pre-qualification for a period of one year.
96,493 J-1 COMMISSIONED The firm of Spillis Candela & Partners, Inc., to prepare and administer the design criteria pack-age for State School "GGG" At Hialeah Senior High School Site, Project Nos. A-0741 and A-0741A.
96,494 J-2 COMMISSIONED The firm of Walbridge Aldinger to provide Construction Management At-Risk services for State School "B-1" (Ada Merritt Elementary Community School).
96,495 J-3 COMMISSIONED The firm of Perkins & Will to perform Architectural/Engineering services for the second phase of State School "HHH" at Robert Morgan Vocational School site, with a construction cost of $28,680,000, Project Nos. A-0707 and A-0707A.
96,496 J-4 APPROVED The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Project No. A-0467-CM, Remodeling & Renovations, Gloria Floyd Elementary School, in the amount of $1,631,939.
96,497 J-5
RESCINDED* The lease-purchase award to Florida School-house
Developers, Inc. for the construction of a new elementary school,
State School "X," Project No. A-0656, and waived forfeiture
of the Proposal Guarantee; and awarded the project to SBR
Joint Venture, contingent upon negotiations being finalized.
* AS AMENDED: Recommendation No. 1 was amended to delete the following language: " and waive forfeiture of the Proposal Guarantee..."
96,498 J-6 AWARDED Project No. A-0699, K-8 Addition, Jane S. Roberts Elementary School, to F&L Construction, Inc.
96,499 J-7 AUTHORIZED The issuance of Request for Proposals for the selection of one or more firms for HVAC Test and Balance Service Consultant; and, approved the selection committee (as listed in RFP) that will review the proposals for subsequent submission to the Superintendent and the School Board for approval.
96,500 J-8 COMMISSIONED The firm of J.V. Construction Corporation to pro-vide Construction Management At-Risk services for a new transportation vehicle maintenance facility.
96,501 J-9 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for water and wastewater facilities at the Caribbean Elementary School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.
96,502 J-10 AUTHORIZED The execution of the water line easement agreement at the Auburndale Elementary School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.
96,503 J-11 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to renew the contractual agreement with H.A. Contracting Corp., Contract No. J0C97-S-B, with revised Adjustment Factors, commencing on the date that the current contract meets the maximum value or on May 7, 1999, whichever occurs first.
96,504 J-12 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the contractual agreement with F&L Construction, Inc., Contract No. J0C97-C-ll-B, with revised Adjustment Factors, commencing on the date that the current contract meets the maximum value or on May 7, 1999, whichever occurs first.
96,505 J-13 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 12 on Project No. A-0317-37, Plumbing, Miami Edison Middle School, for a credit of $396,438.
96,506 J-14 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 17 on Project No. A-0317-20, Drywall/Lath Plaster, Miami Edison Middle School, for a credit of $512,125.
96,507 J-15 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 9 on Project No. A-0408, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, Carol City Elementary School, for an extra cost of $36,746.
96,508 J-16 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0416, Addition, Remodeling and Renovation, Royal Palm Elementary School, for an extra cost of $66,090 and a time extension of 15 days.
96,509 J-17 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 13 on Project No. A-0507, New High School-Design/Build, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, for an extra cost of $23,871.
96,510 J-18 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0538, Additions, Renovations and Remodeling, Rock-way Elementary School, for an extra cost of $14,518.
96,511 J-19 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0549, Additions and Renovations, Sunset Park Elementary School, for an extra cost of $26,803.
96,512 J-20 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0564, Additions, Renovations and Remodeling, J.F. Kennedy Middle School, for an extra cost of $90,826.
96,513 J-21 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A-0682/A-0683, Full Service Relocatables (Turnkey), Jose Marti Middle/Miami Norland High schools for an extra cost of $3,496.
96,514 J-22 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 3 on Project No. BB-0012, Renovations/PE Shelter/Additions/Irrigation, West Laboratory Elementary School, for an extra cost of $4,506.
96,515 J-23 APPROVED The naming of schools as follows:
96,516 K-20 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.064, Adjudicatory Proceedings, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,517 K-21 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.17, Citizen Appearances--Board Meetings, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,518 K-22 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-5A-1.08, Student Transfers, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,519 K-23 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-5C-1.031, Dress Code, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,520 K-24 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.02, Elementary and Secondary School Calendar, 1998-99, and Board Rule 6Gx13-6C-1.02, Applied Technology, Adult, and Career Education School Calendar 1998-99 for the 1999-2000 school year, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rules with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective August 19, 1999.
96,521 K-25 AUTHORIZED* Rulemaking proceedings to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.161, Interscholastic Athletics-Senior High School.
*AMENDED to delete the following language from Page 2 of 5 of the Board Rule: Any public high school within the confines of Miami-Dade County, which is a member of the Florida High School Activities Association (FHSAA), may become a member of the GMAC by two-thirds vote of the member schools.
96,522 K-26 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-1B-1.031, Guidelines for the Establishment of Educational Excellence Councils, as Required by Blueprint 2000, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,523 K-27 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-5B-1.061, Rank In Class - Grade Point Average, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,524 K-28 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.331, Procedures for Providing Special Education for Exceptional Students; authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999; and authorized the Superintendent to submit the document, Amendment to the Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students, Effective Dates: 1998-99, to the Florida Department of Education for approval.
96,525 K-29 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13- 8D-1.01, Comprehensive Districtwide Planning, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 1999.
96,526 K-30
AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in
accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School
Board Rule 6Gx13-3D-1.021, Internal Funds--Specific
Procedures, by amending the documents, The Manual of Internal
Accounting for Elementary Schools and The Manual of Accounting
for Secondary Schools, which are incorporated by reference and
are a part of this rule.