Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

November 17, 1999

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126. 


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Miami, Florida

Excerpts From Unofficial Minutes of November 17, 1999 Board Meeting

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of August 24, 31; September 2, 7, 9, 14, 21, 23, 28; October 5, 12, 14, 19, 21 and 26, 1999.

APPROVED Minutes of the October 20, 1999 School Board meeting.

97,814 B-1 DISCUSSED New Business: Board Members

97,815 B-2 OPPOSED The request for proposals and cost estimates for a com-prehensive curriculum management audit for the M-DCPS system.

97,816 B-3 APPROVED Resolution No. 99-48, in support of the Gulfstream Mile Run to be held on February 19, 2000 at Gulfstream Park, Florida.

97,817 B-4 ADOPTED* The proposed 2000 Legislative Program of the South Florida Consortium of School Boards or modify as deemed appropriate.

* As Amended: to delete the following language from the legis-lative program:

Fully fund transportation and redefine hazardous walking conditions to consider additional safety issues (i.e., transport all K-3 students, transport all elementary stu-dents over one mile).

97,818 B-5 RECOGNIZED The achievements of Ms. Barbara Gonci, teacher of the learning disabled at Hialeah Gardens Elementary School, and thanked her for her years of dedication, creativity and commitment to the children of our community.

97,819 C-1 CONFIRMED A contractual agreement with MDCC to provide activities for the 1999-2000 Miami Book Fair International.

97,820 C-2 AUTHORIZED A memorandum of understanding with Miami-Dade Community College and University of Florida, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,821 C-3 AUTHORIZED The submission of a joint-use proposal by Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Coconut Grove Playhouse, and the Theodore R. Gibson memorial Fund, Inc., to the Florida Legislature to secure funds to build/remodel a school in West Coconut Grove, Florida.

97,822 C-11 CONFIRMED The renewal of a contractual agreement with Wil-low CSN Inc., (Willow) to provide Miami-Dade County Public Schools with funds, as de-lineated in the Official Agenda.

97,823 C-12 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the America Works Partnership for Miami-Dade County Public Schools to provide intensive training and job-placement services to Welfare-To-Work participants.

97,824 C-13 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of additional funds from the Mi-ami-Dade/Monroe WAGES coalition, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,825 C-21 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with Miami's River of Life, Inc., to provide educational services for 25 school-aged students, from November 18, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

97,826 C-22 AUTHORIZED The accept a grant award, in the amount of $22,967; and entered into a contractual agreement with the City of Miami Beach to un-derwrite community and adult education fees for Miami Beach families with low or moder-ate incomes who enroll in classes at Fienberg/Fisher Adult and Community Education Center.

97,827 C-30 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the sup-plemental material SM-380 (98/99).

97,828 C-31 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the sup-plemental material SM-382 (98/99).

97,829 C-32 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the sup-plemental material SM-I (1999/2000).

97,830 C-33 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the sup-plemental material SM-6 (1999/2000).

97,831 D-1 APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Spain, France and Italy for students at G. Holmes Braddock Senior High School, March 30, 2000 through April 9, 2000.

97,832 D-2 CONFIRMED The donation acceptance from Sprockets Music Company to Miami Beach Senior High School.

97,833 E-1 APPROVED The instructional & noninstructional appoint-ments, reassignments, leaves, and sepa-rations as included in Personnel Action Listing 885.

97,834 E-2 APPROVED The recommendations for appointments and lateral transfers, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,835 E-3 APPOINTED Mr. Aleksandr Shneyderman to the position of Staff Specialist, MEP pay grade 18, 12 months, and assigned him to Educational Evaluation and Management Analysis.

****** E-4 WITHDREW Request to appoint and assign: Instructional Support Specialist

97,836 E-5 APPOINTED Mr. Marcus Anglin to District Supervisor, Title I (Mathematics), MEP pay grade 21, 12 months, and assigned him to the Division of USI Mathematics and Science.

97,837 E-6 APPOINTED Ms. Kim B. Ackermann to Coordinator II, Systems Education Senior Instructor-Analyst, pay grade 41, 12 months, and assigned to the Office of Information Technology; and Ms. Miriam M. Koper to Coordinator II, Systems Education Senior Instructor-Analyst, pay grade 41, 12 months, and assigned to the Office of Information Technology.

97,838 E-7 APPOINTED Mr. Mohammed S. Dodo to Coordinator II, Educational Specifications, pay grade 41, 12 months, and assigned to Facilities Planning and Standards.

97,839 E-8 APPOINTED Mr. Lawrence Rubio to EDP Audits Coordinator, pay grade 42, 12 months and assigned to Management and Compliance Audits.

97,840 E-9 APPOINTED Mr. Robert Vega to EDP Audits Supervisor, pay grade 44, 12 months and assigned to Management and Compliance Audits.

97,841 E-10 APPOINTED Ms. Teresita M. Rodriguez to Audit Coord-inator III, pay grade 42, 12 months and assigned to Management and Compliance Audits.

97,842 E-11 APPOINTED Ms. Yvonne Barrios, Mr. Reginald Lafontant and Ms. Liana Rangel to the positions of Staff Auditor, pay grade 32, 12 months, and assigned to Management and Compliance Audits.

97,843 E-12 APPOINTED Mr. Kevin B. Gallagher to Project Manager, Systems and Programs, pay grade 43, 12 months, and assigned to the Office of Information Technology.

97,844 E-13 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Roger P. Preston, Paraprofessional I-Therapeutic at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,845 E-14 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Coquathia B. Hobbs, Bus Aide, Northwest Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,846 E-15 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Rhonda I. Ferguson, School Bus Driver, Central East Transpor-tation Center, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,847 E-16 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Rebecca Meza, School Bus Driver, South Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,848 E-17 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Yvonne M. Weinstein, Teacher at Miami Heights Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,849 E-18 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Eulalia Miranda, Fiscal Assistant Ill, Accounts Payable Department, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of hearing, if requested.

97,850 E-19 AUTHORIZED Termination of the employment contract of Mr. Charlie L. Bradley, teacher at Mays Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,851 E-20 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Rosa O. Darling, Secretary/Treasurer, B.T. Washington Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,852 E-21 ACCEPTED The resignation of Ms. Laronda D. Seymour, School Bus Driver, Central West Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999.

97,853 E-22 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Xavier E. Shinhoster, School Bus Driver, Southwest Transportation Center, for 10 workdays, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if re-quested.

97,854 E-23 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Judy A. Hunter, School Bus Driver, Central West Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,855 E-24 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Richard Passapera, Teacher at Henry Filer Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on November 17, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,856 F-1 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $32,965, for funding the Florida Learn and Serve America Grant Program.

97,857 F-2 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of grant awards from the Florida Department of Education under the Public Charter Schools Federal Grant Program, and entered into separate con-tractual agreements, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,858 F-3 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Florida Interna-tional University to receive funds to imple-ment Early Intervention and Academic Im-provement Services at Madison and Westview middle schools.

97,859 F-4 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of. Education, for funding the School-To-Work Local Implementation Program.

97,860 F-5 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of grant awards on an on-going basis from the National Foundation for the Improvement of Education, to Improve Student Achievement, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,861 F-6 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from, and entered into a contractual agreement with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice for funding an after-school diversion program.

97,862 F-7 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Tech-nology Education Act for funding the Integrat-ing Applied Technology Grant.

97,863 F-8 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Radio Community Service Grant award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, for School Board Radio Station WLRN-FM.

97,864 F-9 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Satellite Interconnection Grant award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, for Satellite Interconnection for School Board Television Station WLRN-TV.

97,865 F-10 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Community Service Television Programming Grant award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, for School Board Television Station WLRN-TV.

97,866 F-11 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, for funding under the Commissioner's Reading Initiative Grant.

97,867 G-1 APPROVED Resolution No. 1, 1999-2000 Food Service Fund, increasing beginning fund balance and appropriations by $794,704.

97,868 G-11 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for September 1999.

97,869 G-12 APPROVED The Non-Expendable Personal Property In-ventory Deletions and Recoveries to update the records as indicated in July, August and September 1999 reports.

97,870 G-61 APPROVED The supplemental awards on various term bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,871 G-62 RECEIVED The report of purchases made within guidelines of Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.10.

97,872 G-63 RECEIVED The report of purchases made utilizing other governmental bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,873 G-64 AUTHORIZED The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to utilize various other entity bids for purchases over $100,000, as deline-ated in the Official Agenda.

97,874 G-65 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #076-VV07 - Original Equipment Manufacturers (O.E.M.) Parts For School Bus Bodies, with various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,875 G-66 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #094-VV10 - Pest Control Services - Food Services and Home Labs, with El Toro Exterminator of Florida, Inc.

97,876 G-67 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #109-VV02 - Fuel Stor-age Tanks and Monitoring Systems: Inspec-tion Service and Repair Contract, with Florida Metro Construction Company, Inc.

97,877 G-68 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #008-XX03 - Delivery of Frozen and Refrigerated Commodities, with Food Distribution Systems of Florida, Inc.

97,878 G-69 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #083-XX07 - Repair of Heavy Duty Trucks and School Buses, with various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,879 G-70 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #089-XX06 - Art Equip-ment II, with Miami Clay Company, Inc., and Seco Supplies.

97,880 G-71 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #103-XX07 - On-Site Refueling (Drivers Education Vehicles), with MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, Inc.

97,881 G-71 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #146-XX02 - Soil Mix, with various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,882 G-73 AWARDED Bid #277-XX07 - Automotive Brake Shop Equipment, to SBA, Inc.

97,883 G-74 AWARDED Bid #292-XX05M/WBE - Classroom Supplies, to AFP Industries, Inc.

97,884 G-75 AUTHORIZED The termination of Items 20, 71, 72 and 79 - on Bid #003-ZZ03 - Food Items: Dry Grocery; and re-awarded Items 71, 72 and 79, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,885 G-76 AWARDED Bid #007-ZZ03 - Dinnerware: Disposable, Cafeteria, to Colonial Paper Company, Inc., and Dade Paper Company.

97,886 G-77 AWARDED Bid #019-ZZ09 - Printing Class Schedule - Miami Lakes Technical Education Center, to The Miami Herald Publishing Company.

97,887 G-78 AWARDED BID #031-ZZ11 - Copying Equipment, Service and Supplies, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,888 G-79 AWARDED Bid #037-ZZ06 - Fitness Equipment and Supplies, Catalog Discount/Markup, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,889 G-80 REJECTED Bid #045-ZZ05 - Door Closers, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

97,890 G-81 AWARDED Bid #046-ZZ05 - Electrical Lighting Fixtures, to various vendors, as delineated in the Offi-cial Agenda.

97,891 G-82 AWARDED Bid #049-ZZ02 - Fire Alarm Components and Peripherals (Rebid), to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,892 G-83 AWARDED Bid #051-ZZ06 - Drums and Musical Instru-ments, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,893 G-84 AWARDED Bid #052-ZZ09 - Printing Equipment, Manual Heat Press, to Blanx Etc.

97,894 G-85 AWARDED Bid #056-ZZ07 - Brake Drums, to Brake Service & Equipment Company, and Pal-metto Ford Truck Sales.

97,895 G-86 AWARDED Bid #060-ZZ09 - Printing of UTD Contract, to Spot Color.

97,896 G-87 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Dynavox Sys-tems, Inc., to provide Alternative/Augmen-tative Communication devices for students who require technology assistance.

97,897 H-11 APPROVED The proposed MDCPS/UTD Memorandum of Understanding authorizing implementation of the Professional Development System, effec-tive November 17, 1999.

97,898 H-12 AGREED* To continue to participate in the South Florida Consortium of School Boards and the Citi-zens' Coalition for Public Schools; and appoint a Board member to represent the Board in each organization.

* Appointed Ms. Betsy H. Kaplan to represent the Board on the South Florida Consortium of School Boards and the Citizens' Coalition for Public Schools.

97,899 I-1 APPROVED The list of contractors for pre-qualification, as delineated in the Official Agenda; authorized staff to issue a certificate to each contractor, certifying pre-qualification for a period of one (1) year; and declared Merkury Development Corp., as not eligible for pre-qualification at this time.

97,900 I-2 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report of the Internal Funds of Region IV Elementary Schools, September 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,901 I-3 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report of the Internal Funds of Region IV Secondary Schools, September 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,902 I-4 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report of the Dade Schools Athletic Foundation Inc., for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compli-ance Audits.

97,903 I-5 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report of Inventories as of June 30, 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,904 I-6 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Current Status Report as of September 1999 on the Internal Audit Report - Audit of the District's Procure-ment Practices June 1998, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,905 I-7 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Review of Bid Specifications, September 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compli-ance Audits.

97,906 I-8 RECEIVED The Audit Plan for the 1999-2000 Fiscal Year for the Office of Management and Compli-ance Audits, September 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,907 I-9 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel to provide services related to the district Teacher of the Year Recog-nition Ceremony.

97,908 J-1 AUTHORIZED The execution of a permit agreement with Miami-Dade County for the use of the Tropical Park Community Center.

97,909 J-2 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Henri Konkier for space for the Region II Office, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,910 J-3 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with the City of North Miami for land for bicycle storage, portable classrooms, and play-ground at North Miami Middle School.

97,911 J-4 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with RLC, Ltd., for space for the South Dade Adult Center.

97,912 J-5 AUTHORIZED An annual payment of $85,224 to the Community Partnership for Homeless, Inc., for the Board's proportional share of opera-tional expenses at the Miami Homeless Assistance Center.

97,913 J-6 AUTHORIZED The execution of the necessary documents to complete the right-of-way dedication for a portion of the Board-owned site adjacent to PLC "U."

97,914 J-7 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agree-ment with Florida Power and Light Company for the installation of a ten foot easement, on the State School "JJ" site.

97,915 J-8 AUTHORIZED The execution of a purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of the subject parcel [Northwest corner of S.W. 45 Street and S.W. 157 Avenue] at a price of $74,000 per acre ($1,850,000 for 25 acres) for the proposed site for future educational use.

97,916 J-25 REJECTED The low, responsive bid on Project No. A-0672, Roof Replacement and Site Drainage, Thomas Jefferson Middle School; and directed the Superintendent to review the bid documents and advertise rebidding of the project.

97,917 J-26 AWARDED Project No. A-0702, New Prototypical Ele-mentary School, State School "A", to F&L Construction, Inc.

97,918 J-27 AWARDED Project No. 0051-BB, Design-Build, Remodel-ing Buildings 1 & 3, Mays Middle School, to Hewett-Kier Construction, Inc.

97,919 J-28 AWARDED Project No. BB-0040, Various Renovations, J.W. Johnson Elementary School, to Pedro Falcon Contractors.

97,920 J-29 AWARDED Project No. SAF-029, Purchase and Instal-lation of one AST and the Removal of six USTs, and Upgrade of one UST and three ASTs, Various (9) Locations, to Petroleum Management, Inc.

97,921 J-30 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for water facilities at the addition at the Ever-glades Elementary School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

97,922 J-31 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for water and wastewater facilities at the Jose de Diego Middle School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

97,923 J-32 AUTHORIZED The execution of the water line easement at the Kenwood Elementary School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

97,924 J-33 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for water facilities at the Kenwood Elementary School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

97,925 J-34 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 8 on Project No. A-0317-35, HVAC, Miami Edison Middle School for a credit of $777,239.

97,926 J-35 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0335, New Construction and Renovations, Myrtle Grove Elementary School, for an extra of $127,880.

97,927 J-36 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0404, New Parking Garage, Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center, for an extra of $24,197 and approved a time extension of 20 days.

97,928 J-37 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0429, Additions, Renovations and Remodeling, Norland Middle School, for an extra of $12,035 and approved a time extension of 20 days.

97,929 J-38 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 6 on Project No. A-0522, Additions, Remodeling, and Renovations, Nathan B. Young Elementary School for an extra of $37,953.

97,930 J-39 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0532, Alteration and Addition, Parkview Elementary School, for an extra of $16,705 and approved a time extension of 30 days.

97,931 J-40 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A-0536, Additions and Renovations, Miami Gardens Elementary School, for an extra of $17,354.

97,932 J-41 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 10 on Project No. A-0564, Additions, Renovations and Remodeling, John F. Kennedy Middle School, for an extra of $11,655.

97,933 J-42 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 8 on Project No. A-0569/A-0570, Additions and Renovations, Hialeah Middle/Amelia Earhart Elementary School, for an extra of $179,480 and approved a time extension of two days.

97,934 J-43 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A-0573, New Elementary School, Christina M. Eve Elementary School, for an extra of $28,504 and approved a time extension of 47 days.

97,935 J-44 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0587, New Facility, Biscayne Nature Center, for an extra of $20,338 and approved a time extension of 10 days.

97,936 J-45 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0623, Design Build, Additions, Renovations and Re-modeling, John G. DuPuis Elementary School, for an extra of $31,322.

97,937 J-46 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0690, Design-Build State School "II", Jose de Diego Middle School, for an extra of $160,890 and approved a time extension of 18 days.

97,938 J-47 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 5 on Project No. KV-0060, Design-Build Renovations, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Elementary S/S "C-1", for an extra of $21,628.

97,939 J-48 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. SAF-027, Purchase and Install of four and removal of five UST's, Various (4) Schools for an extra of $12,994, and approved a time extension of 134 days.

97,940 J-49 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. 0002-KS, Roof Repair and Replacement, North Miami Middle School, for a credit of $71,470, and approved a time extension of 129 days.

****** J-50 WITHDREW Request to terminate the contract with Jessla Construction Corporation at Hialeah Elemen-tary School, Project No. A-0534.

97,941 J-51 COMMISSIONED The firm of LIVS Associates to provide SPC services, primarily architectural in nature, for the Board.

97,942 J-52 COMMISSIONED The firm of Brown & Brown Architects to perform architectural/engineering services for the re-roofing projects at Floral Heights Elementary and North Beach Elementary, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,943 J-53 COMMISSIONED The firm of AIR/C Associates, Inc. to perform architectural/ engineering services for the re-roofing projects at F.C. Martin Elementary, Snapper Creek Elementary, and Springview Elementary, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,944 J-54 COMMISSIONED The firm of Ronald E. Frazier & Associates, P.A., to provide educational facilities com-pliance and technical review, approval and Uniform Building Code inspection services.

97,945 J-55 APPROVED The exception to recommendations in the educational plant survey, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,946 K-1 AUTHORIZED The Office of the School Board Attorney to provide for the defense of Ms. Blanca Valle in the case of Yvonne Weinstein v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Blanca Valle, USDC Case No. 99-2804-CIV-GRAHAM.

97,947 K-2 AUTHORIZED The Office of the School Board Attorney to provide outside counsel for the defense of Phyllis 0. Douglas and Carlos B. Mustelier in the Case of Maurice Cherry v. Miami-Dade County and School Board of Dade County, et al, Circuit Court Case No. 99-24482CA 27.

97,948 K-3 GRANTED The Respondent a 25 day enlargement of time to file Exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order in DOAH Case No. 98-2387, up to and including November 22, 1999.

97,949 K-4 ENTERED Its Final Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Owendolyn Tillman, Case No. DH 98-012 MORALES, accepting the Hearing Officer's Recommended Order, filed on September 17, 1999, as its Final Order.

97,950 K-5 ENTERED Its final order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Charlotte Linder, Case No. DH 98-011 Hamilton, accepting the Hearing Officer's Recommended Order, filed on October 1, 1999, as its Final Order.

97,951 K-20 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.061, Snacks and Beverages-Selling.



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