The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.
Miami, Florida
Excerpts From Unofficial Minutes of December 8, 1999 Board
APPROVED Minutes of the November 16 and 17, 1999 School Board
97,952 A-1
RECOGNIZED The 1999 National Board Certified Teachers and honor
them for their achievement.
97,953 B-1 DISCUSSED
New Business: Board Members
97,954 B-2 WITHDREW The request to schedule all teacher
training seminars after school on weekends, or during non-teaching
periods of the summer beginning in the 2000 - 2001 school year.
97,955 B-3
DIRECTED The Superintendent to study the effectiveness of
existing looping schedule programs in M-DCPS and report to the Board
the feasibility of expanding these programs.
97,956 *** CONVENED A meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Dade County School Board Foundation, Inc., during which time it
elected officers [as listed below]; and approved the annual
97,957 C-1
AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with Florida International
University's Holistic Education for the Advancement of Recreational
Therapy in School (HEARTS) Project.
97,958 C-2
AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement whereby Florida International
University will assist in defraying the cost of hiring one
teacher/trainer to work on the Miami-Dade Area Center for Educational
Enhancement project.
97,959 C-12
AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the South Florida
Employment and Training Consortium for Miami-Dade County Public
Schools to receive payment for providing Welfare-to-Work services to
100 participants.
97,960 C-30
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-383 (98/99).
97,961 C-31 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material
SM-07 (1999/2000).
97,962 C-32
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-08 (1999/2000).
97,963 C-33
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-12 (1999/2000).
97,964 C-34 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material SM-13
97,965 C-35
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-16 (1999/2000).
97,966 C-36
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-18 (1999/2000).
97,967 C-37
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-23 (1999/2000).
97,968 C-38
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-26 (1999/2000).
97,969 C-39
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-27 (1999/2000).
97,970 C-40 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material SM-29
97,971 C-41
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-34 (1999/2000).
97,972 C-42
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-36 (1999/2000).
97,973 C-43 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material
SM-40 (1999/2000).
97,974 C-44
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-41 (1999/2000).
97,975 C-45
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-45 (1999/2000).
97,976 C-46
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-47 (1999/2000).
97,977 C-47 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material
SM-49 (1999/2000).
97,978 C-48 AUTHORIZED
The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material SM-50
97,979 C-49
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-51 (1999/2000).
97,980 C-50
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-54 (1999/2000).
97,981 C-51
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material SM-60 (1999/2000).
97,982 C-55
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material 059AD (99/00).
97,983 C-56
AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental
material 060AD (99/00).
97,984 D-1
AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with Miami Behavioral Health
Center, Inc., to provide mental health services for students at
various schools.
97,985 D-2 APPROVED
The out-of-state field trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for students at
Miami Sunset Senior High School, February 5, 2000 through February
12, 2000.
97,986 D-3 APPROVED
The out-of-country field trip to England, France, and Italy for
students at Miami Coral Park Senior High School, March 30, 2000
through April 10, 2000.
97,987 E-1
APPROVED The instructional and noninstructional appointments,
reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel
Action Listing 886.
97,988 E-2
APPROVED The recommendations as set forth for appointments and
lateral transfers, to be effective December 9, 1999 or as soon
thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,989 E-3
APPOINTED Mr. Harold Young, Jr. to Executive Director,
Transportation Operations, MEP pay grade 22, 12 months, and assigned
him to Transportation Operations, effective December 9, 1999, or as
soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,990 E-4 APPOINTED
Ms. Estrella I. Diaz to Supervisor, Community Education MEP pay
grade 20, 12 months, and assigned her to the Division of Community
Education, effective December 9, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can
be facilitated.
97,991 E-5 APPOINTED
Ms. Lissette Gonzalez to the position of Coordinator, Construction
Management, pay grade 40, 12 months, and assigned her to Facilities
Planning and Construction.
97,992 E-6 APPOINTED
Ms. Evelyn Stultz, to Coordinator I, Construction Maintenance,
pay grade 40, 12 months and assigned her to Facilities Operations,
effective December 9, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be
97,993 E-8
APPOINTED Mr. Rigo Zubizarreta to Supervisor II, pay grade 44, 12
months and assigned him to Facilities Planning and Construction,
effective December 9, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be
97,994 E-9
APPROVED Mr. Juan Francisco Rodriguez to Project Manager,
Telecommunications, pay grade 42, 12 months and assigned him to the
office of Information Technology, effective December 9, 1999, or as
soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,995 E-10
APPOINTED Mr. Fernando Tercilla to Network Analyst I, pay grade
41, 12 months, and assigned him to the Office of Information
Technology, effective December 9, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can
be facilitated.
97,996 E-11
APPOINTED Mr. Bryan A. Symonette to Systems Analyst I, Systems
and Programming Services. pay grade 39, 12 months, and assigned him
to the Office of Information Technology, effective December 9, 1999,
or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,997 E-12
APPOINTED Ms. Laura M. Garcia and Mr. Joseph X. Flynn to the
positions of Senior Programmer Analyst I, Pay grade 37, 12 months and
assigned them to the Office of Information Technology, effective
December 9, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,998 E-13
APPOINTED Ms. Patricia E. Mestre to Project Supervisor I, Systems
and Programming Services, pay grade 41, 12 months, and assigned her
to the Office of Information Technology, effective December 9, 1999,
or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.
97,999 E-14
APPOINTED Ms. Tamara G. Wain to the position of Senior Auditor,
pay grade 40, 12 months, and assigned her to Management and
Compliance Audits.
98,000 E-15
AUTHORIZED The suspension of and initiation of dismissal
proceedings against Mr. Lester H. Kinnon, School Bus Driver at
Northwest Transportation Center, as delineated in the Official
98,001 E-16
AUTHORIZED The termination of the employment contract of Ms.
Valeria B. Anderson, effective December 8, 1999, at the close of the
workday, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
98,002 E-17
AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Leroy Fields, School Bus Driver,
Central East Transportation Center, for five workdays, pending the
outcome of a hearing, if requested.
98,003 E-18
AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Carl Sanon, School Bus Driver,
at South Transportation Center, for five workdays, pending the
outcome of a hearing, if requested.
98,004 F-1
AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the University of Miami
for funding Professional Development Schools under Project
98,005 F-2
AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Urban League of
Greater Miami, Inc., for funding the Achievement Matters Project.
98,006 F-3 ACCEPTED
A grant award from and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding
with Jobs for Florida's Graduates for continuation funding.
98,007 F-20
CONFIRMED The renewal of a contractual agreement with Miami-Dade
County to continue to provide countywide educational cable television
services from October 1, 1999 -September 30, 2000.
98,008 F-21
AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to issue a Request for Proposals
(RFP) for companies desiring to lease space on WLRN's planned
television/ radio transmission tower.
98,009 G-11
RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for October 1999.
98,010 G-12
APPROVED The Florida Education Finance Program Cost Report for
98,011 G-21
AUTHORIZED The exploration of the following options: a. Interest
rate swap on existing COP debt, fixed to floating; b. Interest rate
swap on existing COP debt, floating to fixed; c. Interest rate swap
on new COP debt, fixed to floating; d. Interest rate swap on new COP
debt, floating to fixed; and e. Issuance of new COP debt as floating
98,012 G-61
APPROVED The supplemental awards on various term bids, as
delineated in the Official Agenda.
98,013 G-62
RECEIVED The report of purchases made utilizing other government
98,014 G-63
AUTHORIZED The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to
utilize the following contract: State of Florida Contract
#250-050-97-1, Mini-mainframe.
98,015 G-64
AUTHORIZED The termination of Bid #228-VV02M/WBE - Herbicide.
98,016 G-65
AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #051-XX04 - Computer Network
Integration Services, with various vendors.
98,017 G-66 AUTHORIZED
The renewal of Bid #085-XX05 - Metal Products, Sheets, Angles and
Bars, with Mckinsey Steel & Supply of Florida, Inc.
98,018 G-67
AUTHORIZED The termination of item 13 - on Bid #158-XX09M/WBE
-Tools, Supplies and Equipment, Custodial I, as delineated in the
Official Agenda.
98,019 G-68
AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #177-XX04 - Network Connectivity
Devices, with various vendors, as delineated in the Official
98,020 G-69 AWARDED
Bid #209-XX01 - Cabinets, Metal Storage, to various vendors, as
delineated in the Official Agenda.
98,021 G-70 AWARDED
Bid #026-ZZ09 - Maintenance Service for Printing Equipment, to
various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
98,022 G-71 AWARDED
Bid #034-ZZ02M/WBE - Ceiling Tile Supplies, to Superior Interior
Systems, Inc.
98,023 G-72 AWARDED
Bid #041-ZZ04 - District Software Licensing and Special Purchasing
Agreement, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official
98,024 G-73 AWARDED
Bid #058-ZZ09 - Paper, Laser Printer, to Standard Register.
98,025 G-74 AWARDED
Bid #059-ZZ09 - Washer/Dryer for Varsity Athletics, to Belco Athletic
Laundry Equipment Company.
98,026 G-75
AWARDED Bid #066-ZZ01 - Armed Security Guard Services I to Delad
Security, Inc.
98,027 G-76 AWARDED
Bid #073-ZZ02 - Paneling Wood, to various vendors, as delineated in
the Official Agenda.
98,028 G-77 AWARDED
Bid #077-ZZ06 - Musical Instruments and Related Equipment, Catalog
Discount, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official
98,029 G-78 AWARDED
Bid #078-ZZ06 - Physical Education/Athletic Equipment and Supplies,
Catalog Discount, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official
98,030 G-79 AWARDED
Bid #079-ZZ06 - Medical Equipment and Supplies, Catalog Discount, to
various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
98,031 G-80
AWARDED Bid #083-ZZ10 - Physical Examinations - Bus Drivers,
South of Flagler Street to Preventive Medicine Testing Centers,
98,032 G-81 AWARDED
Bid #086-ZZ06 - Wrestling Mats, to various vendors, as delineated in
the Official Agenda.
98,033 G-82 AWARDED
Bid #093-ZZ03 - Vending Machine Pilot Program - Eight (8) Senior
High Schools, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official
98,034 G-83 AWARDED
Bid #095-ZZ02 - Plastic Laminate Sheets I (Rebid), to Wilsonart
International, Inc.
98,035 I-1
APPROVED The list of contractors for pre-qualification, and
authorized staff to issue a certificate to each contractor,
certifying pre-qualification for a period of one (1) year.
98,036 I-2 RECEIVED
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended
June 30,1999 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County.
98,037 I-3 RECEIVED
The KPMG LLP's Audit Report: The School Board of Miami-Dade County,
Florida, Management Letter, June 30,1999.
98,038 I-4 RECEIVED
The KPMG LLP's Audit Report: The School Board of Miami-Dade County,
Florida, Single Audit Reports in Accordance With OMB Circular A-133,
Year Ended June 30, 1999.
98,039 I-5 RECEIVED The Sharpton,
Brunson & Company, P.A., CPAs & Business
Consultants Audit Report: The School Board of Miami-Dade County,
Florida, Educational Facilities lmpact Fee Fund, Annual Financial
Statements, June 30,1999.
98,040 I-6 RECEIVED
The Internal Audit Report - Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected
Vocational/Adult Education Centers. November 1999, presented by the
Office of Management and Compliance Audits.
98,041 I-7 RECEIVED
The Audit Report of the Television and Radio Stations for the Fiscal
Year Ended June 30, 1999, presented by the Office of Management and
Compliance Audits.
98,042 I-8 RECEIVED
The Internal Audit Report - Review of Construction Chance Orders
October 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance
98,043 I-9 RECEIVED
The audit reports for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999 of the
charter schools and the organization listed above, presented by the
Office of Management and Compliance Audits.
98,044 I-10
AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to accept a donation valued at
$369,000.00, for computers and related equipment, software, snacks,
supplies, curriculum materials, and professional artists from South
Florida Inner City Games for use in Middle School Enrichment (MSE)
after- school programs.
98,045 I-11
AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Radisson Mart Plaza
Hotel to provide services related to the district Dade Partners
Recognition Ceremony and Reception on March 14, 2000.
98,046 I-12
AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to accept funds from the "Take
Stock in Children" Foundation to defray the cost of hiring one
Miami-Dade County Public Schools' interim senior secretary (pay grade
21) to support the statewide mentoring initiative.
98,047 I-13 ADOPTED
The Strategic Planning Goals and Objectives for 2000-2005.
98,048 J-1 RESCINDED The actions taken at the
July 14, 1999 meeting which adopted Resolution No. 99-21, determining
that certain Board-owned land is unnecessary for educational purposes
and authorized the Superintendent to initiate action for the disposal
of it; and authorized a lease agreement with Temple Israel of Greater
Miami, Inc. for the use of the property.
98,049 J-2
AUTHORIZED The execution of a purchase and sale agreement for the
purchase of the subject property at a price of $1,600,000 for the
Central West Transportation Center, as delineated in the Official
98,050 J-3
AUTHORIZED The execution of the Elementary-Middle School
Educational Facility Ground Lease Agreement with the City of North
Miami, for the construction and operation of a new K-S educational
98,051 J-4
AUTHORIZED The execution of a lease amendment with Florida East
Coast Railway Company for 25 parking spaces at the Design and
Architecture Senior High School.
98,052 J-5
AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with the Homestead
Housing Authority for the use of vacant land for the placement of
Board-owned portable classrooms, as delineated in the Official
98,053 J-6
AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with the Homestead
Housing Authority for the use of vacant land for the placement of
Board-owned portable classrooms, as delineated in the Official
98,054 J-7
AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Miami-Dade
County for space for telecommunications equipment.
98,055 J-8
AUTHORIZED The execution of grant of easement agreements with
Florida Power and Light Company, for the installation of two
easements on the Christina M. Eve Elementary School site.
98,056 J-9 WITHDREW The request to execute a lease agreement
with Biscayne Management Corporation for approximately 9,985 square
feet of office space in the 1444 Biscayne Boulevard Building for
District staff.
98,057 J-10
AUTHORIZED The execution of a purchase and sale agreement for the
purchase of the subject property for the proposed site for State
School "MM1."
98,058 J-26
AUTHORIZED A Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection of one
or more firms for cost estimating, scheduling and document
coordination services; and approved the selection committee that will
review the proposals.
98,059 J-27
COMMISSIONED The firm of The Russell Partnership to perform
architectural/engineering services for a prototype media center at
various sites.
98,060 J-28
COMMISSIONED The firm of Ludovici & Orange Consulting
Engineers, Inc. to perform site investigation of sanitary sewer
connections (Phase I) at various sites.
98,061 J-29
COMMISSIONED The firm of Fortin, Leavy, Skiles, Inc. to perform
site investigation of sanitary sewer connections (Phase I) at various
98,062 J-30
COMMISSIONED The firm of Williams-Russell and Johnson, Inc. to
perform site investigation of sanitary sewer connections (Phase I) at
various sites.
98,063 J-31
COMMISSIONED The firm of Professional Service Industries, Inc.,
to perform geotechnical/construction materials testing and consulting
98,064 J-32
COMMISSIONED The firm of ATC Associates, Inc., to perform
geotechnical/construction materials testing and consulting
98,065 J-33
AUTHORIZED Payment to Williams Scotsman, Inc., for the
utilization of 11 mobile office and instructional units.
98,066 J-34
AUTHORIZED The renewal of the contractual agreement with C.W.
Construction, Inc., Contract No. JOC98-B-SITE/CIVIL.
98,067 J-35 AWARDED Project
No. JOC99-AI, Job Order Contract/Design & Construction,
to F & L Construction, Inc.
98,068 J-36
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0335, New
Construction and Renovations, Myrtle Grove Elementary School, for an
extra of $52,587.
98,069 J-37
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0350, Renovations
and Remodeling, West Miami Middle School for a credit of $65,100.
98,070 J-38
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 13 on Project No. A-0408, Additions,
Remodeling and Renovations, Carol City Elementary School for a credit
of $1,500.
98,071 J-39
CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 9 on Project No. A-0412,
Additions, Renovations and Remodeling, Hibiscus Elementary for a
credit of $76,132.
98,072 J-40
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0416, Addition,
Remodeling and Renovation, Royal Palm Elementary School, for an extra
of $187,185 and approved a time extension of 61 days.
98,073 J-41
CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0423,
Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, Crestview Elementary School,
for an extra of $12,646.
98,074 J-42
CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 5 on Project No. A-0427,
Additions and Renovations, Highland Oaks Middle School, for an extra
of $39,200 and approved a time extension of 4 days.
98,075 J-43
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 10 on Project No. A-0459, Additions,
Renovations and Remodeling, Miami Springs Elementary School, for an
extra of $13,785.
98,076 J-44
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0522, Additions,
Remodeling and Renovations, Nathan B. Young Elementary School, for an
extra of $37,791.
98,077 J-45
CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0548, Additions and
Renovations, Greenglade Elementary School, for an extra of $54,878
and approved a time extension of 29 days.
98,078 J-46
CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 5 on Project No. A-0648,
Addition, Renovation and Remodeling, Howard Drive Elementary School,
for an extra of $6,149.
98,079 K-1
ENTERED Its final order in the case of School Board of Miami-Dade
County, Florida v. Richard V. Powell, DOAH Case No. 98-2357,
accepting the recommendations of the Administrative law Judge.
98,080 K-20
AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings to amend
Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.331, Procedures for Providing Special Education
for Exceptional Students, by amending the document, Amendment to the
Special Programs and Procedures for Exceptional Students Effective
Dates: 1999-2000, which is incorporated by reference and is part of
this rule.