Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

June 6 , 2002

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


Miami, Florida

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of June 6, 2002 Special Board Meeting

102,629        SP-1        AUTHORIZED        The Superintendent to collectively bargain the two days associated with the Pay Reduction Plan to be provided to all affected employees as days off without pay before the end of this fiscal year and for those employees who, because of the nature of their responsibilities, must work one or two of those days that they be afforded one or two days off with pay commensurately next fiscal year with the approval of an employee’s supervisor, or in the case of teachers, on designated planning day(s).

102,630       SP-2        AUTHORIZED*        The Superintendent to collectively bargain the restoration of salaries associated with the Pay Reduction Plan in the event of a determination of sufficient contingency reservesrestore an amount equal to the salaries and benefits that were reduced in fiscal year 2001-2002 in fiscal year 2003, such restoration of salaries and benefits would be perspective and not related to prior services; and, as soon after July 1, 2002 as possible, negotiate with effective bargaining agents to determine the manner and time of this restoration. This action will require the Superintendent to develop a budget for 2002-2003, taking the amount of $12.8 million off the top and proceed with developing the budget for 2002-2003.

*          Amended as reflected above.

102,631         SP-3       WITHDREW        Request for restoration of employees’ salaries.


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