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Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2004

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


Miami, Florida

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of the February 11, 2004 Board Meeting


APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of December 2, 5, 9, 8, 11 and 16, 2003; and January 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 27, 2004

APPROVED Minutes of the January 14, 2004 School Board meeting.

105,437 A-1 RECEIVED The Superintendent’s new business and reports.

105,438 A-2 RECOGNIZED Congratulated and acknowledged the accomplishments of the 2003 National Board Certified Teachers.

105,439 A-3 AMENDED The recommendation to read as follows:

1. Direct the Superintendent to schedule a special School Board Meeting, within the next two weeks, after polling School Board Members for their availability, to discuss the implications of creating an Educational Facilities Benefit District (EFBD).

2. That the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, support, in principle, the City of Homestead’s petition to Miami-Dade County Government for the discussion and consideration of the Homestead Educational Facilities Benefit District (EFBD), and to invite representatives of Miami-Dade County, the City of Homestead, Florida City and the developer and all municipalities to attend.

105,440 A-4 APPOINTED Mr. Allen M. Vann, C.P.A., to the budgeted position of Chief Auditor, pay grade 26, Office of Management and Compliance Audits, effective February 12, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

105,441 A-5 AUTHORIZED To become a member of the Florida Health Care Coalition, effective February 12, 2004, or as soon thereafter as possible, with annual dues payable in the amount of $19,000 payable to the Florida Health Care Coalition.

105,442 A-6 APPROVED Expenditures for all expenses associated with the search for Superintendent of Schools, in an amount not to exceed $200,000, as originally funded for the national search; and directed the Superintendent to provide a monthly report of expenses associated with the national search for the Superintendent of Schools.

105,443 B-1 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Balere, Inc., on behalf of Balere Language Academy, for a term of ten years, commencing with the 2004-2005 school year and ending on June 30, 2014.

105,444 B-2 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Acting for All, Inc., on behalf of Academy of Arts & Minds, for a term of ten years, commencing with the 2004-2005 school year and ending on June 30, 2014.

105,445 B-3 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with The United Property Owners of the 8.5 Square Mile Area, Inc., on behalf of Las Palmas Charter School, for a term of five years, commencing with the 2004-2005 school year and ending on June 30, 2009.

105,446 B-4 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Dr. Joseph Coats Grace Community Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Dr. Joseph Coats Grace Community Charter School, for a term of five years, commencing with the 2005-2006 school year and ending on June 30, 2010.

105,447 B-5 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Summerville Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Summerville Charter School, for a term of five years, commencing with the 2005-2006 school year and ending on June 30, 2010.

105,448 B-6 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Miami Community Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Miami Community Charter School, for a term of five years, commencing with the 2004-2005 school year and ending on June 30, 2009.

105,449 B-7 APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Ingleside, Illinois for students at Paul W. Bell Middle School, from March 26, 2004 through March 31, 2004.

105,450 B-60 ACCEPTED Grant awards from the Florida Department of Education, in the total amount of $200,000.

105,451 B-61 ENTERED Into separate contractual agreements with the Northeast Academy Charter School, in the amount of $19,000; Aventura Charter School, in the amount of $19,000; and Youth Co-Op Charter School, in the amount of $19,000; Florida Memorial College Male Explorers Program, in the amount of $19,000; South Florida Boys Choir, Inc., in the amount of $19,000; and the Music Fest Miami, Inc., in the amount of $17,956.

105,452 C-1 ACCEPTED The resignation of Karen Ann Y. Currey, teacher at George Washington Carver Middle School, effective as of the close of the workday on February 11, 2004, and approve the Settlement Agreement in this case.

105,453 C-2 ENTERED A final order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Sophia Cheeks, DOAH Case No.03-0930, adopting the Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order sustaining the suspension of Sophia Cheeks for 30 days without pay from The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida.

105,454 C-3 ENTERED A final order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Debbie T. Darlington, DOAH Case No. 03-0216, adopting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order sustaining the suspension without pay of Debbie T. Darlington for one year and demotion to food service worker with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, as of February 11, 2004, and denying any claim for back pay.

105,455 C-4 ACCEPTED The Settlement Agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida and Dalia Berrios to resolve in its entirety DOAH Case No. 03-3342.

105,456 C-5 AUTHORIZED The Board Attorney to direct outside counsel to proceed with legal action, including the filing of lawsuits against responsible parties, to recover damages incurred by the Board and other appropriate claims related to the design and construction of Caribbean Elementary School.

105,457 C-20 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13- 8C-1.17, Citizen Appearances – Board Meetings.

105,458 C-21 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend Board Rule 6Gx13- 6A-1.02, Elementary and Secondary School Calendar – 2003-2004.

105,459 C-22 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend Board Rule 6Gx13- 1B-1.01, Citizen Participation -Encouragement.

105,460 C-24 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13- 8C-1.11, Board Meetings – Presiding Official.

105,461 C-25 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13- 8C-1.23, School Board Committee Structure.

105,462 C-26 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4A-1.15, Assignment, Transfer, and Appointment - Executive Level Administrative Positions.

105,463 D-1 DISCUSSED New Business: Board Members

105,464 D-2 ADOPTED Resolution No. 04-01 proclaiming March 8-12, 2004 as National School Breakfast Week.

105,465 D-3 ADOPTED Resolution No. 04-12 proclaiming March 8-12, recognizing the “I Have A Dream”â program and its sponsors for their significant contributions to education.

105,466 D-4 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-11 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Sergeant Edmond Lee Randle, Jr. for giving his life for freedom.

105,467 D-5 DIRECTED The Superintendent to devise a plan to increase public awareness of the necessity to educate students, parents, and the community at large of the advantages of being bilingual and biliterate; developed a public relations campaign to promote participation in Miami-Dade County Public Schools dual language programs.

105,468 D-6 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-10 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Mattie Koonce Learning and Technology Center and its contributions to advancing learning in our community.

105,469 D-7 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-13 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Designating March 2004 as Women’s History Month to be celebrated in Miami-Dade County’s public schools.

105,470 D-8 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-14 of the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, endorsing recognition of March as “Arts In Our Schools Month” in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

***** D-9 WITHDREW The Superintendent’s development of a School Board rule establishing procedures for the conversion of a school to a K-8 center.

105,471 D-10 AUTHORIZED* 1. The Superintendent to conduct a feasibility study and provide a report on the advantages and disadvantages of converting recommended steps and timeline for the conversion of Frank C. Martin Elementary School to a K-8 International Baccalaureate Center, to the Board at its April 14, 2004 Meeting.

2. The School Board of Miami Dade County, Florida, approve the conversion ofFrank C. Martin Elementary School to a K-8 International Baccalaureate Center.

* Amended as reflected above.

105,472 D-11 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-15 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, in support of the National Board Certified Teachers of Miami-Dade, Inc.

105,473 D-12 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enhance the current Language Arts/Reading professional development components to include instructional strategies focused on vocabulary acquisition and use of standard English to be implemented beginning with the 2004-2005 school year.

105,474 D-13 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-16 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, endorsing National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day, February 7, 2004.

105,475 D-14 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-17 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, marking the first anniversary of Fairchild Tropical Garden’s Fairchild Challenge.

***** D-15 WITHDREW That The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida direct The Superintendent to amend the District’s 2004 State Legislative Program to Support Legislation requiring school districts to maintain sufficient levels of funding balance and requiring the Superintendent to provide a plan of action to ensure sufficient levels of fund balance.

***** D-16 WITHDREW The discussion on soft drinks in our schools.

105,476 D-17 RECEIVED* The report by the Superintendent and Chief of Police on the state of school’ security and discipline, to include, but not limited to, Districtwide and school specific summary crime data (UCR) and discipline statistics (SESIR).

* Amended to have a workshop within the next 30 days

105,477 D-18 APPROVED* A one month pilot assigning Board Member items to the Agenda section that they relate to.

* Voted on the recommendation items separately as follows:

1. Voted 7-1 to approve a one-month pilot assigning Board member items to the Agenda section that they relate to.

2. Voted 7-1 to approve a pilot deferring agenda items to the next scheduled Board Meeting when the completed agenda item and supplemental materials are not distributed by the Monday before the publication of the Board agenda, absent a showing a good cause as determined by the Board Chair.

3. Failed due to a 4-4 vote to consider an amendment to the state legislative program to review FS 1001.3715, providing flexibility for school districts to elect the School Board Chair on a countywide basis.

4. Voted 6-2 to consider an amendment to the stated legislative program to revise FS 1001.36, providing flexibility for school districts to allow for a combination of single member and at-large districts.

5. Voted 5-3 to consider an amendment to the state legislative program to propose a revision to Article IX of the State Constitution, providing flexibility for school districts to limit the term of office for a member of a school board.

105,478 D-19 FAILED To approve the recommendation of the Audit Committee and appoint Jose F. Montes de Oca as Chief Auditor, Office of Management Compliance Audits.

105,479 D-20 DIRECTED The Board Attorney to amend appropriate board rules to allow for an approximate start time of 6:30 p.m. for the monthly public hearing.

105,480 D-21 RECOGNIZED The Education Fund for its leadership in publishing the Parent Resource Guide, allowing Miami-Dade Schools to comply with the requirements of the Family and School Partnership for Student Achievement Act.

105,481 E-1 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-342, Fenix Homes of Florida at Doral, LLC, located at the northeast corner of N.W. 86 Street and N.W. 112 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $36,000.

105,482 E-2 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-271, Francis B. Compton, located at S.W. 124 Street and S.W. 95 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $15,000.

105,483 E-3 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $2,400, in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-211, Pancho Menendez Land Trust, located between S.W. 40 Street and S.W. 44 Street at S.W. 70 Avenue.

105,484 E-4 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-255, Elmer and Morag Beckette, located at 15250 S.W. 160 Street, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $7,000.

105,485 E-5 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-340, William and Thelma Davidson, located at 16130 S.W. 152 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $10,000.

105,486 E-6 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-269, US1 Commercial Real Estate Investment, LLC, located at the southeast corner of US1 AND S.W. 284 Street, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $236,600.

105,487 E-7 AUTHORIZED The execution of a lease amendment with Jack Thomas, Inc., Realtors, as agents for Omni Partnership, for use of a parking lot located at 235 N.E. 16 Street.

105,488 E-8 AUTHORIZED The execution of an amendment to the joint use agreement with Telemundo Network, Inc., for use of a parking lot located at J.W. Johnson Elementary School.

105,489 E-23 APPROVED An agreement with FMI Corporation in the amount of $129,000 for a six-month period, from February 2004 through August 2004 to assist with the implementation of the recommendations contained in the FMI assessment dated October 2003.

105,490 E-24 AUTHORIZED The adjustment of the capital budget as detailed in the Official Agenda, and in the event there are, at the time of transfer, insufficient available funds in a structure from which to transfer the indicated amount, the difference will be provided from contingencies, reserves or other accounts; and made the changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.

105,491 E-25 APPROVED Amending the agreement with Gili-McGraw Architects, Inc., for the re-use of its prototype Primary Learning Center (PLC) design at Shenandoah Elementary (PLC “B-1”), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,492 E-28 AWARDED Project No. A0722, Design-Build, Hialeah Elementary School to F & L Construction, Inc; and transferred $796,889 from Program 0001 – Undistributed Capital Contingency to Program 2037 – Hialeah Elementary Project.

105,493 E-29 AWARDED Project No. A0723, Design-Build, North Twin Lakes Elementary School to MCM Corporation; and transferred $1,243,024 from Program 0001 – Undistributed Capital Contingency to Program 2190 – Hialeah Elementary Project.

105,494 E-30 REJECTED All bids on Project No. A0724A, Design-Build, Window Replacement, L.C. Evans Elementary School; and authorized advertisement and rebidding of the project.

105,495 E-31 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 16 on Project No. A0507, New High School – Design/Build, Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School for additional cost of $25,351.

105,496 E-32 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A0697, Remodeling of auditorium, Hialeah Senior High School for additional cost of $106,558 and approve a time extension of 113 days.

105,497 E-33 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0710, – Design/Build, S/S “QQ” @ Richmond Heights Middle Site for an additional cost of $55,468 and a time extension of 353 days.

105,498 E-34 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A0750A, Media Center Addition, Air Base Elementary School for an additional cost of $900.

105,499 E-50 AWARDED Project No. AL0004, Roof Replacement, Coral Way Elementary School, on the basis of Base Bid in the amount of $525,000 to the low bidder: Weiss & Woolrich Southern Enterprises, Inc., 1431 SW 30 Avenue, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442.

***** E-51 WITHDREW Modification to Service Agreement with UNICCO Service Company.

105,500 F-1 APPROVED The prequalification certification, renewal, as well as the increase and change of certification type for contractors, as indicated above.

105,501 F-3 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected Centers, January 2004, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,502 F-4 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected ACCESS Center 1 Schools, January 2004, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,503 F-5 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected ACCESS Center 4 Schools, January 2004, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,504 F-6 RECEIVED The audit reports of Liberty City Charter School; Dade Marine Institute, Inc.; Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club, Inc.; and Wings for Life-Florida, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,505 F-7 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2004-057 – Report on Significant Findings and Financial Trends In Audits of District School Boards For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,506 F-8 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2004-059 – Review of Charter School and District School Board Audit Reports Prepared by Independent Certified Public Accountants For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2002, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,507 F-12 AUTHORIZED The suspension and initiation of dismissal proceedings against Mr. Reginald M. Davis, Security Monitor at Brownsville Middle School for 30 workdays without pay, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

***** F-13 WITHDREW The suspension and initiation of dismissal proceedings against Mr. Don L. Jackson, Teacher at Norland Elementary School, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

105,508 G-1 ADOPTED Resolution No. 2, 2003-04 General Fund Mid-Year Budget Review, decreasing revenues, appropriations and reserves by (39,336,763).

105,509 G-2 ADOPTED Resolution No. 1, 2003-04 Other Federal Programs (Contracted Programs) Fund Mid-Year Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $27,248,254; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (page 2) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (page 5).

105,510 G-16 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Reports for December 2003.

105,511 G-17 APPROVED The Non-Expendable Personal Property Inventory Deletions containing 3281 items with a depreciated cost of $1,027,673 and Recoveries containing 103 items with a depreciated cost of $43,871 to update the records as indicated in October, November and December 2003 reports.

105,512 G-18 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of the Settlement Agreement between The State of Florida Department of Children and Families and The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida in the amount of $470,541.

105,513 G-21 APPROVED Resolutions 04-06, 04-07, 04-08, 04-09 authorizing the re-marketing of the GO Bonds Series 1994A & Series 1995 and; the payment of the Costs of Issuance listed on Exhibit A upon a successful completion of the transaction.

105,514 G-22 APPROVED The Request for Proposal for selection of underwriters presented as Exhibit A, appointed a School Board member to participate in the Selection Committee, and approved the Selection Committee presented as Exhibit B.

105,515 G-60 APPROVED The supplemental award on term bid, as delineated in the Official Agenda, inasmuch as the estimated requirements, previously awarded by the Board, will be exceeded before the bid term expires.

105,516 G-61 AUTHORIZED To correct Award Contract No. 015-CC01 – Fire-Alarm Components, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,517 G-62 AUTHORIZED The termination and re-awarding Bid No. 089-CC03M/WBE – Food Items, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,518 G-64 AWARDED Bid No. 190-CC08M/WBE – Towels, Bath, to Total Connection, Inc.

105,519 G-65 AWARDED Bid No. 191-CC08 – Paper: Multipurpose Xerographic, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,520 G-66 AWARDED PartialBid No. 001-DD08 – Physical Education Supplies, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,521 G-67 AWARDED Balance of bid Bid No. 005-DD05 – Classroom Supplies Catalog Discount, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,522 G-68 AWARDED Bid No. 006-DD07 – Automotive/Industrial Batteries, to Dieseltron Pacific D.B.A. Battery Sales.

105,523 G-69 AWARDED Bid No. 032-DD01 – Fire-Alarm Services Contract, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,524 G-70 AWARDED Bid No. 035-DD07 – Underground Petroleum Storage Tank: Removal, Cleanup and Reporting, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,525 G-71 AWARDED Bid No. 038-DD03 – Fresh-Delivered Bagels and Glazed Doughnuts, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,526 G-72 AWARDED Partial Bid No. 061-DD03 – Cafeteria Paper and Plastic Supplies II, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

***** G-73 WITHDREW Bid No. 046-DD03 – Storage and Delivery of Dry, Frozen and Refrigerated Commodities, to School Food Service.

105,527 G-74 AWARDED Bid No. 054-DD07 – Original Equipment Manufacturer's (OEM) Replacement Parts and Service, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,528 G-75 AWARDED Bid No. 055-DD07 – Radiator Servicing And Repairs For Motor Vehicles And Equipment (rebid), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,529 H-1 APPROVED The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves and separations as included in the Personnel Action Listing 936.

105,530 H-2 APPROVED Appointments and Lateral Assignments of Managerial Exempt, Professional, and Technical Personnel for 2003-2004.

105,531 H-3 AUTHORIZED Appointment and assignments of managerial exempt and professional and technical personnel for candidates new to the District, as delineated in the Office Agenda.

105,532 H-4 APPROVED The list of instructional personnel assigned to teach out-of-field for the 2003-2004 school year, Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Survey 3.

105,533 H-6 AUTHORIZED To contractually employ Ms. Julie Palm as Administrative Assistant to School Board Member, Ms. Betsy Kaplan, effective February 12, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

105,534 H-7 TABLED The Superintendent's reorganization and restructuring of select positions in maintenance operations department, as delineated in the Official Agenda, until the March 17, 2004 Board Meeting.




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