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Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2004

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


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Miami, Florida 33132

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of the September 8, 2004 School Board Meeting


APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of August 10, 17, 19, 24, and 26, 2004.

APPROVED Minutes of the August 18 and 26, 2004 School Board meetings.

106,374 A-1 HEARD Superintendent’s New Business and Reports.

106,375 A-2 APPROVED The Five-Year Educational Facilities Work Plan.

106,376 A-3 RECEIVED The Report on the Future Outlook for Operating Budget Process: From Continuation Budget To Strategic Choices Approach.

106,377 A-4 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2005-022 – Miami-Dade County District School Board, Information Technology Audit, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

106,378 B-1 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-47 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, proclaiming October 4-8, 2004, as Exceptional Student Education Week in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

106,379 B-2 RENEWED The endorsement of October 23-31, 2004, as Red Ribbon Week in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

106,380 B-3 RECEIVED The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) School Choice Plan, entitled I Choose Miami-Dade County Public Schools!

106,381 B-4 APPROVED The relocation of ASPIRA Eugenio Maria de Hostos Youth Leadership Charter School to 137 NE 19 Street, Miami, Florida 33132, and 3650 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida 33127, for approximately two months.

106,382 B-5 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enter into a second interlocal agreement by and between Miami-Dade County, Florida, and The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to issue final development orders of public charter schools, in accordance with Article XI, Public Charter Schools Facilities, in Chapter 33 (Zoning Code), Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, pursuant to Ordinance Number 04-108, and enacted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 8, 2004.

106,383 B-6 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the American Red Cross of Broward County and Greater Miami and the Keys Chapters, Health and Safety Services, to provide first aid training and certification to 700 selected school personnel, as required by Florida State Statute 381.0056, Section 8, and Chapter 64F-6.004 of the Florida Administrative Code, effective September 13, 2004 through June 30, 2005, in an amount not to exceed $14,000.

106,384 B-22 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enter into a contractual agreement with South Florida Workforce, Inc., (SFW) and accept funding in the amount of $100,000 to provide seventh-period classes for at-risk students in 14 high schools, effective September 9, 2004 through June 30, 2005; and to accept an additional $140,000, pending availability of funds, to support and enhance the seven-period program.

106,385 B-23 AUTHORIZED Two contractual agreements with the State of Florida, Department of Health, Child Care Food Program, administered by the United States Department of Agriculture to provide breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks to babies and toddlers at COPE Center North and Dorothy M. Wallace COPE Center South, effective October 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 school year; and the receipt of reimbursements for these services effective July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005, in an amount not to exceed $300,000, of which each center will be the recipient of 50 percent of the funds issued.

106,386 B-60 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Dr. Joseph C. Bondi to provide staff development and educational consultative services, in an amount not to exceed $23,270, effective September 18, 2004 through February 25, 2005.

106,387 D-1 DISCUSSED New Business: Board Members.

106,388 D-3 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-50 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Dr. Michael M. Krop for his 24 years of dedicated service on the Miami-Dade County School Board.

106,389 D-4 APPROVED Resolution Nos. 04-51 and 04-52 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Dr. Modesto A. Maidique and Ambassador Paul L. Cejas, respectively, for their assistance and contributions to the superintendent selection process.

106,390 D-5 DIRECTED* The Superintendent to review the existing establish a Code of Student Conduct for Pre-K and Kindergarten students, and if necessary, come back to the Board with suggestions for change.

* Amended, as reflected above.

106,391 D-6 DIRECTED* The Superintendent to study the feasibility of establishing a district administrative steering committee to coordinate parent/family information and involvement activities, and to work with all of the parental involvement agencies and Dr. Petersen to create it.

* Amended, as reflected above.

106,392 D-7 AUTHORIZED The out-of-country field trip to Kigali, Rwanda, for a student, Carrington Bester, who attends Miami Carol City Senior High School, and a teacher, Ms. Angela Youngblood, at Carol City Elementary School, from October 3-10, 2004.

106,393 D-8 AGREED* To submit the name of David Lawrence, Jr., to the Educational Facilities Naming Committee for consideration, in accordance with School Board Rule 6Gx13-7E-1.02.

* Amended, as reflected above.

106,394 D-9 RECOGNIZED The collaborative partnership between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, and directed the Superintendent and appropriate staff to further collaborate on curriculum and historical outreach projects and strengthen its ties for the cultural education of our students.

106,395 E-1 AUTHORIZED The negotiation of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Lucky Start at Blue Waters, LLC, providing for a prepayment of $1,000,000 in educational facilities impact fees for the construction of a 12-unit modular classroom facility at Pine Villa Elementary School.

106,396 E-2 AUTHORIZED* The renewal of the lease agreement with Miami-Dade County for the South Dade Skills Center located at 28300 SW 152 Avenue, at an annual rental rate of $1. The term of the renewal option period will commence December 1, 2004 and will end November 30, 2005. All other terms and conditions of the lease agreement will remain unchanged; and directed the Superintendent to pursue the possible purchase of the South Dade Skills Center or trade for the former Bethune Elementary School site or other District-owned property not suitable for school use, and update the Board at its meeting of November 17, 2004, as to the viability of such a sale or trade.

* Amended as reflected above.

106,397 E-3 AUTHORIZED The execution of a Joint Operating Agreement for Miami MetroZoo with Miami-Dade County for the Science/Zoo Magnet Program at Richmond Heights Middle School, substantially in conformance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Official Agenda.

106,398 E-4 APPROVED An exception to the standard site size for Kinloch Park Elementary School as delineated in the agenda item; and authorized the Superintendent to submit to the State of Florida Department of Education the Board-approved site exception.

106,399 E-5 AUTHORIZED* The Superintendent and the Board Attorney to review the proposed Miami-Dade County Zoning Ordinance relating to Miami International Airport, and provide comments and suggested revisions to the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County prior to the date established for the hearing to discuss the Ordinance.

* Amended, to add the following items to staff’s recommendation:

1. Reconfirm the School Board’s interest to secure an automatic waiver to restrictions for building schools in the flight path.

2. Implement Board action of April 8th, convening a committee to secure authority to build educational facilities in the flight path zones.

3. Ask the County Commission to defer action on any ordinance until the School Board provides formal input.

4. Ask the Florida Attorney General to opine on the jurisdictional roles of county, school boards, and municipal governments relating to schools in the flight path.

106,400 E-6 DIRECTED The Superintendent to implement Option B and revise the current small and large prototype middle school facilities lists, to include the “Revisions to Prototype Middle School Facilities Lists,” referenced in Exhibit 1, increasing the student stations in the small prototype from 1,528 to 1,662 (large prototype from 2,120 to 2,232), and funding the budget shortfall of $2,486,938 for prototypical middle state school “NN-1”.

106,401 E-7 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to implement the revisions to the prototype “MLC” and “K-8” facilities lists that were identified as part of a feasibility study, and as summarized in the Official Agenda.

106,402 E-20 AUTHORIZED An adjustment to the capital budget in the amount of $1,131,714; and changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.

106,403 E-21 APPROVED The renegotiation of the terms and conditions for a one (1) year extension to the agreement with The Gordian Group, Inc., for the continued Job Order Contracting consulting services.

106,404 E-22 WITHDREW* Request to commission Spillis Candela DMJM as Design Criteria Professional (DCP) for a new prototype senior high school (State School “WWW” – Project No. A0811), to be located at the southwest corner of West 41 Street & West 18 Avenue, Hialeah, and intended to provide relief for Miami Springs Senior High School, under the terms and conditions set forth in the Official Agenda.

* Withdrawn during the meeting for further review.

106,405 E-23 APPROVED An amendment to the architectural/engineering services agreement with Zyscovich, Inc., for the Additions, Remodeling, Renovations and Replacement Project at Miami Beach Senior High School (Project No. A0795 & A0795A), under the terms and conditions set forth in the Official Agenda.

106,406 E-25 COMMISSIONED The firm of Architeknics Architects & Planners, Inc., to provide architectural/engineering services for the first phase of the renovations and remodeling project at Henry H. Filer Middle School, Project No. A0833, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

106,407 E-26 WITHDREW* Request to commission the firm of Zyscovich, Inc., as Design Criteria Professional (DCP) to prepare a final scope/program validation for a new prototype senior high school – State School “BBB1” (North Miami Senior High Replacement) Project No. A01015, under the terms and conditions set forth in the Official Agenda.

* Withdrawn during the meeting for further review.

106,408 E-27 AUTHORIZED The execution of an agreement with the City of Hialeah and the execution of relevant conveyance documents for the provision of water and wastewater services for planned improvements at the North Twin Lakes Elementary School site, Project No. A0773, at an approximate cost of $71,100, which is included in the construction contract.

106,409 E-28 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No.A0810, Design-Build – Addition, Coral Gables Senior High School for an additional cost of $72,425 and approved a time extension of 7 days.

106,410 E-29 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0816, New – Gymnasium Addition, Remodeling and Renovation, Miami Norland Senior High School, for an additional cost of $45,300.

106,411 E-30 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 onProject No. BB999967, Safety-to-Life, Miami Senior High School, for a credit of $31,301, and approved a time extension of 18 days.

106,412 E-70 ADOPTED Tentatively, the millage resolution for 2004-05 for a total of 8.687 mills.

106,413 E-71 ADOPTED The 2004-05 Annual Budget by approving changes from the Tentative Adopted Budget enumerated on pages 2 through 12, and the revenues and appropriations delineated on the official state budget forms, and including any amendments approved by the Board following the public hearing on September 8, 2004.

106,414 E-72 ADOPTED Resolution No. 4, 2003-04 General Fund Final Budget Review; and the Summary of Revenues & Appropriations (Page 4) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (Page 9).

106,415 E-73 APPROVED Resolution No. 1, 2003-04 Debt Service Funds Final Budget Review, by (1) recognizing changes in revenue, non-revenue sources, and transfers in from other funds, and (2) amending appropriations.

106,416 E-74 APPROVED Resolution No. 3, 2003-04 Capital Outlay Funds Budget, (a) recognizing new revenues, (b) amending appropriations, and (c) documenting changes in object codes, as described and summarized on Page 6; and authorized changes to the Five-Year Facilities Work Program which result from Resolution No. 3, 2003-04 Capital Outlay Funds Budget.

106,417 E-75 ADOPTED Resolution No. 3, 2003-04 Contracted Programs Fund Final Budget Review, decreasing revenues and appropriations by $20,051,477; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (Page 2) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (Page 4).

106,418 E-76 APPROVED Resolution No. 2, 2003-04 Food Service Fund Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations/ending fund balance by $3,492,939.

106,419 E-77 ADOPTED Resolution No. 1, the 2003-04 Miscellaneous Special Revenue – School Board Law Enforcement Trust Fund – Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $36,579, as shown on Page 2 of 2 of the schedule.

106,420 E-78 ADOPTED Resolution No. 1, Miscellaneous Special Revenue – School Board Special Events Trust Fund – Final Budget Review, decreasing revenues and appropriations by $121,754, as reflected on the schedule.

106,421 E-79 ADOPTED Resolution No. 1, the 2003-04 Fiduciary Fund – Pension Trust – Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $2,769,436, as shown on Page 2 of 2 of the schedule.

106,422 E-86 APPROVED The Annual Financial Report for 2003-2004, and the Florida Education Finance Program Cost Report for 2003-2004; and authorized the Superintendent to submit the approved reports to the Florida Department of Education.

106,423 E-87 APPROVED The Non-Expendable Personal Property Inventory Deletions containing 7,891 items with a depreciated cost of $­1,751,234, and Recoveries containing 48 items with a depreciated cost of $11,979, to update the records as indicated in the April, May and June 2004 reports.

106,424 E-111 APPROVED The prequalification and renewal certifications of contractors, as indicated in the agenda item; denied the request to increase the single project prequalification limit and change the trade/work classification for Coreland Construction Corporation; and denied American Contracting, Inc.’s application for Contractor Prequalification Certification.

106,425 E-131 APPROVED The supplemental awards on the contracts delineated in the Official Agenda.

106,426 E-132 AWARDED Bid No. 122-DD10 – Physical Examinations– Bus Drivers, South of Flagler Street, to Legion Park Medical Center, effective September 8, 2004 through September 7, 2006.

106,427 E-133 AWARDED Partial Bid No. 085-DD08 – Art Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 8, 2004 through September 7, 2006.

106,428 E-134 REJECTED Bid No. 104-DD03 – Fresh-Delivered Pizza, A La Carte, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

106,429 E-135 AWARDED Bid No. 114-DD11 – Copying Equipment, Service and Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2006.

106,430 E-136 AWARDED Partial Bid No. 117-DD02 – Custodial Cleaning Products and Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 10, 2004 through September 9, 2005.

106,431 E-137 AWARDED Bid No. 121-DD10 – Recycling of Ballasts and Mercury-Containing Lamps, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2006.

106,432 F-1 AUTHORIZED The Office of the School Board Attorney to provide for the defense of Ms. Graciela Cerra and Ms. Aylin R. Mendiola in the case of Peter Anthony Hereu, et al. v. Florida Department of Education, Miami-Dade County School Board, Graciela “Cheli” Cerra, Aylin R. Mendiola, Vonda Christie, and Ivonne Nieves Marrero, Circuit Case No. 04-17852-CA-06.

106,433 F-21 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceeding, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-5B-1.04, Promotion, Placement, and Graduation Grades K-12 and Adult,and amend the document, StudentProgressionPlan 2003-2004, which is incorporated by reference and is part of this rule.

106,434 G-1 AUTHORIZED The purchase of the OSSI system, necessary training and labor by approving the release of $525,000 of a Department of Justice Technology Grant awarded to the Miami-Dade School Police Department in 2002.

106,435 H-1 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, for funding the Adults with Disabilities and Senior Adult Learners Program, in the amount of $2,229,829, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,436 H-2 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, under the Learn and Serve America School-Based Program, in the amount of $47,250, for a grant period of September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005.

106,437 H-3 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the WLRN-TV Community Service Television Program, in the amount of $557,675, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,438 H-4 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the WLRN-FM Community Service Radio Program, in the amount of $106,614, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,439 H-5 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the WLRN-FM Radio Reading Services for the Blind Program, in the amount of $45,323, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,440 H-6 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Geographical Continuation Program, and separate contractual agreements with Aspira of Florida, Inc., Coalition of Florida Farmworkers Organization, Inc., James E. Scott Community Association; and the Brown Schools Foundation Troy Community Academy, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

106,441 H-7 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for Funding under the Adult Education English Literacy and Civics Education Continuation Program; and separate contractual agreements with Aspira of Florida, Inc.; Coalition of Florida Farmworkers Organization, Inc.; Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc. (Haitian Women of Miami); and Miami Dade College, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

106,442 H-8 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the Title IV Community Service Program; and a contractual agreement with the Brown Schools Foundation TROY Community Academy, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

106,443 H-9 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the Title IV Community Service Program at Allapattah Middle School, in the amount of $43,175, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,444 H-10 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the Tech Prep Program under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, in the amount of $345,507, for the grant period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.

106,445 K-1 APPROVED The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 943.

106,446 K-2 APPROVED The recommendations as set forth in the Official Agenda for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective September 9, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated, with the exception of the effective dates as noted throughout the item.

106,447 K-4 ­ APPROVED The instructional personnel assigned to teach out-of-field for the period of April 29, 2004 through October 15, 2004. The Superintendent shall provide an updated report of all instructional out-of-field assignments, no later than October 19, 2004.

106,448 K-5 AUTHORIZED The inclusion of the position of Deputy Superintendent, Professional Development; the position of Chief Facilities Maintenance and Construction Officer; and the two positions of Assistant Superintendent; Instructional Support (Elementary/Secondary) into the Senior Management Service Class of the Florida Retirement System, effective October 1, 2004.

106,449 K-6 APPROVED The proposed M-DCPS/UTD Memorandum of Understanding authorizing School Improvement Plan waivers, effective September 8, 2004.

106,450 K-20 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Angela G. Page, School Bus Driver at Central West Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,451 K-21 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Michelle A. Holt, School Bus Driver at Central East Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,452 K-22 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Pamela K. Sokol, Teacher at J.R.E. Lee Opportunity School, for 30 workdays without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004.

106,453 K-23 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Luis E. Mosquera, School Bus Driver at Central East Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,454 K-24 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Armando A. Ferreiro, School Bus Driver at Northwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,455 K-25 AUTHORIZED The suspension of suspend Ms. Cassandra D. Smith, School Bus Driver at North Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,456 K-26 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Serina L. McCray, School Bus Driver at Northwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,457 K-27 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Jeneen D. Cambridge, School Bus Driver at South Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,458 K-28 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Serge Guervil, School Bus Driver at South Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,459 K-29 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Teresa A. Hart, School Bus Driver at South Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,460 K-30 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Shirley D. Scott, School Bus Driver at Northeast Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,461 K-31 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Gladys Cineus, School Bus Driver at South Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,462 K-32 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Ronald D. Cutler, School Bus Driver at Northwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,463 K-33 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Terry Haynes, Head Custodian at Miami Park Elementary School, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,464 K-34 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Ms. Pauline McPherson, School Bus Driver at Southwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

106,465 K-35 AUTHORIZED The suspension of Mr. Ronnie R. Bell, Custodian at ACCESS Center 3, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 8, 2004, without recourse to an administrative hearing.

106,466 K-41 AUTHORIZED The purchase of all risk, replacement cost Boiler and Machinery Coverage with The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB)(A.M. Best A+ IV), as delineated in the Official Agenda.



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