APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of December 2, 9, and 14, 2004.
APPROVED Minutes of the December 15, 2004 School Board meeting.
106,867 A-1 HEARD Superintendent’s New Business and Reports.
106,868 B-1 HEARD New Business: Board members.
106,869 B-3 DIRECTED The Superintendent to review testing processes and develop a plan to be presented at the May 18, 2005 meeting. This plan will identify the key steps to be undertaken to review and streamline current assessment programs, including implementation timelines and projected cost considerations.
******** B-4 WITHDREW Proposal to direct the Superintendent to convene the Educational Facilities Naming Committee, pursuant to School Board Rule 6Gx13-7E-1.02, Educational Facilities-Naming, to consider the renaming of South Miami Middle Community School to Betsy H. Kaplan Middle Community School.
106,870 B-6 REQUESTED* The Superintendent review the course offerings available at senior high schools and the number of students in said courses, and provide a report to the Board with recommendations prior to the end of the school year.
* Amended, as reflected above.
106,871 B-7 AUTHORIZED Rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.17, Citizen Appearances-Board Meetings.
106,872 B-8 APPROVED Resolution No. 05-01 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the West Dade Regional Library and the Miami-Dade County Public Library System for their years of service and support for the District 8 Holiday Book Giveaway.
106,873 C-1 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent of Schools to involve Miami-Dade County Public Schools in a voluntary emergency districtwide monetary collection, sponsored by the United Way from January 20 through February 17, 2005.
106,874 C-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to issue a Request for Proposals from agencies to provide Respiratory Therapist, Registered Nurse, and Licensed Practical Nurse services for the education of students with disabilities and Section 504 students, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006; and approved a selection committee to evaluate the submitted proposals.
106,875 C-3 APPROVED The Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Instructional Technology Plan 2005 Update.
106,876 C-4 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-51 (2004-2005).
106,877 C-5 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-58 (2004-2005).
106,878 C-6 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-65 (2004-2005).
106,879 C-7 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a $50,400 donation from LNR Property Corporation for the After-School Tutorial program at Fienberg-Fisher Elementary School. No local funds are required.
106,880 C-8 APPROVED The application for Bridge Academy, Inc., on behalf of Bridge Academy; and authorized the Superintendent to negotiate a charter school contractual agreement for a term of five years, commencing with the 2005-2006 school year through the conclusion of the 2010-2011 school year, which reflects the contents of the application as approved by the School Board.
106,881 C-9 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for funding under the William F. Goodling Even Start Family Literacy Program (Continuation) at Ethel Koger Beckham and Zora Neale Hurston Elementary Schools, in the amount of $485,000, for the grant period of October 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.
106,882 C-10 AUTHORIZED The issuance of a Request for Proposal for the delivery of supplementary instructional services in the areas of writing, reading and mathematics to Title I eligible students enrolled in participating non-public schools, for the period of August 2005 through June 2006, renewable annually for up to 3 additional years; and approved the Selection Committee.
106,883 C-11 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for funding under the Homeless Children and Youth Program, in the amount of $72,182, for the grant period of November 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.
106,884 C-12 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of two grant awards from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for funding under the Public Charter School Federal Grant Program, in the amount of $500,000, for the grant period of August 30, 2004 through September 30, 2005; and the entering into separate contractual agreements in the total amount of $476,508 [with Somerset Academy, Inc.], for the grant period of August 30, 2004 through September 30, 2005.
106,885 C-13 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title III: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students, in the amount of $9,212,098, for the grant period October 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.
106,886 C-14 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of six grant awards from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for funding under the Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Program in the amount of $863,839, for the grant period of July 20, 2004 through June 30, 2005; and the entering into separate contractual agreements in the total amount of $823,251, for the grant period of July 20, 2004 through June 30, 2005, with ASPIRA of Florida, Inc.; Downtown Miami Charter, Inc.; Mater Academy, Inc.; and Rosa Parks Charter Schools, Inc., as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,887 C-15 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel to provide services related to the District Teacher-of-the-Year Recognition Ceremony on February 1, 2005. There will be no cost to the District.
106,888 D-1 AWARDED The balance of Bid No. 085-DD08 – Art Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective January 19, 2005 through September 7, 2006.
106,889 D-2 ADOPTED Dr. Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent of Schools, and Dr. Irving Hamer, Deputy Superintendent, School Improvement, recommended that The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, adopt new School Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.024, School Improvement Zone School Calendar, 2004-2005; and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 28, 2005.
106,890 D-3 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with National School Safety and Security Services to conduct tabletop simulation training exercises in each region and provide workshops for Transportation personnel. The services will be funded by the United States Department of Education Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant Project, at an amount not to exceed $161,000, for the contract period of January 19, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
106,891 D-4 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Miami-Dade College to perform services related to the United States Department of Education Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant, in an amount not to exceed $123,000, for a contract period of January 19, 2005 through June 30, 2006.
******** D-5 WITHDREW Request for a contractual agreement with Dr. Gary Feinberg to serve as the external evaluator on the United States Department of Education Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant Project.
106,892 D-6 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2005-072: Review of Charter School, Charter Technical Career Center, and District School Board Audit Reports Prepared by Independent Certified Public Accountants for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003.
106,893 D-7 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2005-074: Miami-Dade County District School Board Capital Construction Funding Activities.
106,894 D-10 APPROVED The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 947.
106,895 D-11 AUTHORIZED The establishment and classification of Managerial Exempt Personnel (MEP) positions; and approved recommendations for appointments and lateral transfers, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,896 D-12 APPROVED Instructional personnel assigned to teach out-of-field [as delineated in the Official Agenda], for the period of October 18, 2004 through February 11, 2005. The Superintendent shall provide an updated report of all instructional out-of-field assignments, no later than February 18, 2005.
106,897 D-13 RATIFIED The 2004-2005 Addendum to the 2003-2006 Labor Contract with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 1184, effective July 1, 2004.
106,898 D-14 APPROVED The Managerial Exempt Personnel Salary Schedules, salary increases, and pay adjustments, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,899 D-15 AUTHORIZED An agreement with Teacher Excellence through Compensation (TEC), to provide professional and technical consulting services in the area of incentive pay, effective January 20, 2005 through April 19, 2005, with consulting fees not to exceed $92,000, including travel and other related expenses; and grant an exception to School Board Rule 6Gx13-3F-1.021. The appropriation for this item is included in the General Fund of the 2004-05 adopted budget.
106,900 D-16 AUTHORIZED The recommended 2004-2005 Salary Schedules IO; and eligible incumbents to receive a 2.0% increase in salary effective August 12, 2004 for 10-month employees and July 1, 2004 for 12-month employees.
106,901 D-17 ACCEPTED The resignation of Mr. Clifford Avron, Teacher at North Miami Beach Senior High School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005.
106,902 D-18 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Mahmoud E. Bryce, Custodian at Norwood Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,903 D-19 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Derrick Coleman, Paraprofessional at Jose De Diego Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,904 D-20 DEMOTED Mr. Roderick E. Coakley, Head Custodian at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, to Custodian, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,905 D-21 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Guanacheloes T. Johnson, Custodian at North Beach Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,906 D-22 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Kevin Jinks, Refrigeration Mechanic at Facilities Operations-South Central Satellite, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,907 D-23 RESCINDED The employment contract of Mr. Emil V. Petitto, Teacher at Allapattah Middle School, because of the revocation of his teaching certificate by the Education Practices Commission of the State of Florida, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005.
106,908 D-24 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Ms. Yolanda A. Trujillo, Paraprofessional at Richmond Heights Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,909 D-25 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Alan E. Staple, Community School Activities Leader III at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,910 D-26 DEMOTED Ms. Trathelle P. Knight, Operations Helper at Central East Transportation Center, to Bus Aide, effective at the close of the workday on January 19, 2005, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.
106,911 E-1 APPROVED The implementation of the Strategic Choices Approach for the Operating Budget Process for the 2006 and 2007 FY budgets.
106,912 E-2 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for November 2004.
106,913 E-3 REAPPOINTED Mr. Floyd Denison to the Investment Advisory Committee for a period of four years.
106,914 E-4 AMENDED The Board’s 2005 State Legislative Program, to require, at a minimum, that the auditor notify the charter school governing board of a deficit financial position; and require that when a charter school is in a deficit financial position, the charter school file a detailed financial recovery plan with the sponsoring school district. Guidelines relating to the content of such a plan should be established by the FLDOE.
106,915 E-5 APPROVED The 2004 - 2005 Educational Excellence School Advisory Council Membership Rosters.
106,916 E-21 AUTHORIZED Rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.09, Disposal of Tangible Personal Property.
106,917 E-22 AUTHORIZED Rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.111, Donations and Gifts of Property.
106,918 E-23 AUTHORIZED Rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3D-1.021, Internal Fund/ School Activities - Specific Procedures, and the pages to the document Manual of Internal Fund Accounting for Elementary and Secondary Schools, which is incorporated by reference and made part of this rule.
106,919 E-24 AUTHORIZED Rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3D-1.05, Inventory – Equipment, and the document, Manual of Property Control Procedures, which is incorporated by reference and made part of this rule.
106,920 E-25 ADOPTED School Board Rule 6Gx13-3A-1.012, Procedures for Warrants and Electronic Transfer of Board Funds, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective January 19, 2005.
106,921 E-141 APPROVED The supplemental awards on the term contracts, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,922 E-143 AUTHORIZED A contractual services agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Excelsior Software, Inc., pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 059-DD10 – Electronic Gradebook Program 2003-2004, to provide a districtwide electronic gradebook program to reduce teacher paperwork in preparing student grades and to improve the process of preparing studentprogress reports, effective January 19, 2005 through June30, 2009.
106,923 E-144 CORRECTED The term of Contract No. 078-CC01 – Moving of Furniture and Equipment, effective May 14, 2003 through May 13, 2005, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,924 E-145 AWARDED Bid No. 123-DD01 – Mobile Cafeteria Tables, to Schoolhouse Products, Inc., effective February 19, 2005 through February 18, 2006.
106,925 E-146 AWARDED Bid No. 033-EE07 – Diesel Fuel #2, North of Flagler Street, Tank Wagon Delivery, to B.V. Oil Company, Inc. (Primary), and MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, Inc. (Alternate), effective January 19, 2005 through January 18, 2007.
106,926 E-147 AWARDED Bid No. 019-EE03 - Beverages: Carbonated, as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective January 19, 2005 through December 30, 2005.
106,927 E-150 AWARDED Bid No. 029-EE07 – Charter Bus Service, In and Out of County, as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective January 19, 2005 through July 31, 2006.
******** E-151 WITHDREW Request to award Bid No. 014-EE05 – Office Supplies, Catalog Discount.
106,928 F-1 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-244, Declar Investments, Inc., located at the southeast corner of SW 132 Street and SW 130 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $7,200.
106,929 F-2 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-277, Laroc, LLC, located at the northeast corner of SW 9 Street and SW 147 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $4,800.
106,930 F-3 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-377, Richards Tractors and Implements, Inc., located at the southeast corner of SW 160 Avenue and SW 306 Street, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $32,000.
106,931 F-4 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-068, Florida Power and Light Co., located at the northeast corner of SW 256 Street and SW 132 Avenue, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $60,000.
106,932 F-5 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-361, TCY Limited, Inc., a/k/a Maule Lake Marina Condominium), located at 17201 Biscayne Boulevard, North Miami Beach, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $175,000, and subject to the terms and conditions noted in the agenda item.
106,933 F-6 AUTHORIZED The execution of a Grant of Easement Agreement with Florida Power and Light Company for State School Z-1”, on the campus of Miami Heights Elementary School, as described in the agenda item.
106,934 F-7 AUTHORIZED The execution of a Grant of Easement Agreement with Florida Power and Light Company for State School “SSS”, on the campus of Miami Jackson Senior High School, as described in the agenda item.
106,935 F-8 AUTHORIZED The one-year renewal of the joint use agreement with Telemundo Network, Inc., for the use of a parking facility located at J.W. Johnson Elementary School, for the term commencing April 10, 2005, and ending April 10, 2006, at an annual rental rate of $27,820.80. All other terms and conditions of the joint use agreement will remain unchanged.
106,936 F-9 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Inner City Youth of South Florida – Youth Athletic League, Inc., for use of the playfield area at Lillie C. Evans Elementary School, at an annual rental rate of $1.00. The term of the renewal option period will commence December 1, 2004, and will end November 30, 2005. All other terms and conditions of the lease agreement will remain unchanged.
106,937 F-10 AUTHORIZED The reimbursement of $16,888.12 to the City of South Miami, for the use of South Miami Park by South Miami Middle School, for the period of October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005.
106,938 F-11 AUTHORIZED The execution of an agreement with Miami-Dade County and the execution of relevant conveyance documents for the provision of water and wastewater services for planned improvements at the South Miami Senior High School site, Project No. A0747, at an approximate cost not to exceed $239,662.50, which is included in the construction contract.
106,939 F-12 AUTHORIZED The execution of individual agreements with the Florida East Coast Railway LLC, and the Lake- ridge Townhomes Homeowners Association (including one-time payments of $8,000 and $30,000, respectively), to allow the Board to construct and maintain a new sewer connection for South Miami Senior High School, on adjacent private property, substantially in conformance with the terms noted in the agenda item.
106,940 F-13 AUTHORIZED A settlement with The Kaballah Center of Florida, pertaining to the District’s acquisition of 1.36 acres of vacant land as part of an assemblage of properties to situate State School “D”, in connection with the Eminent Domain proceedings of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Aventura Bellagio, LLC, Case No. 04-11406-CA (08), by payment of $1,061,875, as described in the agenda item, inclusive of all attorney’s fees and costs.
106,941 F-20 AUTHORIZED An adjustment to the capital budget in the amount of $12,992,552; and changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.
106,942 F-21 COMMISSIONED The firm of Coastal Construction Company, as Construction Management (CM) at-Risk firm for Pool and Deck Repairs at MAST Academy, Project No. B01009, as provided in the Facilities Work Program FY 03-04 (as may be amended), for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,943 F-22 COMMISSIONED The firm of Veitia Padron, Incorporated as Construction Management (CM) at-Risk firm for Window Replacement at Fienberg-Fisher Elementary, Project No. A01011, and W.J. Bryan Elementary, Project No. A01013, as provided in the Facilities Work Program FY 03-04 (as may be amended), for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,944 F-23 COMMISSIONED The firms of Basulto & Associates, Inc., LIVS Associates, and The RC Group Consulting Engineers as Special Projects Consultants for Electrical Engineering services for miscellaneous projects of up to $1.0 million each, for a four-year term commencing on January 19, 2005 through January 18, 2009, for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,945 F-24 COMMISSIONED The firms of Basulto & Associates, Inc., and Johnson, Avedano, Lopez, Rodriguez and Walewski Engineering Group, Inc., as Special Projects Consultant for Mechanical Engineering services for miscellaneous projects of up to $1.0 million each, for a four-year term commencing on January 19, 2005 through January 18, 2009, for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,946 F-25 COMMISSIONED Gili-McGraw Architects to provide Architect/Engineers scope validation and final programming services (as part one of a two-part commissioning) for the Pool and Pool Deck Repairs Project at MAST Academy, Project No. B01009, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,947 F-26 COMMISSIONED Laura M. Perez & Associates, Inc., to provide Architect/Engineers Final Scope Definition Program services (as part one of a two-part commissioning) for the Renovations Projects at Palm Springs Middle, Project A01002, A01002A, and A01002B, as delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,948 F-27 COMMISSIONED The firm of Architeknics, Architects & Planners, Inc., as Architects/Engineers for Renovations and Remodeling at Henry H. Filer Middle School, Project No. A0833, for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,949 F-28 COMMISSIONED The firm of Architeknics, Inc., to provide Architectural/Engineering services for the addition, renovation and remodeling project at Merrick Educational Center, Project No. AK0043, for the considerations delineated in the Official Agenda.
106,950 F-29 APPROVED An amendment to the Design Criteria Professional (DCP) services agreement with Zyscovich, Inc., for the addition project at Ojus Elementary School (Project No. A0821), under the terms and conditions set forth in the Official Agenda.
106,951 F-30 APPROVED The GMP for Pirtle Construction Company, Project No. 00139000, Modular Classroom Addition (12-Pack), Bel-Aire Elementary School, in the total amount of $1,754,670, which includes building cost, site cost and a contingency in the amount of $83,556.
106,952 F-31 APPROVED The GMP for Pirtle Construction Company, Project No. 00139900, Modular Classroom Addition (14-Packs), two buildings, Cutler Ridge Middle School, in the total amount of $4,057,032 which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $193,192.
106,953 F-32 APPROVED The GMP for Pirtle Construction Company, Project No. 00138900, Modular Classroom Addition (14-Pack), Bowman F. Ashe Elementary School, in the total amount of $2,190,917, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $104,329.
106,954 F-33 APPROVED The GMP for Pirtle Construction Company, Project No. 00139800, Modular Classroom Addition (14-Pack), Campbell Drive Middle School, in the total amount of $2,184,938, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $104,045.
106,955 F-34 APPROVED The GMP for Centex Construction, LLC, Project No. 00137500, Modular Classroom Addition (12-Pack), Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School, in the total amount of $2,022,028, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $96,287.
106,956 F-35 APPROVED The GMP for Pirtle Construction Company, Project No. 00137900, Modular Classroom Addition (24-Pack), 2-Story Building, North Miami Beach Senior High School, in the total amount of $5,005,915, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $233,377.
106,957 F-36 APPROVED The GMP for Centex Construction, LLC, Project No. 00137800, Modular Classroom Addition (12-Pack), Norland Middle School, in the total amount of $2,127,865, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $101,327.
106,958 F-37 APPROVED The GMP for Centex Construction, LLC, Project No. 00137300, Modular Classroom Addition (14-Pack), Charles D. Wyche Elementary School, in the total amount of $2,214,558, which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $105,455.
******** F-38 WITHDREW Request to award Project No. A0726DB Design-Build - New Prototype Middle School, State School “NN1."
106,959 F-39 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0701, Design-Build – A New K-8 Center, State School “FF” @ Key Biscayne Elementary Site, for an additional cost of $31,721, and approved a time extension of 4 days.
106,960 F-40 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A0816, New – Gymnasium Addition, Remodeling and Renovation, Miami Norland Senior High School, for an additional cost of $374,973, and approved a time extension of 154 days.
106,961 F-50 AWARDED Project No. BB0642A, Roofing Term Contract - 2004-2005, Various Locations, on the basis of Base Bid not to exceed the maximum of $5,000,000, to the low bidder, Weiss & Woolrich Southern Enterprises, Inc., 1431 SW 30 Avenue, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442.
106,962 F-51 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0807B, Roof Replacement, Fienberg/Fisher Elementary School, for a credit of $11,350, and approved a time extension of 46 days.
106,963 F-52 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0828, Roof Replacement, Calusa Elementary School, for an additional cost of $9,675, and approved a time extension of 18 days.
106,964 F-53 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. AL0004, Roof Replacement, Coral Way Elementary School, for an additional cost of $118,766, and approve a time extension of 275 days.
106,965 F-54 AUTHORIZED The extension of the current term contract compensation limit for General Asbestos and Mold Remediation, for schools in Regions 1 and 2, Contract No. ASB&M/TB-2004-GR/1&2, with Cross Environmental Services, for an additional $500,000, provided that new bond and insurance certificates are submitted accordingly. All other terms and conditions of the contract shall remain unchanged.
106,966 F-60 AWARDED Bid No. 041-DD06 – Window Blinds/Shades, to Heritage Product Resources, Inc., and Faycroft Interior & Purchasing, Inc., effective January 19, 2005 through January 18, 2006.
106,967 F-61 AWARDED Bid No. 011-EE02 – Rental of Portable Sanitation Units, to Able Sanitation, Inc., and Friendly John, Inc., effective January 19, 2005 through July 18, 2006.
106,968 F-70 APPROVED The prequalification and renewal certifications of contractors, as indicated in the agenda item.
106,969 G-1 ENTERED An order accepting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Larry J. Williams - DOAH Case No. 04-2156, rescinding the employee’s thirty (30) workday suspension without pay, directing the entry of a written reprimand, and awarding back pay and other enumerated entitlements.
106,970 G-2 ADOPTED The Recommended Order of the Administrative Law Judge in its entirety as its Final Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Sergio H. Escalona, DOAH Case No. 04-1654.
106,971 G-3 ENTERED A Final Order in the bid protest case known as Betancourt-Castellon and Associates v. Miami-Dade County School Board, and Magnum Construction Management Corporation, DOAH Case No. 04-3248-BID, accepting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order as the School Board’s Final Order, and awarding the contract on School Board Project Nos. A-0854 and A-0855 to BCA [Betancourt-Castellon and Associates], the lowest bidder.