111,955 SP-1 AUTHORIZED The issuance of a Request For Bid, and approved Resolution No.
08-89, providing for the issuance of up to $180 million of Tax Anticipation
Notes, Series 2008.
111,956 SP-2 RECEIVED* The Special Counsel’s status report,
opinion, and recommended resolution with respect to the School Board Attorney’s contract, and agreed to enter
into mediation with a six-month offer, plus or minus two months.
* Amended, as reflected above.
111,957 SP-3 APPROVED* The Superintendent of Schools’ employment
agreement, and employed Mr. Alberto Carvalho as its Superintendent of Schools
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.
* Amended the following sections of the contract:
1. Employment and Terms – “...as Superintendent of Schools ... for an initial term of three (3)
years two (2) years, commencing on September 12, 2008...”
Added a reverter clause, to enable the Superintendent to return to a
comparable position held prior to becoming Superintendent [i.e., Associate
Superintendent], if his contract is not renewed.
After the initial term of two years, the contract will be renewed on a
one-year basis, as considered by the Board.
3-B. Salary Increases – The Superintendent agreed not to receive a salary increase until, or if
the district’s workforce receives a salary increase, with the average
percentage not exceeding that of the district’s workforce.
13. Outside Activities – The Superintendent must disclose to the Board information on any
compensation he receives for outside activities.