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M-DCPS School Board


School Board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


1450 Northeast Second Avenue

Miami, Florida 33132

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of May16, 2012 School Board Meeting

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of April 5, 19, 24, 2012 and May 1, 2012.

APPROVED Minutes of the April 17, 2012 Attorney-Client Session and the April 18, 2012 Regular School Board Meeting.

115,646 A-1 HEARD Superintendent’s Informational Reports to the Board on Selected Topics.

115,647 A-2 authorized The Superintendent to implement the 2012 Summer Waves of Learning initiative across all grade levels at a cost of approximately $9,000,000 in federal grants and state allocations; and enter into cooperative/affiliating agreements and/or implement grant authorized programs for the delivery of educational summer services at no cost to the General Fund.

115,648 C-1 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent of Schools to enter into contractual services agreement with Best Buddies International, Inc., to provide a program which increases one-to-one friendship opportunities for students with and without intellectual disabilities in 17 middle schools, effective July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,649 c-2 authorized The Superintendent of Schools to enter into contractual services agreement with Learning Ally, Inc., to provide annual institutional memberships, conduct outreach activities, provide library services, and produce required digital audio books, effective July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,650 c-30 approved The renewal of contractual agreements for four charter schools, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,651 c-71 approved Out-of-county field trip to Madrid and Málaga, Spain for one student from West Miami Middle School.

115,652 c-80 authorized The Superintendent to accept grant awards for three programs from the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and Florida International University (FIU); and enter into contractual services agreements with the agencies, as prescribed in the Official Agenda item.

115,653 d-20 approved The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 1035.

115,654 d-22 approved Contractual employment with Mr. Blake Juste, as Administrative Assistant to Member, Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall, effective April 13, 2012, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

115,655 D-23 APPROVED The instructional personnel assigned to teach out-of-field for the period of March 27, 2012 through April 23, 2012.

115,656 d-24 accepted The resignations from employment of those Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) participants, included in DROP Listing 28.

115,657 d-55 approved 1. The Superintendent’s recommendation for disciplinary action, to be effective May 17, 2012, which has been agreed to by each employee in the following manner: Ms. Shavonne L. Anderson, Teacher, Horace Mann Middle School, suspension without pay for seventeen (17) workdays; Mr. Darryl W. Nattiel, Teacher, Division of Social Sciences and Life Skills, suspension without pay for seventeen (17) workdays; Ms. Nicole Vandecarr, Teacher, Gertrude K. Edelman/SabalPalm Elementary School, suspension without pay for seventeen (17) workdays; Ms. Bobbie J. McKenney, Security Monitor, Madison Middle School, suspension without pay for seventeen (17) workdays; Mr. Willie L. Scott, SBAB Security Specialist, SBAB District Security, suspension without pay for ten (10) calendar days; and Ms. Jessie Larkin, Paraprofessional, Jose De Diego Middle School, suspension without pay for seven (7) workdays. Mr. Anselm E. Rawlins – District Pool Substitute, Miami Springs Senior High School, suspension without thirty (30) workdays.

2. The Superintendent’s recommendation for disciplinary action, pending the outcome of an administrative hearing or grievance/arbitration proceeding, if requested, to be effective May 17, 2012, in the following manner: Mr. Casey W. Glass, Security Monitor, Coral Reef Senior High School, suspension without pay and initiation of dismissal proceedings; Mr. Patrick S. Orane, Teacher, Miami Senior High School, suspension without pay and initiation of dismissal proceedings; and Ms. Thelma A. Mobley, Teacher, Jose De Diego Middle School, suspension without pay for thirty (30) workdays.

115,658 e-1 received The Monthly Financial Report For the Period Ending March 2012.

115,659 E-2 approved The Non-Expendable Personal Property Inventory Deletions.

115,660 e-3 authorized The Superintendent to remove from the accounting records the outstanding accounts receivable balances.

115,661 e-14 ADOPTED Resolution No. 2, FY 2011-12 General Fund Spring Budget Review.

115,662 e-15 adopted Resolution No. 2, FY 2011-12 Capital Outlay Funds Spring Budget Review.

115,663 e-16 adopted Resolution No. 1, FY 2011-12 Debt Service Funds Spring Budget Review

115,664 e-17 adopted Resolution No. 2, FY 2011-12 Other Federal Programs (Contracted Programs) Fund Spring Budget Review.

115,665 e-18 adopted Resolution No. 1, FY 2011-12 Special Revenue Funds – Targeted ARRA Stimulus Funds Spring Budget Review.

115,666 e-19 adopted Resolution No. 1, FY 2011-12 Special Revenue Funds – RTTT Funds Spring Budget Review.

115,667 e-21 adopted Resolution No. 2, FY 2011-12 Internal Service Fund Spring Budget Review.

********* e-36 WITHDREW Request for authorization to enter into a contractual agreement with Victory for Youth Corporation for the Department of Food and Nutrition, to provide lunch and snacks to participants of the Victory Summer Camp Programs from June 11, 2012, through August 3, 2012.

115,668 e-66 awarded The Request For Proposals (RFP) #025-MM10, Casualty Actuarial Services to AMI Risk Consultants, Inc., effective May 16, 2012, through May 16, 2017, with the ability to renew for three additional one-year periods.

115,669 e-67 confirmed/ authorized The property insurance program, through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc., effective May 1, 2012, through May 1, 2013, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,670 e-68 authorized The Superintendent to enter into contract with TSA Consulting Group, Inc. (TSACG), to provide plan administrative services for the District’s Tax Sheltered Annuity IRC 403(b) Programs, effective June 1, 2012, through September 30, 2015, pursuant to the terms included in their response to Request For Proposal (RFP) #2-11/LG issued by Duval County School Board.

115,671 e-69 authorized Request for Proposals #051-MM10, Selected Third Party Administration of Employee Benefits; and approve the composition of the Ad-Hoc Committee.

115,672 e-70 authorized To contract with Bencor, Inc., as the district’s Terminal Leave Retirement Plan Administrator (TLRP).

115,673 e-106 authorized The Superintendent to reschedule the Conference Session: Attendance Zones for 2012-2013, for Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.

115,674 e-141 received The report of purchases made within guidelines of Board Policy 6320 – Purchasing.

115,675 e-142 terminated The award Contract No. 038-GG03 – Healthy Snack Vending Program, with multiple vendors, effective May 16, 2012, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,676 e-143 terminated The award Contract No. 073-JJ03 – School Beverage Vending to Vendway, Inc., d.b.a. Pelican Vending, effective May 16, 2012, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,677 e-144 awarded Bid No. 071-LL04 – Information Technology Consultants, effective May 16, 2012, through May 15, 2014, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,678 e-145 rejected Bid No. 014-MM05 – Band Uniforms, to permit rebidding and expanding the list of potential bidders.

115,679 e-146 awarded Bid No. 031-MM05 – File Cabinets, to various vendors, effective May 17, 2012, through May 16, 2014, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,680 e-147 awarded Bid No. 034-MM05 – Marker Boards, Framed, to multiple vendors, effective May 16, 2012, through May 15, 2014, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,681 e-148 rejected Bid No. 001-LL05 – Office Supplies, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

115,682 e-149 withdrew Consent to assignment of Contract Bid No. 025-KK03 – Recycling and Solid-Waste Collections Services.

115,683 e-150 authorized The Superintendent to negotiate and enter into contractual services agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Blackboard Connect, Inc., pursuant to Request For Proposal No. 067-JJ10 – Instant Messaging and Parent Notification System, to deliver messages regarding attendance, emergencies and school notices to parents, students and employees of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, effective April 18, 2012, through April 17, 2014.

********* e-151 WITHDREW Request for authorization to negotiate and enter into contractual services agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and La Ley Sports, Inc., pursuant to Request For Proposal No. 060-LL10 – Broadcasting of Interscholastic Athletic Events.

115,684 f-2 Authorized The Chair and Secretary to execute a Grant of Easement Agreement with Florida Power and Light Company for electrical service requirements associated with the construction of a classroom addition at Florida City Elementary School, as described in the Official Agenda item.

115,685 f-20 authorized The Superintendent to adjust the capital budget in the amount of $3,731,179; and in the event there are, at the time of transfer, insufficient available funds in a structure from which to transfer the indicated amount, the difference will be provided from contingencies, reserves or other accounts; and make the changes to the five-year facilities work program, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,686 f-21 commissioned Wolfberg Alvarez & Patners, Inc., as Architect/Engineer of Record for Project No. 01138400 - Classroom Addition at Norman S. Edelcup/Sunny Isles Beach K-8 Center, located at 201 182nd Drive, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,687 f-34 confirmed Change Orders on various projects, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,688 f-60 awarded Bid No. 008-MM06 – Plastic Can Liners, to purchase plastic can liners for Stores and Mail Distribution stock, effective May 16, 2012, through January 17, 2013, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,689 f-80 approved The prequalification certificate for new contractors and the decrease to one certificate, for Educational Facilities, as listed on Attachment “A”.

115,690 g-1 adopted The recommendation of the Hearing Officer’s Order and enter a Final Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. C.J., Case No. 11-106 (Jackson).

115,691 H-1 approved Resolution No. 12-087 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Members of The Miami-Dade County Legislative Delegation for their support of Miami-Dade County Public Schools during the 2012 Legislative Session.

115,692 h-2 modified The reporting line of the Managerial Exempt Personnel (MEP) within the Office of Management and Compliance Audits to report directly to the Board through the Chief Auditor.

115,693 h-3 approved Resolution No. 12-076 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the City of Miami Beach Parent-Child Home Program.

115,694 H-4 approved Resolution No. 12-075 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Michael Dezer for his work in the community.

115,695 h-5 approved Resolution No. 12-077 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Armed Forces Day.

115,696 h-6 approved Resolution No. 12-078 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Our Community Salutes of Miami-Dade County.

115,697 h-7 approved Resolution No. 12-089 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, commemorating May 18, 2012, as Haitian Flag Day.

115,698 h-8 approved Resolution No. 12-090 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Johnson Napoleon of Azure College.

115,699 h-9 APPROVED Resolution No. 12-091 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing District 2’s 2012 Advisory Board Members.

115,700 h-10 approved Resolution No. 12-082 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Valeria San Juan and Natalie Aguirre of John A. Ferguson Senior High School for earning Gates Millennium Scholarships.

115,701 h-11 approved Resolution No. 12-083 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Joshua Lugo of Miami Coral Park Senior High School for earning a Gates Millennium Scholarship.

115,702 H-12 approved Resolution No. 12-086 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Miami Coral Park Senior High School’s Engineering Robotic Magnet Program for winning the ACE Mentor Industry Round Table National Championship.

115,703 h-13 directed The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking procedures to amend School Board Policy 7250, Commemoration of School Facilities, to streamline the process of renaming schools in cases of minor changes or corrections.

115,704 h-14 approved Resolution No. 12-080 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Miami Southridge Senior High Drama Club.

115,705 h-15 directed The Superintendent to request the State Board of Education to explore alternatives to the FCAT that will not penalize school districts.

115,706 h-16 approved Resolution No. 12-081 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the work and contributions of the Greater Miami Athletic Conference (GMAC) Football Officials Association.

115,707 h-17 approved Resolution No. 12-079 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Joella C. Good Elementary School students for their outstanding accomplishments at the Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, Inc.

115,708 h-18 endorsed The year-round water safety awareness campaign, in partnership with Miami-Dade County Health Agencies.

115,709 h-19 Approved Resolution No. 12-088 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing TERRA Environmental Institute for being named a Green Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education.

115,710 h-20 endorsed The Miami-Dade County Public Schools Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign to be implemented during May and June 2012.

115,711 h-21 approved Resolution No. 12-084 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Legal Services of Greater Miami.

115,712 h-22 approved Resolution No. 12-085 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Cinco De Mayo.

115,713 h-23 directed The Superintendent to explore Miami Children’s Hospital’s offer of Electro Cardio Gram screenings at no cost for Miami-Dade County Public Schools student athletes and report back to the Board by its July 2012 meeting.

115,714 h-24 authorized The Superintendent to explore opportunities to screen the film “Bully” for employees to increase understanding and enhance awareness of bullying and its repercussions.

115,715 h-25 recognized/ congratulated The winners of the 2012 Senior High School Student Safety Campaign Contest.

115,716 h-26 directed The Superintendent to provide a monthly report, at the Innovation, Efficiency, and Governmental Relations Committee meeting, on contract renewals that would include price implications, requestor needs, and a record of M/WBE participation commencing at the July 12, 2012 committee meeting.





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