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M-DCPS School Board


School Board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


1450 Northeast Second Avenue

Miami, Florida 33132

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of August 1, 2012 School Board Meeting

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of July 3 and 10, 2012.

APPROVED Minutes of the July 11, 2012 Special School Board Meeting and the July 18, 2012 Regular School Board Meeting.

115,855 A-1 HEARD Superintendent’s Informational Reports to the Board on Selected Topics.

115,856 a-2 approved Resolution 12-122, authorizing the request to the Florida Department of Education of the issuance of General Obligation Bonds of the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida, in an amount not-to-exceed $1.2 billion to provide 21st Century School Facilities and Instructional Technology Upgrades; and authorized a Special Board Meeting prior to August 17, 2012, to authorize a voter referendum.

115,857 C-11 authorized Request to enter into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and various agencies, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 052-MM10 – Outside Agency Qualified To Operate Apprenticeship Training Programs for Post-Secondary Students in Miami-Dade County, Florida, to provide apprenticeship training for post-secondary students in Miami-Dade County, in accordance with the Florida Department of Education (FDOE), effective August 19, 2012, through August 18, 2013.

115,858 C-12 authorized Request to enter into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Community Health of South Florida, Inc., and Rozalyn H. Paschal, M.D., pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 058-MM10 – Comprehensive On-Site Healthcare Services to Students Attending Cope Center North and Dorothy M. Wallace Cope Center (Rebid), to provide on-site, comprehensive healthcare services to parents and their infants/toddlers, effective August 1, 2012, through July 30, 2013, including extensions thereto, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,859 C-80 AUTHORIZED Request to accept grant awards for five programs from multiple funding sources, as detailed in the Official Agenda item, and enter into contractual service agreements with the agencies prescribed in the grants.

115,860 D-20 approved The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 1038.

115,861 d-21 approved The recommendations as set forth in the Official Agenda item for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective August 2, 2012, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated, with the exception of the effective dates as noted throughout the item.

115,862 d-22 approved The proposed Memorandum of Understanding between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade to implement the Education Transformation Model for the 2012-2013 school year.

115,863 d-55 approved The Superintendent’s recommendation for disciplinary action, which has been agreed to by the employee in the following manner: Ms. Toni Giaquinto, Teacher, North Miami Beach Senior High School, suspension without pay for ten (10) workdays, effective August 16, 2012.

115,864 e-36 authorized Request to enter into contractual agreements with various agencies for the Department of Food and Nutrition to provide snacks/meals for participants in their programs from August 20, 2012, through August 19, 2013.

115,865 e-41 received The report of the June 2012 auction surplus/obsolete vehicles results.

115,866 e-106 approved The tentative Board meeting schedule for January-December 2013, as detailed in the Official Agenda item.

115,867 e-141 awarded Bid No. 047-MM03 – Fresh Delivered Sushi, to establish a list of pre-approved vendors, and to purchase, at firm unit prices, quantities, as may be required, of fresh-delivered sushi (cooked product only), effective August 1, 2012, through July 31, 2013, as follows: Sushi Maki Catering; Lounja Catering, LLC; and ILS Group, LLC; and as further described in the Official Agenda item.

115,868 e-142 rejected Bid No. 056-MM03 – Milk and Dairy Products, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

115,869 e-143 awarded Bid No. 053-MM08 – Physical Examinations – Bus Drivers, South of Flagler Street, to Healthcare Center of Miami, effective September 7, 2012, through September 6, 2014, including extensions thereto.

115,870 e-144 received The report of purchases made within guidelines of Board Policy 6320 – Purchasing.

115,871 f-1 authorized The Superintendent to finalize negotiations and execute Agreements with Florida Power & Light Company to implement Solar Photovoltaic
demonstration projects at five District schools, at no cost to the District.

115,872 f-2 authorized The Superintendent to finalize negotiations and execute:

A. a lease agreement with Miami-Dade County for use by the School District of a portion of the County-owned property located at 28205 SW 125 Avenue, Homestead, for operation by the District of a District-managed Head Start/Early Head Start program;

B. an agreement with Chapman Partnership, Inc., for use by the School District of a portion of the property located at 1550 North Miami Avenue, Miami, for operation by the District of a District-managed Head Start/Early Head Start program;

C. a lease agreement with the County for use by the District of County-owned portable classrooms at various school sites for operation by the District of a District-managed Head Start/Early Head Start program;

D. an amendment to the lease agreement with the County to allow continued use by the County of a portion of the Board-owned property located at 21300 SW 122 Avenue, Goulds, for operation by the County of Social Service programs; and

E. any other Facilities-related documents that may be required to effectuate the implementation of the District’s Head Start/Early Head Start program.

115,873 f-3 authorized The Superintendent to finalize negotiations and execute an Amendment to the Joint Use Agreement between the School Board (as lessor) and Telemundo Network, Inc. (as lessee), for the use by Telemundo of a 241-space parking lot located at J.W. Johnson Elementary School, to extend the lease term for the period of August 10, 2012, through October 31, 2012, at an annual rental rate of $52,693.92, and in conformance with the other terms and conditions noted in the Official Agenda item.

115,874 f-21 authorized The Superintendent, or his designee, to extend the District’s Geotechnical, Construction Materials Testing and Environmental Assessment Consulting Services agreements for one (1) year, under the same terms and conditions with amended fees, with various firms, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,875 f-34 confirmed Change Order No. 5 on Project No. 00363500, Partial Replacement of Senior High School,
Southwest Miami Senior High School, for an additional cost of $61,376.

115,876 f-60 terminated Award to Advance Security Systems and The PC Doctors of Florida on Contract No. 062-GG11 – Security Systems, Furnish and Install (Revised), effective August 1, 2012, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,877 f-61 awarded Bid No. 060-MM06 – Elevator-Service Contract, to Xpert Elevator Services, Inc. and National Elevator, Inc., effective August 1, 2012, through July 31, 2013, as detailed in the Official Agenda item.

115,878 g-1 entered A Final Order accepting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Javis Wheeler, DOAH Case No. 12-0017TTS, sustaining the discipline of Respondent with a suspension without pay and suspending Respondent without pay through August 14, 2012.

115,879 h-3 TABLED* Request to direct the Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board policies to prohibit the rental of school facilities for a political campaign.

* To facilitate further discussion at a subsequent School Board Committee meeting.

********** h-5 withdrew Request for approval of Resolution No. 12-119 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring the Burgess Family for being named the Scholastic Parent & Child Magazine 2012 Family of the Year.

115,880 h-6 approved Resolution No. 12-120 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring the Spirit of Service-Learning Award recipients.

115,881 h-8 directed The Superintendent to establish a five-year plan with UM-NSU CARD aiming to improve services for students and families affected by autism spectrum disorders.

********** h-9 withdrew Request to direct the Superintendent to review all School Board and District policies, procedures, and practices that address anonymous complaints and correspondence and submit a report and recommendations to the Board in order to provide more consistent handling of these communications.

115,882 h-10 endorsed The 2012 Welcome Back to School Safety Flyer for distribution during the first week of school.

115,883 h-11 approved Resolution No. 12-121 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, designating September 15 through October 15, 2012, as

Hispanic Heritage Month in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

********** h-12 withdrew Office of Inspector General.

115,884 h-13 directed The Superintendent to explore the feasibility of utilizing the parent portal to allow parent access to BMI and other student fitness measures as assessed in Physical Education courses, to formalize notification of BMI score accessibility to parents through each relevant report card, and to establish content on the parent portal aimed at providing an explanation of BMI scores along with resources to support healthy lifestyle choices.

115,885 h-14 approved Resolution No. 12-123 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Cervantes Institute for offering a website to integrate to Spanish curriculum.

115,886 h-15 approved Resolution No. 12-124 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Univision for hosting voter registration drives in our schools.

115,887 h-16 approved Resolution No. 12-125 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Marjorie York for her commitment to community service.

115,888 h-17 approved Resolution No. 12-126 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Cedric McMinn for his commitment to community service.

********** h-18 withdrew Request for approval of Resolution No. 12-XXX of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Gihan Pererra.

115,889 h-19 approved Resolution No. 12-128 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Parafruit Education for its commitment to education and community service.

115,890 h-20 approved Resolution No. 12-127 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Little Haiti Optimist Club for exemplary community service.





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