Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2001

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |


Miami, Florida


  Excerpts From Unofficial Minutes of April 18, 2001 Board Meeting

APPROVED            Bid Opening Lists of February 15, 20, 22, 27; March 6, 8, 13, 20, 22 and 27, 2001.

APPROVED            Minutes of the March 14, 2001 School Board meeting.

******             A-1            WITHDREW            Request to enter into a new contractual agreement with Edison Schools Inc. to extend the partnership that authorizes management, operational, and professional development services for the K-5 component at Henry E. S. Reeves Elementary School by Edison Schools Inc.

******             A-2            WITHDREW            Request to approve the Henry E. S. Reeves-Edison Junior Academy application and authorize the negotiation of a five-year charter school contractual agreement, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

******             A-3            WITHDREW            Request to award Project No. A-0748, Design-Build, State School “PPP”, John A. Ferguson Senior High School, to the low bidder: Betancourt Castellon Associates, Inc.

100,441            B-1            DISCUSSED            New Business: Board Members

100,442            B-2            APPROVED            Resolution No. 01-25 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, stating its objection to the use of partially corrected Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests (FCAT) for the assignment of academic performance grades to Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

100,443            B-3            DIRECTED The Superintendent to provide a workshop to interested School Board members on the implementation of School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21, Permanent Personnel Responsibilities and Duties.

100,444            B-4            APPROVED            Resolution No. 01-20 supporting the recognition of May 2001, and every subsequent May, as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and authorizing administrative actions to foster related activities in all Miami-Dade County public schools.

100,445            B-5            APPROVED The request for the Board to support the AfriCANDO Arts & Culture Festival on May 5, 2001.

100,446            B-6            APPROVED            Resolution No. 01-22 recognizing May 2001, and every subsequent May, as Haitian Heritage/Culture Month; and, authorized administrative actions to foster related activities.

100,447            B-7            APPROVED*            Resolution No. 01-23 endorsing National Missing Children's Day, May 25, 2001.
*            Amended to reflect that this shall be an annual activity.

100,448            B-8            APPROVED            Resolution No. 01-17 commending Coral Gables Senior High School on its 50th Anniversary.

******            B-9            WITHDREW            Request to direct the Superintendent to propose a revision on the policy for making recommendations on zoning applications.

100,449            B-10            DIRECTED The Superintendent to draft a revision to Board Rule 6Gx13-7A-1.011, Historical Preservation of Facilities, to allow for public input prior to commencement of design work on buildings 50 years old or older.

100,450            B-11            DIRECTED The Superintendent to designate an architect to be responsible for all aspects of compiling and completing the applications for the SIT awards available from the State of Florida SMART Schools Clearinghouse.

100,451            B-12            TABLED            Request to direct the Superintendent to prepare an RFP for professional services to perform an outside audit of the construction monies expended since the bond issue of 1988, and of the organizational structure of Facilities Planning and Construction, and to present the RFP at the June 20, 2001, School Board meeting.

100,452            B-13            DIRECTED*            The Superintendent to study and report on the feasibility of making all the Miami-Dade County Public Schools annual operating budgets available on the Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ website.
*            Amended to include that an accompanying explanation be made available with the budgets 

100,453            B-14            AUTHORIZED*            WLRN to produce study the feasibility of producing and marketing a video, in the approximate amount of $20,000, to illustrate facilities constructed throughout the district utilizing funds generated by the 1988 bond referendum.
*            Amended as reflected above.

100,454            B-15            DIRECTED*            The Superintendent to increase enforce the metal detector program to utilize all the funds allocated to include more random checks, as well as explore new methods of prevention; and, report suggestions to the Board at the next Board meeting.
*            Amended as reflected above.

100,455            B-16            DIRECTED The Superintendent to explore the possibility of modifying School Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.46, Magnet Programs/Schools, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,456            B-17            DIRECTED The Superintendent to provide a report listing the distribution, criteria and procedures utilized in the selection and evaluation of construction industry professionals and suggestions to be considered to improve the process.

100,457            B-18            DIRECTED The Superintendent to have a verbal report presented to the Board on the events leading to and including the site purchase of State School “PPP.”

100,458            B-19            APPROVED*            Resolution No. 01-15 endorsing Thursday, April 19 20, 2001 as the 5000 Role Models of Excellence STOP DAY, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" (Columbine Anniversary).
*            Amended as reflected above. 

100,459            B-20            DIRECTED The Superintendent and the School Board Attorney to take the necessary steps to incorporate into Board Rule 6Gx13-7B-1.06 a site selection and acquisition process, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,460            B-21            DIRECTED The Superintendent to initiate the process of amending Board Rule 6Gx13-2C-1.082, to include the organization and responsibilities of the Site and Construction Planning Committee.

100,461            ***            CONVENED A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Miami-Dade County School Board Founda­tion, Inc., during which time it took the following actions:

·            Adopted Resolution No. 01-1, authorizing the execution of Schedules 2001-QZAB and Series 2001-QZAB Supplemen­tal Trust Agreement; and,

·            Adopted Resolution No. 01-2, authorizing the execution of Schedule 2001-1 – Certificates of Participation (Real-Estate); Schedule 2001-2 Certificates of Participation (Non-Real-Estate); and, Series 2001- Certificates of Participation Supplemental Trust Agreement.

100,462            C-1            AUTHORIZED            A cooperative agreement with the United Teachers of Dade to establish a Montessori Satellite Learning Center at the United Teachers of Dade headquarters, 2200 Biscayne Boulevard.

100,463            C-2            APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with ASPIRA Eugenio Maria de Hostos Youth Leadership Charter School, for a period of five years, commencing on the first day of the 2001-2002 school year. 

100,464            C-3            APPROVED The extension of the Florida International Academy, Inc., charter school contractual agreement for two additional years beginning with the 2001-2002 school year.

100,465            C-4            ACCEPTED The withdrawal of the application for a charter school and rescinded the authorization to enter into a charter school contractual agreement with the Hialeah Gardens Language Immersion Charter School.

100,466            C-5            AUTHORIZED            The implementation of educational programs for the 2001 summer school session for elementary and middle schools – July 9, 2001 through August 3, 2001; and, senior high schools – July 9, 2001 through August 17, 2001.

100,467            C-6            AUTHORIZED            The participation by Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Early Childhood, in cooperation with the Miami-Dade Coalition for Community Education, in the first Baby & Me Banquet, May 5, 2001.

100,468            C-7            AUTHORIZED            A study of the feasibility to establish a Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) Academy to serve educationally disadvantaged students in grades five through eight.

100,469            C-8            AUTHORIZED            An RFP to select child-care agencies that will implement quality prekindergarten services to eligible four-year-old children; and, approved the establishment of a selection committee to review the proposals.

100,470            C-9            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent to accept a donation of funds, equipment, software, and training from Intel Corporation; and, to participate in the Intel Teach To The Future program.

100,471            C-10            AUTHORIZED            A cooperative agreement with Willow CSN Incorporated for educational services provided by Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

100,472            C-11            AUTHORIZED            A cooperative agreement with Supreme International, Inc., for educational services provided by Miami-Dade County Public Schools to the agency's employees.

100,473            C-12            AUTHORIZED            A Request for Proposals to select outside agencies to operate applied technology programs for low income and/or incarcerated youth; and, approved a selection committee to evaluate the submitted proposals.

100,474            C-13            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with Ms. Alina Nuñez, to provide technical liaison support for the One Community One Goal®, South Florida Annenberg Challenge grant for Information Technology/Telecommunications (IT/T).

100,475            C-14            AUTHORIZED         A cooperative agreement with the Training and Employment Council of South Florida, to continue the Stay-In-School Program in 12 Miami-Dade County public schools.

100,476            C-15            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent to rename the Advisory Committee on Multicultural Programs, henceforth to be known as Miami-Dade County Public Schools Advisory Committee on Cultural Diversity/Inter­group Relations.

100,477            C-16            APPROVED            Resolution No. 01-18 endorsing May 2001 as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, to be observed in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

100,478            C-17            AUTHORIZED            Contractual agreements with Coalition of Florida Farmworkers Organization, Inc., One Nation, Inc., ASPIRA of Florida, Inc., and Florida Human Resources Development to provide English Literacy and Civics Education to ESOL Adult Learner clients.

100,479            C-18            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with The Boys and Girls Clubs of Miami, Inc., to conduct a summer camp for children from the Homeless Assistance Center.

100,480            C-19            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent to accept $3,200 from the Dade-Monroe Regional Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Partnership, to provide substitute funds for a maximum of 20 teachers to attend the Linking Forces X Conference, May 17-18, 2001.

100,481            C-20            AUTHORIZED            A Request for Proposals from agencies to provide supported employment services for the education of students with disabilities; and, approved a selection committee to evaluate the submitted proposals.

100,482            C-21            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium to provide snacks to participants in the tutorial program in selected Miami-Dade County public schools.

100,483            C-30            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-214 (2000/01).

100,484            C-31            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-215 (2000/01).

100,485            C-32            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-219 (2000/01).

100,486            C-33            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-220 (2000/01).

100,487            C-34            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-223 (2000/01).

100,488            C-35            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-227 (2000/01).

100,489            C-36            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-231 (2000/01).

100,490            C-37            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-236 (2000/01).

100,491            C-38            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-240 (2000/01).

100,492            C-39            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-243 (2000/01).

100,493            C-40            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-244 (2000/01).

100,494            C-41            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-247 (2000/01).

100,495            C-42            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-251 (2000/01).

100,496            C-43            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-253 (2000/01).

100,497            C-44            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material BAVADPP Case No. 06AD (00/01).

100,498            C-45            AUTHORIZED            The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material BAVADPP Case No.: 07AD (00/01).

100,499            D-1            APPROVED The out-of-state field trip to Atlanta, Georgia for students at Joella C. Good Elementary School, May 17, 2001 through May 19, 2001.

100,500            D-2            APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to France for students at Sunset Elementary School, from May 2, 2001 through May 12, 2001

100,501            D-3            CONFIRMED            The approval of the out-of-country field trip to Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Germany for students at MAST Academy, March 28, 2001 through April 9, 2001.

100,502            D-4            APPROVED The out-of-country field trip to Puerto Rico (Vieques Island), for students at Miami Beach Senior High School, April 19, 2001 through April 22, 2001.

100,503            D-5            AUTHORIZED            A cooperative agreement with the Dr. John T. MacDonald Foundation School Health Initiative through the University of Miami School of Medicine and in conjunction with the Miami-Dade Area Health Education Center.

100,504            E-1            APPROVED The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 902.

100,505            E-2            APPROVED The recommendations for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective April 19, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

100,506            E-3            APPOINTED            Mr. Rolando Avila to Supervisor, Telecommunications, MEP pay grade 44, 12 months, and assigned him to the Office of Information Technology.

100,507            E-4            APPOINTED            Mr. William C. Fleischman, Jr., to Supervisor I, Network Services, pay grade 43, 12 months, and assigned him to the Office of Information Technology.

100,508            E-5            AUTHORIZED            The contractual employment of administrative assistants to individual School Board members.

100,509            E-6            AUTHORIZED            Contractual agreements with selected contracted project employees.

100,510            E-7            APPOINTED            Mr. William C. Dowda to Manager I, Transportation Maintenance, pay grade 37, 12 months, and assigned him to the Department of Transportation.

100,511            E-8            APPOINTED            Mr. Darrell L. Mack to Coordinator I, Production Control, pay grade 40, 12 months, and assigned him to the Office of Information Technology.

100,512            E-9            APPROVED            Nominations of the instructional staff members whose names appear on Appointment List 3 for annual contract.

100,513            E-10            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of the Board’s property insurance program.

100,514            E-11            ACCEPTED The resignations from employment of those Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) participants, included in DROP Listing 6, as of the dates indicated.

100,515            E-12            AUTHORIZED            The suspension and initiation of dismissal proceedings against Ms. Angela Y. Bussey, School Bus Driver, Northeast Transportation Center.

100,516            E-13            AUTHORIZED            The suspension of Ms. Trathelle P. Knight, Operations Helper, at Central East Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay.

100,517            E-14            ACCEPTED The resignation of Mr. Ayube Majeed, Teacher at Homestead Senior, effective April 18, 2001 at the close of the workday.

100,518            F-1            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium (SFETC) to receive funding to implement the 2001 Summer Youth Employment and Training Programs.

100,519            F-2            ACCEPTED A donation from the Arriba La Vida-Up with Life Foundation, Inc., for funding the HIV/AIDS Peer Education Program.

100,520            F-3            ACCEPTED A grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the Extended Access to Library Media Services Program.

100,521            F-4            AUTHORIZED            The extension of a contractual agreement with Miami-Dade County for the Miami-Dade Youth Crime Prevention Initiative at Naranja and Linda Lentin elementary schools.

100,522            F-5            AUTHORIZED            Contractual agreements with the Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County to receive funding for the dental clinic at Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center and Robert Morgan Vocational Technical Institute.

100,523            G-11            RECEIVED   The Monthly Financial Report for February 2001.

100,524            G-12            AUTHORIZED            A repayment agreement with Pentagon Healthcare Services, Inc., to recover the overpayment of $2,995.84.

100,525            G-13            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent to remove from the accounting records the outstanding accounts receivable balances totaling $45,238.09 owed by agencies/associations and by individuals.

100,526            G-21            APPROVED            Resolution 01-19 authorizing the issuance of the 2001 QZAB-COP, presented as Exhibit 1; authorized the payment of the Cost of Issuance; and, approved the proposed Investment Agreement Bid Form.

100,527            G-22            APPROVED            Resolution 01-21 providing for the issuance of Certificates of Participation, Series 2001A and 2001B for the School District of Miami-Dade County, Florida, in an aggregate amount not to exceed a total of $205,000,000.

100,528            G-61            APPROVED The supplemental awards on various term bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,529            G-62            RECEIVED   The report of purchases made utilizing other government bids.

100,530            G-63            AWARDED            Bid No. 215-ZZ07 – Tandem Axle Truck, to Nextran Corporation.

100,531            G-64            AWARDED            Bid No. 101-AA10 – Air-Conditioning Equipment, to Addison Products Company.

100,532            G-65            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 170-ZZ02 – Plumbing: Copper Tubing and Fittings, with various vendors.

100,533            G-66            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 194-ZZ02M/WBE—Carpet and Floor Tile, South of Flagler Street (Furnish and Install), with Amion Enterprises International Corporation.

100,534            G-67            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 195-ZZ02 – Carpet and Floor Tile, North of Flagler Street (Furnish and Install) with various vendors.

100,535            G-68            REJECTED Bid No. 040-AA05 – Electrical Lighting Fixtures, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

100,536            G-69            AWARDED            Bid No. 082-AA02 – Water Treatment Chemicals and Supplies, to various vendors.

100,537            G-70            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 166-ZZ10 – Roofing Supplies, with various vendors.

100,538            G-71            AWARDED            Bid No. 010-AA09M/WBE – Plastic Can Liners, to various vendors.

100,539            G-72            AWARDED            Bid No. 072-AA05 – Classroom Supplies, to Pyramid School Products.

100,540            G-73            AWARDED            Bid No. 088-AA01 – Student Desks, C.A.J. and Associates, Inc.

100,541            G-74            AUTHORIZED            The termination of Items 1, 5, 6, 11, 16 and 19 on Bid No. 205-XX06 – First-Aid Supplies.

100,542            G-75            AWARDED            Bid No. 026-AA07 – After-Market Improvements, Modifications and Upgrades of Base Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Vehicle Body and Chassis, to various vendors.

100,543            G-76            AWARDED            Bid No. 068-AA07—Automotive Repairs for School Board Vehicles, to various vendors.

100,544            G-77            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 169-XX07 – Glass, Automotive, to Charlie’s Auto Glass, Inc.

100,545            G-78            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 261-XX07 – Diesel Fuel (Low Sulfur) South of Flagler Street Transport Delivery, with MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, Inc.

100,546            G-79            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 164-ZZ07 – Transmissions, Factory Rebuilt, with Florida Detroit Diesel-Allison, Inc.

100,547            G-80            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 177-ZZ07 – Radiator, Repair and Recore, with Robert Auto Radiator Core Manufacturing Company, Inc.

100,548            G-81            AWARDED            Bid No. 019-AA09M/WBE – Vacuum Cleaners, to various vendors.

100,549            G-82            AWARDED            Bid No. 046-AA11 – Full Color Copiers, Digital Duplicators, Digital Multifunctional Devices and Document Imaging Systems, Catalog Discount Bid, to various vendors.

100,550            G-83            AWARDED            Bid No. 067-AA07 – Forklifts and Pallet Trucks (Rebid), to Brungart Equipment Company of Florida.

100,551            G-84            AWARDED            Bid No. 089-AA07 – Automotive Shop Equipment, to Heafner Tire Group.

100,552            G-85            AWARDED            Bid No. 115-AA07 – Trucks, Miscellaneous, to Palmetto Truck Center.

100,553            G-86            AWARDED            Bid No. 133-AA07 – Passenger Van (Minivan), to Potamkin Dodge, Inc.

100,554            G-87            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 082-XX09 – Diplomas, with Herff Jones.

100,555            G-88            REJECTED Bid No. 143-ZZ09 – Uniforms for AFSCME Employees, Catalog Discount.

100,556            G-89            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 183-ZZ02 – Epoxy Flooring (Furnish and Install) Districtwide, with various vendors.

100,557            G-90            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 184-ZZ02 – Stage Curtains (Furnish and Install) Districtwide, with various vendors.

100,558            G-91            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of Bid No. 186-ZZ07 – Diesel Fuel for Schools - South of Flagler Street (Tank Wagon), with MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, Inc.

100,559            G-92            AWARDED            Balance of Bid No. 227-ZZ06 – Pianos, to Bobb’s Piano Sales and Service, Inc.

100,560            G-93            AWARDED            Balance of Bid No. 268-ZZ09 – Band Uniforms, to Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc.

100,561            G-94            AWARDED            Bid No. 087-AA01M/WBE – Armed and Unarmed Security Guard Services III, to various vendors.

100,562            G-95            AWARDED            Bid No. 151-AA01 – Armed and Unarmed Security Guard Services I, to Art Hall Protection Service, Inc.

100,563            G-96            AWARDED            Bid No. 058-AA03 – Food Service Equipment, Accessories, and Kitchenware, Catalog Discount, to various vendors.

******             G-97            WITHDREW            Request to award Bid No. 128-AA03 – Storage of Dry, Frozen, and Refrigerated Commodities, to various vendors.

100,564            G-98            AWARDED            Bid No. 104-AA07 – Sewing Machines and Cabinets, to various vendors.

100,565            G-99            AUTHORIZED            The termination of Items 1 through 12 on Bid No. 020-ZZ09 – Shirts and Jackets, School Monitor, with School Daze Uniforms, Inc.

100,566            G-100            AWARDED            Request for Proposals No. 117-AA10 – Outside Agencies that Can Provide Temporary Tradespeople Services, to various vendors.

100,567            G-101            REJECTED            Request for Proposals No. 134-AA10 – Travel Credit Card Program, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

100,568            G-102            REJECTED Bid No. 135-AA10 – Moving of Relocatable Buildings, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

100,569            G-103            AUTHORIZED            The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to utilize State of Florida Contract No. 425-001-97-1 – Furniture: Office, to purchase office furniture for the Office of Accounting, for a total amount of $133,717.89.

100,570            G-104            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with Miami-Dade Community College, North Campus School of Justice Assessment Center, to develop and implement the promotional processes for the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department.

100,571        I-1            APPROVED The list of contractors, as delineated in the Official Agenda, for pre-qualification, and authorized staff to issue a certificate to each contractor, certifying pre-qualification for a period of one year.

100,572            I-2            RECEIVED   The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Region IV Elementary Schools, February 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,573            I-3            RECEIVED   The Internal Audit Report – Audit of Internal Funds of Region IV Secondary Schools, February 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,574            I-4            RECEIVED   The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Magnet Educational Choice Association, Inc. (MECA) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,575            I-5            RECEIVED   The Internal Audit Report – Review and Investigation of Selective Construction Projects, February 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,576            I-6            RECEIVED   The State of Florida Auditor General’s Report on Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Students and Student Transportation for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 of the School District of Miami-Dade County, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,577            I-7            RECEIVED   The audit reports of the alternative outreach centers, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

100,578            I-9            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent of Schools to submit an application to the Florida Department of Education to sponsor the Summer Food Service Program for Children 2001.

100,579            I-10            AUTHORIZED            A contractual agreement with the Radisson Mart Plaza Hotel to provide services related to the district Office Employee of the Year Recognition Ceremony on April 24, 2001.

100,580            J-1            AUTHORIZED            The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 00-2/99-2b, Cacophony Corp., for a voluntary contribution of $16,000 in addition to educational facilities impact fees.

100,581            J-2            AUTHORIZED            The acceptance of Declarations of Restrictions for Application Nos. 00-1/99-01, 00-2/99-2d and 00-2/99-2e, Maynard Hellman, for a total voluntary contribution of $40,000 in addition to educational facilities impact fees.

100,582            J-3            AUTHORIZED            The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Miami-Dade County Application No. 00-430, Miami Gardens Park, Ltd., for a voluntary contribution in the amount of $268,480 in addition to educational facilities impact fees.

100,583            J-4            AUTHORIZED            The execution of a covenant running with the land, in favor of Miami-Dade County, to facilitate Miami-Dade County DERM approval for the installation of aboveground fuel oil storage tanks at Miami Springs Middle School.

100,584            J-5            AUTHORIZED            The execution of a ground lease amendment with the City of North Miami for the site to construct and operate State School “QQ1”, under the terms and conditions outlined.

100,585            J-6            AUTHORIZED            The payment of $15,511.32 to the City of South Miami, for the use of South Miami Park, for the period of October 1, 2000, through September 30, 2001.

100,586            J-7            AUTHORIZED            The execution of a grant of easement agreement with Florida Power and Light Company at Ponce de Leon Middle School.

100,587            J-8            AUTHORIZED            The execution of a grant of easement agreement with Florida Power and Light Company at Kinloch Park Middle School.

100,588            J-25            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of the contractual agreement with F & L Construction, Inc., Contract No. JOC00-A-Central II, with revised Adjustment Factors.

100,589            J-26            AWARDED            Project No. A-0756, Roof Replacement, Floral Heights Elementary School, to Weiss & Woolrich Southern Enterprises, Inc.

100,590            J-27            AWARDED            Project No. A-0757, Roof Replacement, North Twin Lakes Elementary School, to A-1 Duran Roofing, Inc.

100,591            J-28            AWARDED            Project No. A-0758, Roof Replacement and Site Drainage, North Beach Elementary School, to Weiss & Woolrich Southern Enterprises, Inc.

100,592            J-29            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. FA-0003, Fire Alarm System Installation, Sweetwater Elementary School, for an extra amount of $8,939.

100,593            J-30            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. RF9999-03, Safety-to-Life, Natural Bridge Elementary School, for a credit of $79,433.

100,594            J-31            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. RF9999-12, Safety-to-Life, North Miami Senior, for a credit of $26,800.

100,595            J-32            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. SAF-028, Purchase and Installation of Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST’S) and Removal of Underground Storage Tanks (UST’S), Various Sites, for an extra amount of $25,345 and approved a time extension of 39 days.

100,596            J-33            AUTHORIZED            The termination of the construction contract with JV Construction Corporation; and, required that Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, take over the project and complete the work.

100,597            J-34            AWARDED            Project No. A-0497, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, Fairlawn Elementary School, to Buade Construction Company, Inc.

100,598            J-35            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A-0373, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, Flagami Elementary School, for an extra amount of $95,958.

100,599            J-36            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A-0405, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, Miami Lakes Educational Center, for an extra amount of $11,437 and approved a time extension of 23 days.

100,600            J-37            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0419, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, W.R. Thomas Middle School, for an extra amount of $44,584.

100,601            J-38            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0428, Addition, Remodeling and Renovation, Lake Stevens Middle School, for an extra amount of $40,674.

100,602            J-39            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0534, Addition, Remodeling and Renovation, Hialeah Elementary School, for an extra amount of $66,185.

100,603            J-40            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0682/A-0683, Full Service Relocatables (Turnkey), Jose Marti Middle/Miami Norland Senior High Schools, for a credit of $17,751 and approved a time extension of 167 days.

100,604            J-41            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0647, Addition, Remodeling and Renovations, Coral Reef Elementary School, for a credit of $338,724.

100,605            J-42            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0692, Design Build, Doral Middle School, for an extra amount of $140,384 and approved a time extension of 29 days.

100,606            J-43            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0702, New Prototypical Elementary School, Eugenia B. Thomas Elementary School, for an extra amount of $31,573 and approved a time extension of 43 days.

100,607            J-44            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0712, Design Build, S/S "BB-1" at Palm Springs Middle Site, for an extra amount of $24,907.

100,608            J-45            COMMISSIONED            The firm of James B. Pirtle Construction Co., Inc. to provide Construction Management (CM) At-Risk services for State School “B-1” (Ada Merritt Elementary Community School), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,609            J-46            AUTHORIZED            A Request for Proposals for the selection of one consulting firm to provide Job Order Contracting system consulting services for a three-year term and a one-year extension at the Board’s option; and, approved the selection committee to review the proposals.

100,610            J-47            COMMISSIONED            The firm of Architects International, Inc., to prepare and administer the design criteria package for the new K-8 (State School “QQ-1”), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,611            J-48            APPROVED            Guaranteed Maximum Price for Project No. A0426B-CM, Roof Repair/Replace­ment, Exterior Painting and Waterproofing, South Miami Senior High School, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

100,612            J-49            AUTHORIZED            The extension of the existing agreements with Richard Flanders Enterprises, Inc. and Earl Hagood, Inc. for an additional six months.

100,613            K-1            AUTHORIZED            The acceptance of the partial settlement offer in the case of Association for Disabled Americans, Inc., et al. v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, U.S.D.C. Case No. 00-00249-CIV-LENARD, and payment of Plaintiff's attorney fees in an amount not to exceed $5,000.

100,614            K-2            ENTERED   Its final order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Jose Martinez – Case No. 99-012 McKinney, accepting the exceptions set forth in the School Board’s Exceptions to Recommended Order.

100,615            K-3            ACCEPTED The resignation of Brian Glasford, teacher at Coral Reef Senior High School, effective as of April 9, 2001.

100,616            K-4            ENTERED   Its order in Kimberly Hall v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No. SBC 01-314 denying the Request for Administrative Hearing filed as untimely as set forth in the proposed order.

Granted the request for Administrative Hearing in the case of Kimberly Hall v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case No. SBC 01-314.

100,617            K-20            ADOPTED            Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-8D-1.01, Comprehensive Districtwide Planning, and the document, Promoting Continuous School Quality Improvement 2000-2001, A Manual for Implementing Florida's High Quality Education System in Miami-Dade County Public Schools, which is incorporated by reference and is part of this rule.

100,618            K-21            ADOPTED    The following amended Board Rules:

·            6Gx13-6A-1.02, Elementary and Secondary School Calendar, 2001-2002;
·            6Gx13-6C-1.02, Adult/Vocational Education School Calendar, 2001-2002;
·            6Gx13-6A-1.021, Edison Project-Henry E.S. Reeves Elementary School Calendar, 2001-2002;
·            6Gx13-6A-1.022, Extended Year School Calendar, 2001-2002;
·            6Gx13-6A-1.023, Juvenile Justice Education Extended School Year Calendar, 2001-2002.

100,619            K-22            ADOPTED            Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-4D-1.022, Manual of Procedures for Managerial Exempt Personnel, and the document, Manual of Procedures for Managerial Exempt Personnel (MEP), which is incorporated by reference and is a part of this rule.

100,620            K-23            AUTHORIZED            The initiation of rulemaking proceedings to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.01, Investment of Funds—Principles, by amending the document, Deposit and Investment Policies for School Board Funds, which is incorporated by reference and is a part of this rule.

100,621            K-24            AUTHORIZED            The initiation of rulemaking proceedings to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-4D-1.102, Early Retirement Plan – Investment Policies.




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