Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2001


The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |


Miami, Florida

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of September 12, 2001 Board Meeting


APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of July 26, 31; August 2, 7, 9, 14, and 21, 2001.

APPROVED            Minutes of the February 14, 2001 (amended), and August 22, 2001 School Board meetings.

101,410                        A-1                        RATIFIED                           The amendment to the labor contract with the United Teachers of Dade, effective July 1, 2001 through June 30, 3002.

101,411                        A-2                        APPROVED                         The Memorandum of Understanding between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade for full implementation of the Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System (PACES), as the M-DCPS teacher evaluation system for classroom-based instructional personnel.

101,412                        A-3                        AUTHORIZED                     The recommended 2001-2002 salary schedule for Administrative Assistant to School Board members, and the incumbents to receive a 3.0% increase in salary.

101,413                        A-4                        AUTHORIZED                     The recommended 2001-2002 Confidential Exempt Salary Schedule, and the incumbents to receive a 3.0% increase in salary.

101,414                        A-5                        AUTHORIZED                     The recommended 2001-2002 Managerial Exempt (MEP) Salary Schedule, and the incumbents to receive a 3.0% increase in salary.

101,415                        B-1                        AUTHORIZED                     The Superintendent to enter into the settlement agreement in the case of Helena Benitez v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida,   U.S.D.C. Case No. 00-02201-Civ-Moore, for the sum of $30,000.  The settlement will release the School Board from all claims, including damages, attorneys’ fees and costs.

101,416                        B-20                        AUTHORIZED                   The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-7B-1.02, Architectural, Engineering, and Inspection Services—Authority of Superintendent of Schools to Employ, and the document, Procedures for the Selection of Technical Review Services Consultant and Uniform Building Code Inspector, which is incorporated by reference and is part of this rule.

********                        B-21                        WITHDREW                   Proposed Promulgation of Board Rules: Initial Reading 6Gx13-2C-1.083, Educational Facilities Planning, Site Selection and Acquisition, and Construction; Proposed Repeal of Board Rules:  Initial Reading 6Gx13-2C-1.082, Construction Committees – Establishment and Responsibilities; 6Gx13-7B-1.06, Site Selection Procedures; 6Gx13-2C-1.15, School Site Selection Commit-tees –Establishment and Responsibilities

101,417                        B-22                        WITHDREW*                    Request to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-2C-1.14, Department of Management Audits, Statement of Policies and Procedures.

                      * Withdrawn during the meeting.

101,418                        B-23                        AUTHORIZED                   The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.17,  Citizen Appearances—Board Meetings.

101,419                        C-1                        AUTHORIZED                     A cooperative agreement with the Menninger Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Topeka, Kansas, for the establishment of a Peaceful Schools Program at Cypress Elementary School and Natural Bridge Elementary School, from October 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002. There is no cost to the district for the implementation of this program.

101,420                        C-2                        APPROVED                          Resolution No. 01-36 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida endorsing Hispanic Heritage Month, October 2001.

101,421                        C-11                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 01-31 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, proclaiming October 7-13, 2001, as Exceptional Student Education Week in Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

101,422                        C-12                        AUTHORIZED                   The Superintendent to enter into a contractual agreement with the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, from October 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002; provide education and training to inmates of correctional facilities; and receive payments for these services in an amount not to exceed $400,000.

101,423                        C-30                        AUTHORIZED                   Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-474 (2000/2001).

101,424                        C-31                        AUTHORIZED                   Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-476 (2000/2001).

101,425                        C-32                        AUTHORIZED                   Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-478(2000/2001).

101,426                        C-33                        AUTHORIZED                   Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-479 (2000/2001).

101,427                        C-34                        AUTHORIZED                   Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-480 (2000/2001).

101,428                        D-1                        AUTHORIZED                     The Superintendent, or his designee, to execute a Joint Use Agreement with the City of Miami Beach for Biscayne Elementary School, under the terms and conditions set forth; and to develop and execute a temporary use agreement with the City of Miami Beach for temporary use of the service road at Miami Beach Senior High School, substantially in conformance with the terms and conditions set forth [in the Official Agenda].

101,429                        D-2                        AUTHORIZED                     The execution of lease agreements [as delineated in the Official Agenda] with Miami-Dade County for vacant Board-owned land for park purposes (Wild Lime Park), and Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School and Herbert A. Ammons Middle School for use of County-owned land for district recreational purposes, as further delineated in the Official Agenda.

********                     D-3                        WITHDREW                        Request for approval of an internal review process in connection with the placement of telecommunication facilities on Board-owned property.

101,430                        D-25                        COMMISSIONED            The firm of Veitia Padron, Incorporated to provide Construction Management (CM) At-Risk services for miscellaneous projects with an estimated construction cost up to $500,000 each, under the terms delineated in the Official Agenda, for a period of two years, commencing October 14, 2001 through October 13, 2003.

101,431                        D-26                        COMMISSIONED            The firm of Tilden Lobnitz Cooper to provide Special Projects Consultant (SPC) services, primarily mechanical in nature, for a two-year period, commencing August 13, 2001 and expiring August 12, 2003, with the second year being at the Board’s option, for the negotiated provisions as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,432                        D-27                        COMMISSIONED            The firm of Rodriguez Peterson & Porras Architects, Inc., to provide design criteria professional (DCP) services for the additions and renovations project at Hialeah Elementary School, for considerations as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,433                        D-28                        AUTHORIZED                   The execution of an agreement with Miami-Dade County and the execution of relevant conveyance documents for the provision of water and wastewater services for planned improvements at the addition at the Richmond Heights Middle School site (State School “QQ”), at an approximate cost of $38,552, which is included in the construction contract.

101,434                        D-29                        AUTHORIZED                   The execution of an agreement with Miami-Dade County and the execution of relevant conveyance documents for the provision of water and wastewater services for planned improvements at the Ponce de Leon Middle School site (State School “JJ-1”).

101,435                        D-30                        AUTHORIZED                   The execution of an Absolute Bill of Sale for wastewater facilities at the Cutler Ridge Middle School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

101,436                        D-31                        AUTHORIZED                   An agreement with Miami-Dade County and the execution of relevant conveyance documents for the provision of water and wastewater services for planned improvements at the Robert Morgan Technical Educational Center Site, at an approximate cost of $388,920, which is included in the construction contract.

101,437                        D-32                        AUTHORIZED                   The execution of an Absolute Bill of Sale for water facilities at the Coral Gables Senior High School site in favor of Miami-Dade County.

101,438                        D-33                        CONFIRMED                    Final Change Order No. 5 on Project No. A-0498, Additions/Remodeling/Renovations, Flamingo Elementary School for a credit of $29,596 and a time extension of 33 days.

101,439                        D-34                        CONFIRMED                    Change Order No. 5 on Project No. A-0532, Alteration and Addition, Parkview Elementary School, for a credit of 14,243.

101,440                        D-35                        CONFIRMED                    Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0692, Design Build, Doral Middle School, for an additional cost of $100,603 and a time extension of 23 days.

101,441                        D-36                        CONFIRMED                    Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0741, Design-Build – New Construction, S/S "GGG" @ Hialeah Senior High site, for an additional cost of $74,082 and a time extension of 40 days.

101,442                        D-37                        CONFIRMED                    Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0741A, Remodeling of Media Center, Hialeah Senior High  School, for an additional cost of $13,963.

101,443                        D-38                        APPROVED                       GMP for James B. Pirtle Construction Company, Inc., Project No. A-0775B-CM, New Construction, in the amount of $4,212,109, which includes a contingency in the amount of $159,752; and Project No. A-0775C-CM, Additions, Remodeling and Renovations, North Beach Elementary School, in the amount of $1,354,479, which includes a contingency in the amount of $47,718.  The total amount of combined GMPs is $5,566,588.

********                     D-39                        WITHDREW                      Request for approval of GMP for James B. Pirtle Construction Company, Inc., Project No. A-0775B-CM, New Construction, North Beach Elementary School.

101,444                        D-40                        APPROVED                       GMP for Project No. A-0776B-CM, Site/Civil Package, Biscayne Elementary School, in the amount of $654,005, which includes a contingency in the amount of $25,154.

101,445                        D-41                        APPROVED                      GMP for Project No. A-0776C-CM, Site/Civil,  Biscayne Elementary School, in the amount of $15,583, which includes a contingency in the amount of $742.

101,446                        D-60                        AUTHORIZED                 An extension of the current contract for Asbestos Alternate/Quality Control Laboratory/ Consultant between Evans Environmental & Geological Science & Management (EE&G), Inc./EMSL Analytical, Inc. (A Joint Venture), and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract, for a period of 90 days, or until award of the new contract,  whichever comes first.

101,447                        D-61                        AUTHORIZED                 An extension of the current contract for Technical Consultant/Testing Services between ATC Associates, Inc., and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract, for a period of 90 days or until award of the new contract, whichever comes first.

101,448                        D-62                        AUTHORIZED                 An extension of the current contract for Technical Consultant/Testing Services, between E. M. Analytical, Inc., Enhealth Environmental, Inc./Advanced Industrial Hygiene Services, Inc. (a joint venture), and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract, for a period of 90 days, or until award of the new contract, whichever comes first.

101,449                        E-1                        APPROVED                        The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves and separations, as included in Personnel Action Listing 907.

101,450                        E-2                        APPROVED                        The recommendations as set forth for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective September 13, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

101,451                        E-3                        AUTHORIZED                    The renewal of the Board’s Boiler and Machinery Insurance coverage, for the third year of its three-year renewal, effective September 13, 2001 to September 13, 2002, with Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspection Insurance Company (A.M. Best A+XV), through Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., at an annual premium of $80,624; and authorized staff to begin negotiations with Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, through Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., for a three-year renewal program, with specific recommendations to be brought back to the Board prior to the current coverage expiration of September 13, 2002.

101,452                        E-4                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of Ms. Janice D. Joseph, School Bus Driver at Northwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

101,453                        E-5                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of Ms. Lawanda E. Carroll, School Bus Driver at Northeast Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

101,454                        E-6                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Mercedes J. Valdes, Registrar at Miami Palmetto Adult Vocational Center, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,455                        E-7                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Melisa Pierre, School Bus Driver at North Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,456                        E-8                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Donna L. Refuse, Bus Aide at North Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,457                        E-9                        AUTHORIZED                    The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Mitzi Y. Boynton, Bus Aide at Southwest Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,458                        E-10                        AUTHORIZED                  The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Sherry A. Brown, Bus Aide at Southwest Transportation Center, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,459                        E-11                        AUTHORIZED                  The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Cheryl D. Scott, Paraprofessional I at Coral Park Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,460                        E-12                        AUTHORIZED                  The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Janice E. Hodgson, Custodian at Miami Park Elementary School, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

101,461                        E-13                        AUTHORIZED                  The suspension of, and dismissal proceedings against Ms. Deidre L. Hush, Elementary School Assistant at Leisure City Elementary School, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001.

101,462                        E-14                        ACCEPTED                       The resignation of Mr. Vaughn R. Marshall, Teacher at  Alternative Outreach Education, effective at the close of the workday on September 12, 2001.

101,463                        E-15                        AUTHORIZED                  The recommended 2001-2002 Salary Schedule IO, the incumbents to receive a 3.0% increase in salary.

101,464                        F-1                        AUTHORIZED                    The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, Division of Workforce Development, in the amount of $3,995,581, for funding under the Adult Education Supplemental Program of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of 1998, and the entering into individual contractual agreements [as delineated in the Official Agenda] with the Coalition of Florida Farmworkers Organization, Inc.; One Nation, Inc.; Greater Miami Service Corps; James E. Scott Community Association; ASPIRA of Florida, Inc.; and Miami-Dade Community College; Project Cycle: July 1, 2001 through June 28, 2002.

101,465                        F-2                        AUTHORIZED                    The acceptance of a grant award from the Economic Opportunity Family Health Center, Inc., and the entering into a contractual agreement to provide Primary Teen Pregnancy Prevention Services; Project Cycle: September 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002; and an extension of this grant award and contractual agreement, at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,466                        F-3                        AUTHORIZED                    The acceptance of a continuation grant award from The State of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice, in the amount of $1,971,000, and the entering into a contractual agreement with the ICARE Bay Point Schools, in an amount not to exceed $622,691 annually, to provide a residential aftercare program; Project Cycle: September 15, 2001 through September 14, 2004; and an extension of this grant award and contractual agreement, at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,467                        F-4                        AUTHORIZED                    The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $744,118, for funding the Building the Digital Village: Leaving No Child Behind Project; Project Cycle: July 6, 2001 through July 31, 2002; and an extension of this grant award, at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,468                        F-5                        AUTHORIZED                    The acceptance of five Comprehensive Family Literacy continuation grant awards from the Florida Department of Education for Miami Beach Adult Education Center; North Miami Beach Community School; the Virtual Instructional Partners Project; the Virtual Adult Education Project, and Wesley Matthews Elementary School; for funding family literacy projects under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act; Project Cycle: July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002; and an extension of this grant award, at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,469                        G-1                        ADOPTED                          The millage resolution for 2001-02, for a total of 9.376 mills.

101,470                        G-2                        ADOPTED                          The Five-Year Facilities Work Program required by S.235.185, Florida Statutes.

101,471                        G-3                        ADOPTED*                        The 2001-02 Annual Budget by approving changes from the Tentative Adopted Budget enumerated on pages 2 through 23, and the revenues and appropriations delineated on the official state budget forms and including any amendments approved by the Board following the public hearing on September 12, 2001.

  *                        As amended:   That The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, accept the following recommendation proposed by State Representative Lacasa:    

The establishment of an independent small staff to report directly to the Board to provide advice regarding resource allocation and program decisions, as well as to verify and condense information provided by the Superintendent’s staff.  The office could be called “The Miami-Dade School Board Office of Planning and Budgeting, directed by a Chief Board Advisor to be paid on a contractual basis, at approximately the same salary as a Deputy Superintendent.  Funds for this position would be set aside while other issues are considered.

101,472                        ****                       DIRECTED                        The Superintendent to look for alternative sources of financing that would not affect individual schools’ 02 discretionary accounts, and make recommendations to the Board regarding same.

101,473                        G-4                        ADOPTED                          Resolution No. 3, 2000-01 General Fund Final Budget Review; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (Page 4) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (Page 10).

101,474                        G-5                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 2, 2000-01 Debt Service Funds Budget, 1) recognizing changes in revenue and other sources, and 2) amending appropriations as shown on Page 2 of 2.

101,475                        G-6                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 2, 2000-01 Capital Outlay Budget Funds Final Budget Review, a) recognizing new revenues and other sources, b) amending appropriations, and c) documenting changes in object codes, as described and summarized in the Official Agenda.

101,476                        G-7                        ADOPTED                          Resolution No. 3, 2000-01 Contracted Programs Fund Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $20,113,084; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (Page 2), and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (Page 4).

101,477                        G-8                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 1, 2000-01 Food Service Fund Final Budget Review, increasing appropriations by $1,207,471, and increasing ending fund balance by $881,448.

101,478                        G-11                        APPROVED                      The Annual Financial Report for 2000-2001, and authorized the Superintendent to submit the approved report to the Florida Department of Education.

101,479                        G-12                        APPROVED                      The Non-Expendable Personal Property Inventory Deletions containing 3,286 items, in the amount of $6,474,643, and Recoveries containing 19 items, in the amount of $41,279, to update the records as indicated in April, May and June 2001 reports.

101,480                        G-21                        APPROVED*                    The Request for Proposal for selection of Financial Advisor, presented as Exhibit A;                        approved the Selection Committee, presented as Exhibit B; authorized the Superintendent to advertise and distribute a Request for Proposal for Financial Advisory Services; and authorized the Chair to appoint a School Board member and a member of the Investment Advisory Committee to participate in the Selection Committee.

 *                        Appointed School Board Vice Chair Dr. Michael M. Krop to serve as the Board’s representative, and Mr. Andres Bolaños, CPA, to serve as a member of the Investment Advisory Committee in the Selection Committee.

101,481                        G-22                        APPROVED*                    The Request for Proposal for GOBs and COPs Refundings, presented as Exhibit A; approved the Selection Committee presented as Exhibit B; authorized the Superintendent to advertise as presented in Exhibit C  and distribute a Request for Proposal for GOBs and COPs Refundings; and authorized the Chair to appoint a School Board member and a member of the Investment Advisory Committee to participate in the Selection Committee for the selection and recommendation process.

 *                        Appointed School Board Vice Chair Dr. Michael M. Krop to serve as the Board’s representative, and Mr. Andres Bolaños, CPA, to serve as a member of the Investment Advisory Committee for the selection and recommendation process.

101,482                        G-61                        ACCEPTED                       Community Education Partners, Inc., as a partner to apply for grant funds provided under Appropriation 131-A, in response to Request for Proposals No. 003-BB10; authorized the Superintendent to apply for grant funds available under Appropriation 131-A, in partnership with Community Education Partners, Inc.; and awarded Request for Proposals No. 003-BB10 – Applicant – Outside Agencies Qualified to Operate Alternative Programs for M-DCPS At-Risk Students, to Community Education Partners, Inc., effective September 12, 2001 through September 11, 2002.

101,483                        G-62                        AUTHORIZED                  The renewal of Bid No. 221-XX03 – Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers, with Fesco, effective October 20, 2001 through October 19, 2002.

101,484                        G-63                        AUTHORIZED                  The renewal of Bid No. 231-ZZ03 – Fresh Delivered Specialty Items A La Carte II, with Riconed, Inc./Burger King No. 17, effective October 11, 2001 through October 10, 2002.

101,485                        G-64                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 105-AA03 – Bakery Items, to Interstate Brands Corporation – Holsum Bakers, effective November 20, 2001 through November 30, 2003.

101,486                        G-65                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 107-AA03 – Fresh Delivered Hamburgers, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective October 21, 2001 through December 31, 2002.

101,487                        G-66                        AUTHORIZED                  The renewal of Bid No. 216-ZZ05 – Industrial Equipment and Supplies Catalog Discount, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective October 11, 2001 through October 10, 2002.

101,488                        G-67                        AUTHORIZED                  The renewal of Bid No. 253-ZZ02 – Privacy Lattice, with The Home Depot, effective October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.

101,489                        G-68                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 218-AA05 – Door Hardware Discount Bid, to Ace Lock and Security Supply, Mayflower Sales Company, Inc., and Southern Lock and Supply Company, effective September 12, 2001 through September 11, 2002.

101,490                        G-69                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 186-AA09 – Tools, Supplies and Equipment, Custodial II, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 12, 2001 through September 11, 2002.

101,491                        G-70                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 207-AA09 – Shirts and Jackets, School Monitor, to Albert Booker and Sunshine Pro-motions and Marketing, Inc., effective September 12, 2001 through September 11, 2002.

101,492                        G-71                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 168-AA02 – Overhead Garage Door/ Furnish and Install, to American Overhead Door Company, Inc., effective September 12, 2001.

101,493                        G-72                        AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 021-ZZ01M/WBE – Armed Security Guard Services II, with Gabriel Security Corporation, Inc., effective October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.

101,494                        G-73                        AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 025-ZZ04 – Security Locking Devices: Computers and Various Equipment, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective October 20, 2001 through October 19, 2002.

101,495                        G-74                        AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 245-ZZ09 – Dust Control Services, with America’s Dust Busters, Inc., effective October 13, 2001 through October 12, 2002.

101,496                        G-75                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 138-AA01 – School Office Furniture Catalog Discount Bid, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 22, 2001 through August 21, 2003.

101,497                        G-76                        AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 001-AA06 – Paper: Multipurpose  Xerographic I, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 13, 2001 through September 12, 2002.

101,498                        G-77                        AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 002-AA06M/WBE – Paper, Multipurpose Xerographic II, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 13, 2001 through September 12, 2002.

101,499                        G-78                        WITHDREW*                    Request to award Bid No. 001-BB04 – On-Site Service for Telephone Equipment.

* Withdrawn during the meeting.

101,500                        G-79                        AWARDED                        Request For Proposals No. 228-AA10 – Out-side Agencies to Operate Applied Technology Programs for Low-Income and/or Incarcerated Youth (Rebid), to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective September 12, 2001 through September 11, 2002.

101,501                        G-80                        AWARDED                        Bid No. 231-AA07–On-Site Refueling of Vehicles, to MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, effective October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.

101,502                        G-81                        AUTHORIZED                   The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to utilize the Florida Department of Education Bid No. 2001-19, to purchase 152 school buses, for a total amount of $9,998,289.

101,503                        G-82                        APPROVED                        Payment to Core Knowledge Foundation, for workshops and educational services rendered to Miami Edison Middle School, for a total amount of $17,950.

101,504                        G-83                        APPROVED                        The supplemental awards on term bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 17, 2001 through March 16, 2002.

101,505                        H-1                        APPROVED                          The proposed MDCPS/UTD Memorandum of Understanding authorizing School Improvement Plan waivers, effective September 12, 2001.

101,506                        I-1                         APPROVED                          The list of contractors (as delineated in the Official Agenda) for prequalification and authorized staff to issue a certificate to each con-tractor, certifying prequalification for a period of one year; and declared Solo Air Conditioning & Heating, Co. and Zurqui Construction Services, Inc. ineligible for prequalification at this time and authorized the Superintendent to officially inform the contractors of such ineligibility.

101,507                        I-2                        AUTHORIZED                      A contractual agreement with South Florida Inner City Games for $44,715, and Florida Inter-national University for $30,000, for educational services through the Middle School Enrichment 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant, from October 1, 2001 through June 14, 2002.  No local funds are required.

101,508                        I-3                        AUTHORIZED                      The acceptance of a donation, valued at $400,000, of computers and related equipment, software, snacks, supplies, curriculum materials, and professional artists from South Florida Inner City Games for use in Middle School Enrichment (MSE) after-school programs and summer camps.  No local funds required.

101,509                        I-4                        ADOPTED                             Resolution No. 01-35, proclaiming the week of October 15-19, 2001, as National School Lunch Week.

101,510                        J-1                        AUTHORIZED                     The out-of-state field trip to Whitwell, Tennessee, for students at Palmetto and Southwood middle schools, October 8-9, 2001.

101,511                        K-1                        DISCUSSED*                      New Business:  Board Members.

*                        Appointed School Board Member Betsy H. Kaplan to serve as the Board’s representative on the South Florida Consortium of School Boards.

101,512                        K-2                        POSTPONED*                     Action on the Superintendent’s Employment Agreement.

101,513                        ****                        SCHEDULED                     A Special School Board Meeting for 1:00 p.m., on September 26, 2001,  to take action on the Superintendent’s Employment Agreement.

101,514                        K-3                        AUTHORIZED                     Participation in WORLDLINK 2001: Gaining the Global Edge, a 24-hour cyberspace summit on October 23-24, 2001, making United Nations Day.

101,515                        K-4                        CHANGED                           The name of Robert Morgan Technical Arts Senior High School to Robert Morgan Educational Center.

101,516                        K-5                        DIRECTED                          The Superintendent to conduct a feasibility study for a pilot program in which educational videos are provided to elementary school children while riding the bus to and from school.

101,517                        K-6                        ADOPTED                            The proposed 2002 Legislative Program of the South Florida Consortium of School Boards.

101,518                        K-7                        AUTHORIZED                     Participation in the 2002 Fast Tract Initial Master Board Program offered by the Florida School Boards Association.

********                     K-8                        WITHDREW                        Request to rescind award of Employee Benefits Program for Calendar Year 2002.

101,519                        K-9                        APPROVED                         Resolution No. 01-31, commending Mr. Ed O’Dell for his outstanding support in the development of the Critical Incident Response Training Plan Video.

********                    K-10                        WITHDREW                       Request to direct the Superintendent to include in the 2002 Legislative Priority Packet, support of legislation amending current Florida statutes regarding conversion charter schools.

101,520                        K-11                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 01-39, endorsing September as “Take Your Dad to School Month in Florida,” and designation of the week of September 24-28 for father-friendly events and activities to be conducted in all of Miami-Dade County’s public schools, to encourage the participation of fathers in the education of their children.

101,521                        K-12                        APPROVED                        Resolution No. 01-37, condemning the cowardly acts that resulted in the apparent terrorist attacks in United States’ cities on September 11, 2001.






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