Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2001


The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |


Miami, Florida

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of July 11, 2001 School Board Meeting


APPROVED            Bid Opening Lists of May 31; June 5, 7, 14, 19, and 26, 2001.  

APPROVED            Minutes of the May 16, 2001 (Amended), and June 20, 2001 School Board meetings.

101,050            ***            DIRECTED               The Superintendent and the Board Attorney to come back to the Board, by its October meeting, with a report detailing a post-unitary plan of action for this school district, to include input from the Bi-Racial/Tri-Ethnic Committee and the Attendance Boundary Committee.  

101,051            A-1            AUTHORIZED          The Superintendent to explore the feasibility of applying to the State Board of Education to enter into a performance contract establishing the District as a charter school district.

101,052            A-2            RECEIVED                The Highlights of the Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition (SAT-9), Grades 2 and 3.

101,053            A-3            RECEIVED                The School Infrastructure Thrift (SIT) report. 

101,054            B-1            ENTERED                  A Final Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Pamela K. Portillo, DOAH Case No. 00-1416, adopting the Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order affirming the suspension and dismissal of Pamela K. Portillo, as its Final Order.

101,055            B-2            AUTHORIZED           The Superintendent to enter into the Settlement Agreement in the case of JCI International, Inc. v. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Circuit Court Case No. 99-20944 CA 05, for the payment of $175,000 to JCI International, Inc., in settlement of all claims.

101,056            B-3            GRANTED                 The Respondent a 15-day extension of time to file exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Order in The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Charlie L. Bradley, DOAH Case No. 99-5005, up to and including July 5, 2001.

101,057            B-4            ENTERED                  A final order in  The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Donna Gowers, Case No. SBC:  01-432 (AA), denying the Second Petition for Hearing filed on behalf of Ms. Gowers in the manner set forth in the proposed order.

101,058            B-20            AUTHORIZED         The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.46, Magnet Programs/Schools.

101,059            B-21                AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-6C-1.03, Admission to Adult Education Program—Guidelines.

101,060            B-22            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to promulgate new School Board Rule 6Gx13-4C-1.063, Compliance with Copyright Laws and “Fair Use” Guidelines.

101,061            B-23            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13- 5D-1.08, Maintenance of Appropriate Student Behavior, by amending the documents, Code of Student Conduct Elementary and the Code of Student Conduct Secondary, which are incorporated by reference and are a part of this rule.

101,062            B-24            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-3D-1.021, Internal Funds—Specific Procedures, by amending sections of the Manual of Internal Accounting for Elementary Schools and the Manual of Internal Accounting for Secondary Schools, which are incorporated by reference and are a part of this rule.

101,063            B-25            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-5C-1.031, Dress Code.

101,064            B-26            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-3E-1.102, Transportation – Zero Tolerance, and School Board Rule 6Gx13-3E-1.10, Transportation – Specific Procedures.

101,065            C-1            AUTHORIZED                   The Superintendent to accept a donation of mathematics and science kits, entitled Build Up: A Toolkit for Learning, from the Associated General Contractors of America.  No local funds are required.

101,066            C-2            APPROVED                The amendment to the amended Doral Academy Charter School contractual agreement ,beginning with the 2001-2002 school year to 1) increase the overall enrollment from up to 900 students to up to 1,250 students; and  2) add an additional location for grades 6-8, at 11100 NW 27 Street, Miami, Florida  33172.

101,067            C-3             APPROVED               The charter school contractual agreement with Northeast Academy, for a period of 10 years, commencing on the first day of the 2001-2002 school year.

101,068            C-4            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent to accept a donation of 30 computers, courseware, and program materials for A+ certification through the Dell Academy program, from Dell Computer Corporation and Microsoft, and Microsoft software for Booker T. Washington Senior High School; and place the computers and the Dell Academy Program at Miami Southridge Senior High School, and the Microsoft software at Booker T. Washington Senior High School.   No local funds are required.

101,069            C-5            APPROVED                The charter school contractual agreement with North County Charter School for a period of 10 years, commencing on the first day of the 2001-2002 school year.

******               C-6            WITHDREW             Request for approval for the Superintendent to seek funding under the Florida Department of Education funds, appropriation 131-A for alternative schools public-private partnerships.

101,070            C-11            AUTHORIZED          The Superintendent, or his designee, to enter into a contractual agreement with Barry University to provide an opportunity for a maxi-mum of 15 Miami-Dade County Public Schools teachers in the K-12 program to earn a Master of Science Degree in Exceptional Student Education, with specialization in Emotional Disturbance and Autism, from September 1, 2001 through August 30, 2003, for a total cost not to exceed $151,200.   The appropriation for this item will be included in the 2001-2002 Tentative Budget to be recommended for adoption in July 2001.

101,071            C-12            APPROVED              The 2001-2002 Workforce Development Education Program fee schedule; and authorized the Superintendent to calculate and implement the 2001-2002 Workforce Development Education fee.  No local funds are required.

101,072            C-30            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-342 (2000/01).

101,073            C-31            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-343 (2000/01).

101,074            C-32            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-344 (2000/01).

101,075            C-33            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-345 (2000/01).

101,076            C-34            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-349 (2000/01).

101,077            C-35            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-355 (2000/01).

101,078            C-36            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-359 (2000/01).

101,079            C-37            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-360 (2000/01).

101,080            C-38            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-361 (2000/01).

101,081            C-39            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-367 (2000/01).

101,082            C-40            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-371 (2000/01).

101,083            C-41            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-375 (2000/01).

101,084            C-42            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-377 (2000/01).

101,085            C-43            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-379 (2000/01).

101,086            C-44            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-380 (2000/01).

101,087            C-45            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-381 (2000/01).

101,088            C-46            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-382 (2000/01).

101,089            C-47            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-383 (2000/01).

101,090            C-48            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-386 (2000/01).

101,091            C-49            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-389 (2000/01).

101,092            C-50            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-402 (2000/01).

101,093            C-51            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-403 (2000/01).

101,094            C-52            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-405 (2000/01).

101,095            C-53            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-407 (2000/01).

101,096            C-55            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material BAVADPP Case No. 08AD (00/01).

101,097            C-56            AUTHORIZED          Expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material BAVADPP Case No. 09AD (00/01).

101,098            D-1              AUTHORIZED          The Chair and the Secretary to execute a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $9,000 for the installation of a Fiber Optic Cabinet on the northeast boundary of the Ernest R Graham Elementary School site.

101,099            D-2              AUTHORIZED          The Chair and the Secretary to execute a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $9,000 for the installation of a Fiber Optic Cabinet on the northwest boundary of the Hialeah Middle School site.

101,100             D-3              AUTHORIZED         A parking plan to contain a maximum of 165 parking spaces on the subject 1.7-acre site located to the east of Miami Palmetto Senior High School; and the execution of an amendment to Exhibit “B” of the lease agreement to reflect a parking lot consisting of 166 parking spaces.

*******            D-4              WITHDREW            Request for authorization to execute a Joint Participation Agreement with Miami-Dade County for the design and installation of traffic safety devices to meet the off-site requirements.

101,101             D-5              AUTHORIZED         An extension of the lease agreement with Thomas R. Post, for use of a parking lot for District staff and visitors, at a monthly lease rate of $2,036.25 ($24,435 annually), and monthly parking surcharge payment of $407.25 ($4,887 annually), for a total of $29,322 for the period of September 1, 2001 through August 31, 2002.  All other terms and conditions of the lease agreement will remain unchanged.

101,102             D-6             AUTHORIZED           The renewal of the permit agreement with Miami-Dade County for the placement of one Board-owned Migrant Child Program portable classroom, at an annual rental amount of $1.00.  The term of the renewal option period will commence September 1, 2001, and will end August 31, 2002.  All other terms and conditions of the permit agreement will remain unchanged.

101,103            D-7            AUTHORIZED            The renewal of the lease agreement with Paramount Property Developers, Incorporated, for space for the South Dade Adult Center Annex, at an annual rental amount not to exceed $130,942.30. The term of the re-newal option period will commence October 1, 2001, and will end September 30, 2002.  All other terms and conditions of the lease agreement will remain unchanged.

101,104            D-8            AUTHORIZED            The Superintendent, or his designee, to exe-cute a Joint Use Agreement with Miami-Dade County for use of Highland Oaks Park by Highland Oaks Middle School, at no rent, and under the terms and conditions set forth.

101,105            D-25            AWARDED               Project No. A0723 / A0723A, New State School Addition “FF-1” At Brownsville Middle School, on the basis of Base Bid in the amount of $7,535,000, to the low bidder: Hewett-Kier Construction, Inc.

101,106            D-26            AUTHORIZED          Staff to complete and submit a survey exception, if required, to the Commissioner of Education at the Florida Department of Education; and awarded Project No. A0477, Additions, Renovations, and Remodeling, American Senior High School, on the basis of Base Bid in the amount of $3,061,262, to the low bidder:  Mexal Corp.

*******            D-27            WITHDREW            Request for approval of The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Project No. A0707-CM, New Senior High School, State School “HHH” at Robert Morgan Technical Education Center.

101,107             D-28            COMMISSIONED   The firm of Architecknics Architects & Planners to perform architectural/engineering services for the re-roofing projects at Emerson, Bent Tree, and Banyan elementary schools, for a combined estimated construction cost of $2,777,900, for considerations as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,108            D-29            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 13 on Project No. A-0244/A-0381, Addition of Expressive Arts Center, Remodeling and Renovations, C.R. Drew Elementary and Middle schools, for an extra amount of $11,063, and a time extension of 298 days.

101,109            D-30            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 7 on Project No. A-0358, New Elementary School, Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Elementary School, for an extra amount of  $83,706.

101,110            D-31            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0595, New Gymnasium, Miami Douglas MacArthur North, for a credit of $1,599,541 and a time extension of 177 days.

101,111            D-32            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0705, Design Build, S/S "MM" @ Kinloch Park Middle School Site, for a credit of $6,164 and a time extension of 185 days.

101,112            D-33            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0706, Design Build, S/S "NN" @ G.W. Carver Middle School Site, for an extra amount of $4,018 and a time extension of 175 days.

101,113            D-34            CONFIRMED            Change Order No. 5 on Project No. A-0711, Design Build, S/S "JJ-1" @Ponce De Leon Middle School Site, for an extra amount of  $7,546 and a time extension of 187 days.

101,114            D-35            CONFIRMED            Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. KV9999-18, Safety-to-Life, Mae Walters Elementary School, for an extra amount of  $25,684.

101,115            D-60            AUTHORIZED           The renewal the contractual agreement with Renaissance Builders & Constructors, Inc., Contract No. JOC99B-NORTH CENTRAL-M/WBE, with revised Adjustment Factors, commencing on the date that the current contract meets the maximum value, or on August 24, 2001, whichever occurs first.

*******           D-61            WITHDREW              Request to reject the responsive bid on Project No. KV0021, Roof Replacement, Redland Middle School.

101,116            E-1               APPROVED              The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 905.

101,117            E-2               APPROVED              The recommendations for appointments and lateral transfers [as delineated in the Official Agenda], to be effective July 12, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

101,118            E-3              APPOINTED              Ms. Donna F. Denson and Mr. Gregory A. Jackson to the open, budgeted positions of Buyer, pay grade 39, and assigned them to the Division of Procurement Management, effective July 12, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

101,119            E-4             APPOINTED               Mr. Ivan Jose Gonzalez to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator I, Construction (Roofing), Pay Grade 40, and assigned him to Maintenance and Operations, effective July 12, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

********         E-5             WITHDREW                Request to appoint and assign Coordinator, Systems and Programming.

101,120            E-6             AUTHORIZED             The contractual employment of Ms. Marta Gomez-Chen as Administrative Assistant to School Board Member, Mr. Frank J. Cobo, effective July 12, 2001, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

101,121            E-7            AUTHORIZED              An extension of WLRN radio and television insurance coverages, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,122            E-8            AUTHORIZED              The Superintendent to enter into a Personnel Assignment Agreement with The Florida High School for Mr. John R. Myers to serve as a teacher from July 12, 2001 through June 30, 2002, renewable annually, pending Board approval; and full reimbursement for salary and fringe benefits to be provided by The Florida High School. No local funds are required.

101,123            E-9            AUTHORIZED              The Superintendent to issue a Request for Proposals for the development of an electronic portfolio system for Miami-Dade County Public Schools new teachers; and approved the selection committee that will review the proposals for subsequent submission to the School Board for approval.

101,124            E-10          SUSPENDED                Ms. Roberta Phillips, School Bus Driver at Northwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days, effective at the close of the workday on July 11, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

101,125            E-11          SUSPENDED                Ms. Geneva Washington, Cook  I, at Melrose Elementary School, for 10 working days, effective at the close of the workday on July 11, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

101,126            E-12            SUSPENDED              Mr. Armand B. Petit, School Bus Driver at Southwest Transportation Center, for 30 working days, effective at the close of the workday on July 11, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

101,127            E-13            AUTHORIZED            The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. John Shaw, Jr., Security Monitor at Miami Douglas MacArthur Senior South, effective at the close of the workday on July 11, 2001, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

*******           E-14            WITHDREW               Dismissal of Employee.

101,128            F-1               AUTHORIZED           The Superintendent to accept a grant award from the United States Department of Education,  in the  amount of $3,776,145, for funding under the  Magnet  Schools  Assistance  Program; Project Cycle: July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2004; and the extension of same, at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,129           F-2                AUTHORIZED           The Superintendent to accept a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding a basic allocation grant under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B, in the amount of $123,616; and under IDEA, General Revenue, in the amount of $36,440, for a total amount of $160,056, for the Multiagency Network for Students with Severe Emotional Disturbance; Project Cycle: July 12, 2001 through August 31, 2002; and the extension of same at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,130          F-3               AUTHORIZED             The Superintendent to accept a grant award in the amount of $25,500, from the Florida Department of Education, for funding the Center of Excellence in Health Science Education at William H. Turner Technical Arts High School; Project Cycle: May 18, 2001 through June 30, 2001; and the extension of same at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,131          F-4            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to accept a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $3,019,744,  for  funding under the Improving America’s Schools Act, 1994, Title II Eisenhower Professional Development Program; Project Cycle: July 12, 2001 through July 31, 2002; and the extension of same at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,132          F-5            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to accept  a  grant  award  from  the  BellSouth Foundation in the  amount  of $250,000, for funding under the Power to Learn Grant Program; Project Cycle: May 7, 2001 through September 1, 2003; and the extension of same at no additional cost for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,133          F-6            AUTHORIZED                The Superintendent to accept a grant award from the Florida Department of Education,  in  the  amount  of  $59,200,  for  funding under the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative Program; Project Cycle: May 1, 2001 through March 31, 2002; and the extension of same at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,134         F-7            AUTHORIZED                 The Superintendent to accept grant awards from the United States Department of Education, in the total amount of $1,493,090, for funding under the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program; Project Cycle: June 1, 2001 through May 31, 2004; and the extension of same at no additional cost for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,135         F-8            AUTHORIZED                 The Superintendent to accept a grant award from the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, for funding a Comprehensive Gang Model, in the amount of $150,000; and to enter into a contractual agreement with the University of Miami in an amount not to exceed $55,672; Project Cycle: March 1, 2001 through February 28, 2002; and the extension of same at no additional cost, for up to one year, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,136         G-1            AUTHORIZED                 The Superintendent to advertise proposed tentative budget and millage levies for 2001-02, and other actions, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,137         G-11          RECEIVED                       The Monthly Financial Report for May 2001.

101,138         G-21          REAPPOINTED               SunTrust Bank to provide trust and custodial services to the Supplemental Early Retirement Plan for a one-year period ending June 30, 2002, at an estimated cost of up to $45,000.

101,139         G-22          APPROVED                     The Request for Proposal for selection of underwriters (presented as Exhibit A); approved the Selection Committee (presented as Exhibit B); and authorized the Chair to appoint a School Board member to participate in the Selection Committee.

101,140         ****         APPOINTED                     School Board Vice Chair, Dr. Michael M. Krop, to participate in the Selection Committee for underwriters.

101,141         G-61         APPROVED                      The supplemental awards on the term bids [as delineated in the Official Agenda].

101,142         G-62          RECEIVED                       The report of purchases made utilizing other government bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

101,143         G-63          AWARDED                      Bid No. 170-AA06 – String Instruments, to Southwest Strings, effective July 11, 2001 through July 10, 2002.

101,144         G-64          AUTHORIZED                 The renewal of  Bid No. 004-XX03 – Bakery Items, to Interstate Brands Corporation, effective August 20, 2001 through November 19, 2001.

101,145         G-65          AWARDED                      Bid No. 146-AA05 – Electrical Raceway and Fittings, to CED/Raybro, and Mercedes Electric Supply, Inc., effective September 1, 2001 through August 31, 2002.

101,146         G-66          AUTHORIZED                 The renewal of Bid No. 032-ZZ02—Plastic Laminate Sheets (Rebid), to Wilsonart Inter-national, Inc., effective October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.

101,147         G-67          AUTHORIZED                 The renewal of Bid No. 095-ZZ02 - Plastic Laminate Sheets I (Rebid), to Wilsonart Inter-national, Inc., effective October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.

101,148         G-68          AWARDED                      Bid No. 072-AA05 – Classroom Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 11, 2001 through April 17, 2002.

101,149         G-69         TERMINATED                  The award of Item 36 on Bid No. 168-ZZ09 – Tools, Supplies and Equipment, Custodial, to Grainger Industrial Supply, effective July 11, 2001.

101,150         G-70          AWARDED                      Bid No. 148-AA05 – Office Supplies Catalog Discount, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 1, 2001 through July 31, 2003.

101,151         G-71          AWARDED                      Bid No. 173-AA07–Safety Restraints – Trans-porting, to First Class Coach and Equipment, effective July 11, 2001 through July 10, 2002.

101,152         G-72          AWARDED                        Bid No. 192-AA11 – Full Color Copiers, Digital Duplicators, Digital Multifunctional Devices and Document Imaging Systems Catalog Discount, Part II, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 11, 2001 through  April 17, 2002.

101,153         G-73          TERMINATED                   The award of items 1A through 1C, 4, 5A through 5C, and 6 on Bid No. 305-VV10 – Rental of Portable Sanitation Units, to A.E.S. Portable Sanitation, Inc., effective July 11, 2001.

101,154         G-74          AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 173-ZZ01M/WBE — Furniture, to AFP Industries, Inc., and Seco Supplies, Inc., effective August 23, 2001 through August 22, 2002.

101,155         G-75          AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 224-ZZ07 — Auto-motive Batteries and Accessories, with Exide Corporation, effective August 23, 2001 through August 22, 2002.

101,156         G-76          TERMINATED                   Vendor Bid No. 252-ZZ07 – Charter Bus Service, In and Out of County, with Quality Trans-port Services, Inc., effective July 11, 2001.

101,157         G-77          AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 215-XX03 – Fruit Juices, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 20, 2001 through August 19, 2002.

101,158         G-78          AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 006-ZZ03 – Fresh Delivered Hamburgers, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 21, 2001 through October 20, 2001.

101,159         G-79          AUTHORIZED                   The renewal of Bid No. 011-ZZ03 – Fresh Delivered Pizza, A La Carte, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 20, 2001 through August 19, 2002.

101,160         G-80          AWARDED                        Bid No. 079-AA03 – Cafeteria Paper and Plastic Supplies, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 11, 2001 through June 19, 2002.

101,161         G-81          AWARDED                        Request for Proposals No. 154-AA10 – Pre-Kindergarten Early Intervention Services for Children Who Meet Legislative Eligibility Requirements for the 2001 – 2002 School Year, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 11, 2001 through June 30, 2002.

********      G-82          WITHDREW                      Request to award Request for Proposals No. 169-AA10 –Blood Collection Drive Program.

101,162         G-83          AWARDED                        Request for Proposals No. 180-AA10 – External Auditing Services of the Educational Facilities Impact Fees, to Grau and Company, P.A., effective July 11, 2001 through June 30, 2003.

101,163         G-84          AUTHORIZED                   The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to utilize the Miami-Dade County, Florida Bid No. 4907-2/03-ORT-SW-Playground and Park Equipment:  Furnish, Deliver and/or Install, to purchase outdoor lounge and patio furniture for Capital Improvements Closed Campus 2001/2002 Projects, for a total amount of $232,842.94.

101,164         G-85          REJECTED                         Request for Proposals No. 181-AA10 – Consulting Services for Evaluation, Design and Implementation of the District’s Department of Food and Nutrition as It Relates to the Closing of High School Campuses, to permit staff to pursue alternate solutions, utilizing internal/ external resources.

101,165         H-1            APPROVED                       Tentatively, for planning purposes, the following schedule of Board meeting dates for the period January-December 2002: 

January 16, February 13, March 13, April 17, April 24 (attendance boundary hearing only), May 15, June 19, July 10, July 24 (first budget public hearing), August 21, September 11 (regular meeting/second budget public hearing), October 23, November 19 (organization meeting), November 20, and December 11. 

The final listing of meeting dates for 2002 will be established by the Board at the 2001 organization meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 20, 2001.

101,166         H-2            CONFIRMED                    The Superintendent’s extension of the contract with the law firm of Greenberg Traurig, effective July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002, to represent the Board’s interests in arbitration and unfair labor practice proceedings, and in such other cases as  may be assigned by the Administrative Director of Legislative and Labor Relations, with compensation not to exceed $75,000, at an hourly rate of $150 per hour.

101,167         I-1              APPROVED                      The list of contractors [as delineated in the Official Agenda] for pre-qualification, and authorized staff to issue a certificate to each contractor certifying pre-qualification for a period of one year; declared Unlimited Roofing Services, Inc. ineligible for pre-qualification at this time and authorized the Superintendent to officially inform the contractor of such ineligibility.

101,168        I-2               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Region III Elementary Schools, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,169        I-3               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Region III Secondary Schools, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,170        I-4               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected School and Centers, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,171        I-5               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Audit of Construction Contract Administration, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,172        I-6               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Review of The Accounts Payable Function, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,173        I-7               RECEIVED                        The Internal Audit Report – Review of Payroll Procedures at Selected Offices, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,174        I-8               RECEIVED                        The audits of alternative outreach centers, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,175        I-9               RECEIVED                        The Summary of Internal Auditing Activities for the 2000-01 Fiscal Year and Proposed Audit Plan for the 2001-02 Fiscal Year for the Office of Management and Compliance Audits, June 2001, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

101,176        I-10             RECEIVED                        The report: Minority/Women Business Enterprise Program Annual Expenditure Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000.

101,177        I-11             APPROVED                      The 2001-2002 Board of Trustees of the Miami-Dade Coalition for Community Education.

101,178        J-1               ACCEPTED                      A donation from Ponce de Leon High School Class of 1949 for Ponce de Leon Middle Community School.

101,179        J-2               APPROVED                      The exception to the opening and closing hours of school for the 2001-2002 schoolyear for Miami Southridge Senior High School and North Miami Beach Senior High School.

101,180        J-3               AUTHORIZED                  The Superintendent to issue a Request for Proposals to obtain services of an advertising agency that will solicit sponsors to provide public service announcements on the interior of Miami-Dade County Public Schools buses, at no cost to the district; and approved the selection committee.

101,181        K-1              DISCUSSED                     New Business:  Board Members.

101,182        ***               REAPPOINTED               School Board Member, Dr. Marta Pérez, by unanimous vote of the Board, to serve as the Board’s representative on the Florida School Boards Association for the next two years.

101,183        K-2               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent and the Board Attorney to provide the Board, at its meeting of August 22, 2001, with a plan of action and procedures for replacing the Superintendent or Board Attorney in the event of their departure from the school system.

101,184        K-3               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent to provide an updated report on the plan of action to staff key administrative positions vacated within one to three years by those employees in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP), at its meeting of October 24, 2001.

101,185        K-4               DIRECTED*                    The Superintendent to explore the feasibility of find sponsors for having framed portraits of George Washington, “The Father of Our Country,” and whoever is the current President of the United States, as well as a copy of the Preamble to the United States Constitution displayed in the office of each Miami-Dade County public school.

*     Amended, as reflected above.

101,186        K-5               DIRECTED*                    The Superintendent to bring a report to the Board detailing eminent domain procedures. and areas within the district where eminent domain may become necessary.

*     Amended, as reflected above.

101,187        K-6               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent to direct the Task Force on Overcrowding to include, in its report to the Board, an evaluation of the small schools on small sites concept.

101,188        K-7               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent to provide the Board with a report listing all curricular/instructional pro-grams that are not specifically correlated to the Competency-Based Curriculum and/or Sunshine State Standards.

101,189        K-8               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent to require newly-hired teachers who have not passed a general knowledge test, which is required for state certification, such as the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST), to participate in training courses offered by the Teacher Education Center, as a condition for employment.

101,190        K-9               DIRECTED                      The Superintendent to revise and improve the process and procedures for reviewing applications for the installation of telecommunication equipment on School Board-owned property, taking into consideration the elements described [in the Official Agenda].




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