Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes


The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126. 


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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |

Miami, Florida

Excerpts From Unofficial Minutes of July 14, 1999 School Board Meeting

*** APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of June 8, 13, 15, 22, 24, and 29, 1999.

*** APPROVED Minutes of the June 23, 1999 School Board meeting.

97,055 A-1 RECEIVED The Annual Report of the School Board Audit Committee for the 1998-99 Fiscal Year.

97,056 A-2 RATIFIED The addendum to the current labor contract with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 1184, effective July 1, 1997 through June 30, 2000. The addendum will be effective July 1, 1999.

97,057 A-3 APPROVED The Superintendent's realignment of selected district offices, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,058 A-4 APPROVED The Dade State Attorney's Office/Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Miami-Metro Action Plan (M-MAP) Trust and Foundation Pre-Arrest Diversion Pilot Program for 100 students; granted permission for its implementation; and authorized M-MAP to utilize Miami Carol City, Coral Reef, and Miami senior high schools and waived the facility cost.

97,059 B-1 DISCUSSED New Business--Board members.

97,060 B-2 DIRECTED The Superintendent to develop and transmit to the Board members a district plan for the improvement of student achievement in the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.

97,061 B-3 DIRECTED The Superintendent to establish procedures for the review and renewal of charter school contracts consistent with the provisions set forth.

97,062 B-4 REAFFIRMED The Superintendent’s prescribed practice of bringing to the Board for majority vote all matters that have budget impact and all other matters that lead to policy decisions; and authorized a survey of the district office staff to assess the climate in which they work.

97,063 B-5 DIRECTED The Superintendent to develop and implement an information campaign to inform the community on the impact of the 1999 education legislation.

97,064 B-6 APPROVED* Resolution No. 99-22 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, in recognition and memory of Ms. Mary Brogan.

* Amended as follows: Ms. Mrs. Mary Brogan.

97,065 B-7 DIRECTED The Superintendent to bring back to the Board a report on this district’s approach to com-bating teen pregnancy and its efforts to pro-vide quality early-childhood education in agreement with the intent stated.

97,066 B-8 DIRECTED The Superintendent to study the feasibility of separating sixth graders from seventh and eighth graders within middle schools by having self-contained classes for the sixth graders and changing the times that the different grade levels change classrooms, or some combination thereof.

97,067 B-9 WITHDREW* Request for the inclusion in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ state legislative package a request for the mandatory drug testing of middle and senior high school students as an annual requirement for entry into school.

* Item withdrawn during Board meeting.

97,068 B-10 APPROVED Resolution No. 99-23, honoring Rev. G. David Horton for his 20 years of concern and toil, for his never ending dedication to the goals of his profession, and for his tireless efforts on behalf of Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the people of this community.

97,069 C-1 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the University of Miami from August 25, 1999 through August 2, 2000, to cover partial costs for teachers selected to participate in the Reading/Learning Disabilities Master's or Specialist Degree program.

97,070 C-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to submit to the Florida Department of Education the names of all the schools currently classified as Levels I and II for funding under currently available re-sources to plan for implementation of the extended year concept.

97,071 C-3 RECEIVED The 98-99 Student Voter Registration Report.

97,072 C-4 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the Miami-Dade Department of Human Services, Division of Child Development Services to provide technical training to personnel regarding the implementation of a Simplified Point-of-Entry Sys-tem, for a cost not to exceed $51,290, from July 15 through September 30, 1999.

97,073 C-5 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Cool School of Dade, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $52,440, for the Early Head Start Program at Laura Saunders Elementary School, July 19, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

97,074 C-6 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Miami Children's Hospital, in the amount of $29,817, for the Early Head Start Program at Laura C. Saunders Elementary School, July 19, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

97,075 C-11 CONFIRMED A contractual agreement whereby Miami-Dade County Public Schools will receive funds, in an amount not to exceed $66,425, from Miami-Dade Community College, which will also pro-vide services to Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ graduates participating in the Summer Mentorship Institute, from June 28 through August 13, 1999.

97,076 C-12 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with Dr. Beverly Showers to provide consultation and training for the Dade Academy for Excellence in Teaching, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, from July 15, 1999 through June 30, 2000.

97,077 C-13 APPROVED The 1999-2000 Board of Trustees of the Miami-Dade Coalition for Community Education.

97,078 C-14 APPROVED The 1999-2000 Workforce Development Program fee schedule; and authorized the Superintendent to calculate and implement the 1999-2000 Continuing Workforce Education fee.

97,079 C-15 AUTHORIZED The renewal of a contractual agreement with the Partners for American Vocational Education, in an amount not to exceed $153,000, from July 15, 1999 through August 30, 2000, to provide a 6-month training program in residential construction for 30 post-secondary students.

97,080 C-22 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of funds in the amount of $82,000 from the "Take Stock in Children" Foundation; and the allocate of two educational specialist positions for the purpose of monitoring the program.

97,081 C-23 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with the Bethesda Family Services Foundation, for the provision of a mentoring program for 60 at-risk students per year, from July 1999 through June 2000; and the annual renewal of same for up to two years.

97,082 C-30 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-151 (98/99).

97,083 C-31 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-153 (98/99).

97,084 C-32 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-154 (98/99).

97,085 C-33 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-155 (98/99).

97,086 C-34 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-160 (98/99).

97,087 C-35 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-163 (98/99).

97,088 C-36 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-166 (98/99).

97,089 C-37 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-167 (98/99).

97,090 C-38 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-173 (98/99).

97,091 C-39 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-175 (98/99).

97,092 C-40 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-178 (98/99).

97,093 C-41 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-180 (98/99).

97,094 C-42 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-181 (98/99).

97,095 C-43 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-189 (98/99).

97,096 C-44 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-195 (98/99).

97,097 C-45 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-198 (98/99).

97,098 C-46 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-199 (98/99).

97,099 C-47 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-202 (98/99).

97,100 C-48 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in SM-203 (98/99).

******** C-49 WITHDREW Expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material 052AD (98/99).

97,101 C-50 AUTHORIZED Expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material 054AD (98/99).

97,102 E-1 APPROVED The instructional and noninstructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 881.

97,103 E-2 APPROVED The recommendations as set forth for appointments and lateral transfers, to be effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,104 E-3 APPOINTED Ms. Matilde E. Reyes to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator, Construction Management, Pay Grade 40, 12 months, and assigned her to the Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,105 E-4 APPOINTED Ms. Dawn Marie Pittman to the open, budgeted position of Accounts Payable Manager, Pay Grade 39, 12 months, and assigned her to the Office of Information Technology, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,106 E-5 APPOINTED Mr. Darrel K. Wilbur to the open, budgeted position of Systems Resources Coordinator, Pay Grade 41, 12 months, and assigned him to the Office of Information Technology, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,107 E-6 APPOINTED Ms. Vivian G. Villaamil to the open, budgeted position of Specialist, Real Property Development and Acquisition, Pay Grade 39, 12 months, and assigned her to Governmental Affairs and Land-Use Policy and Acquisition, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

******** E-7 WITHDREW Request to appoint and assign Mr. Kevin S. Davis to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator I, Systems and Programs.

97,108 E-8 APPOINTED Ms. Janis L. Taylor to the open, budgeted position of Communication Analyst I, Pay Grade 39, 12 months; and assigned her to the Office of Information Technology, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,109 E-9 APPOINTED Ms. Ivette M. Pasarin to the open, budgeted position of Senior Project Manager, Systems and Programs, Pay Grade 44, 12 months; and assigned her to the Office of Information Technology, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

******** E-10 WITHDREW Request to appoint and assign Senior Programmer Analyst I.

******** E-11 WITHDREW Request to appoint and assign Coordinator, Job Order Contracting.

97,110 E-12 APPOINTED Mr. Claudius A. Carnegie to the open, budgeted position of Environmental Engineer, Pay Grade 44, 12 months; and assigned him to the Bureau of Facilities Operations, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,111 E-13 APPOINTED The following persons to the positions of Coordinator I, Trades, Pay Grade 40, 12 months, and assigned them to the Bureau of Facilities Operations, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated:

97,112 E-14 APPOINTED Mr. Thomas A. Grove to the open, budgeted position of Coordinator, Construction Maintenance, Pay Grade 40, 12 months; and assigned him to the Bureau of Facilities Operations, effective July 15, 1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,113 E-15 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Hector Pérez, Teacher at G.W. Carver Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on July 14, 1999, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

97,114 E-16 AUTHORIZED The contractual employment of Ms. Sonia Nordelo as Administrative Assistant to School Board Member G. Holmes Braddock, effective August 2,1999, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

97,115 F-1 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the United States Department of Education, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs, in the amount of $235,532 over two years, for funding Project ONE under Title VII, Bilingual Education: Program Enhancement Grants, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2001.

97,116 F-2 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $1,499,988, for funding under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Set-Aside Pro-gram, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2001.

97,117 F-3 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $1,594,830, for funding under the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,118 F-4 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $19,962, for funding under the Perkins Section 222, Gender Equity and Nontraditional Vocational Roll-forward Funds, July 1, 1999 -September 30, 1999.

97,119 F-5 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $203,835, for funding Project Bridges; and the entering into a contractual agreement, in the amount of $194,255, with Intellectual Development System, Inc., January 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,120 F-6 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding a basic allocation grant under the IDEA, Part B, in the amount of $107,770; and under IDEA, General Revenue, in the amount of $38,702, for a total amount of $146,472, for the Multi-agency Network for Students with SED, July 15, 1999 - August 31, 2000.

97,121 F-7 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of grant awards on an ongoing basis from The Pillsbury Company Foundation to improve student achievement, July 15, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,122 F-8 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from First Union National Bank, in the amount of $9,958, for funding a reading tutorial program at Vine-land Elementary School, August 26, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,123 F-9 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $2,062,189, for funding under the Eisenhower Professional Development Program, Title II of the Improving America's Schools Act, 1994, July 1, 1999 - July 31, 2000.

97,124 F-10 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of funding from, and the entering into a contractual agreement with Miami-Dade County, Division of Child Development Services, for after-school care services, July 1, 1999-June 30, 2000.

97,125 F-11 AUTHORIZED Acceptance of funding from, and the entering into a contractual agreement with Family Central, Inc., for after-school care services, July 1, 1999 -June 30, 2000.

97,126 F-12 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $1,200,000, for funding under the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Program, April 2, 1999 -December 31, 1999.

97,127 F-13 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from Florida State University, in the amount of $43,000, for funding the FSU Teacher Enhancement Distance Learning Program, June 15, 1999 - August 15, 2000.

97,128 F-14 AUTHORIZED A cooperative agreement with Miami-Dade County, Head Start Division of the Community Action Agency, to operate four pre-kindergarten programs for students eligible for Title I services, July 15, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,129 F-15 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education, in the amount of $396,102, for funding the School Improvement Project under Title I, PL 103-382, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000.

97,130 G-1 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to advertise the proposed tentative budget and millage levies for 1999-2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,131 G-11 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for May 1999.

97,132 G-61 APPROVED The supplemental awards on the term bids (as delineated in the Official Agenda), effective on the dates noted.

97,133 G-62 RECEIVED The report of purchases made utilizing other government bids (as delineated in the Official Agenda).

97,134 G-63 AUTHORIZED The Bureau of Procurement and Materials Management to utilize State of Florida Con-tract #250-050-97-1, to purchase computers, effective July 14, 1999, from International Business Machines.

97,135 G-64 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #066-VV07 – Welding Gases, with Praxair Distribution Southeast, effective August 1 through October 31, 1999, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,136 G-65 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #238-VV02 – Tree-Trimming and Fence Line Clearing, with Florida Coast Services, Inc., effective August 26, 1999 through November 25, 1999, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,137 G-66 TERMINATED The award of items 27 through 38 on Bid #257-VV05 – Circuit Breakers, with Electrical Supplies, Inc., effective July 14, 1999, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,138 G-67 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #266-VV07 – Charter Bus Service In and Out of County, with various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 23, 1999 through July 22, 2000.

97,139 G-68 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #286-VV07 – Transportation For Special Needs Students, with Zuni Transportation, Inc., and Handi-Van, Inc., effective August 26, 1999 through August 25, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,140 G-69 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #068-xx09 – Printing and Distribution – Adult Vocational Programs, with The Miami Herald Publishing Company, effective September 1 through November 30, 1999, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,141 G-70 TERMINATED The award of items 1 and 2 on Bid #183-XX09 – Printing of Student Case Management Forms, to Ciro B. Sosa, effective July 14, 1999; and re-award same to Precept Business Products, Inc., effective July 14, 1999 through March 31, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,142 G-71 AWARDED Bid #186-XX09 – Pianos, Studio Upright, to The Piano Man, effective July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2000.

97,143 G-72 AWARDED Bid #187-XX09 – Security Guard Uniforms – Non–Officer, to Martin’s Lamar Uniforms, effective July 14, 1999, through July 13, 2000.

97,144 G-73 AWARDED Bid #214-XX03 – Beverages: Carbonated, to Florida Coca-Cola Bottling Company, and Southeast – Atlantic Beverages, effective August 20, 1999 through August 19, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,145 G-74 AWARDED Bid #216-XX06 – Paper: General Classroom, to School Specialty and Integrity School Supplies, effective July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,146 G-75 AUTHORIZED The renewal of Bid #217-XX06 – Paper: Art and Drawing, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 14, 1999, through July 13, 2000.

97,147 G-76 REJECTED Request for Proposal #222-XX10 – Provide Public Opinion Research for Miami-Dade County Public Schools, to permit rebidding using revised specifications.

97,148 G-77 REJECTED Bid #227-XX04 – Teleconferencing Bridges, Provide and Install, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

97,149 G-78 AWARDED Bid #232-XX02 – Windows (Supply Only), to Ready Window Sales & Service Corporation, effective July 16, 1999, through July 30, 2000.

97,150 G-79 AWARDED Bid #236-XX03 – Food Items: Frozen and Refrigerated, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 21, 1999 through February 4, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,151 G-80 AWARDED Bid #237-XX03 – Emergency Pre-Packaged Meals, to Jamison Company, Inc., - Subway and Lawson Foods, effective July 14, 1999, through July 13, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,152 G-81 AWARDED Bid #260-XX02 – Fire Extinguishers, to Biscayne Havana Fire & Safety, effective July 14, 1999, through July 30, 2000, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

97,153 G-82 AWARDED Bid #261-Xx07 – Diesel Fuel (Low Sulfur) South Of Flagler Street – Transport Delivery, to primary vendor MacMillan Oil Company of Florida, Inc., and alternate vendor Coastal Refining and Marketing, Inc., effective July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2000.

97,154 G-83 AWARDED Bid #264-XX06 – Dental Supplies and Equipment, Catalog Discount, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 14, 1999, through July 13, 2000.

97,155 G-84 AWARDED Bid #265-XX06--Cosmetology Furniture, Equipment and Supplies, Catalog Discount, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 14, 1999 - July 13, 2000.

97,156 G-85 AWARDED Bid #266-XX06 – Various Musical Instruments, to Northeast Music, Inc., effective July 14, 1999.

97,157 G-86 AWARDED Bid #273-XX05 – Circuit Breakers, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective July 14, 1999 through August 31, 2000.

******** G-87 WITHDREW Request to award Request for Proposal #279-XX10 – Virtual School District.

97,158 G-88 AWARDED Bid #003-ZZ03 – Food Items: Dry Grocery, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 23, 1999 through August 17, 2000.

97,159 G-89 AWARDED Bid #004-ZZ03 – Armored Car Service, to Dunbar Armored, Inc., effective September 10, 1999 through September 9, 2000.

97,160 G-90 AWARDED Bid #011-ZZ03 – Fresh Delivered Pizza, a la carte, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective August 20, 1999 through August 19, 2000.

97,161 G-91 AWARDED Bid #016-ZZ05 – Upgrade Components for WSE Access Control System, to Best Access System, effective July 14, 1999.

97,162 H-1 APPROVED* Tentatively, for planning purposes, the schedule of School Board meeting dates (as delineated in the Official Agenda), for the period January-December 2000. The final listing of meeting dates for the Year 2000 will be established by the Board at the 1999 organization meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 1999.

* Amended the schedule as follows: July 12, 2000 was changed to July 19, 2000.

97,163 H-2 AUTHORIZED A contract with the law firm of Marino & Walsh to provide contract legal services, as needed, specific to the operations of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of School Police, effective July 15, 1999 through July 15, 2000, with annual expenditures not to exceed $90,000.

97,164 H-11 APPROVED The proposed Memorandum of Understanding modifying provisions of the M-DCPS/UTD labor contract to facilitate the implementation of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test Enhancement Initiative.

97,165 H-21 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 99-26, Jose Luis Garces and Mayda Garces, for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,166 H-22 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 99-149, Domingo Pando/Frances, for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,167 H-23 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 99-66, Eduardo Martinez, for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,168 H-24 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 99-72, Cosmos, Inc., for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,169 H-25 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions for Application No. 99-63, Variety Children's Hospital Foundation, Inc., for a voluntary contribution in addition to educational facilities impact fees, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,170 H-26 ADOPTED Resolution No. 99-21, determining that certain Board-owned land (the former Miramar Elementary School site) is unnecessary for educational purposes, and authorized the Superintendent to initiate action for the disposal of this property, pursuant to Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.092, Disposal of Surplus Land and Other Real Property.

97,171 H-27 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent or his designee to secure appraisals, surveys and environmental assessments for certain lands within Miami-Dade County, Florida, as described, and to negotiate for the purchase of same [for the construction thereon of State School "FFF"].

97,172 H-28 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent or his designee to secure appraisals, surveys and environmental assessments for certain lands within the City of Aven-tura, Florida, as described, and to negotiate for the purchase of same [for the construction thereon Primary Learning Center "P"].

97,173 H-29 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent or his designee to secure appraisals, surveys and environmental assessments for certain lands within the City of Hialeah, Florida, as described, and to negotiate for the purchase of same [for the expansion of Hialeah Senior High School (State School "GGG").

97,174 H-30 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent or his designee to exe-cute a lease agreement with Beacon Property Management Corporation for the operation of telecommunications equipment for the Department of Transportation, at an annual rental amount of $5,158.68, and under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,175 H-31 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent or his designee to exe-cute a lease agreement with Miami Baptist Association, Inc., for use of a parking lot for Morningside Elementary School, at an annual rental amount not to exceed $5,304, and under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,176 H-32 AUTHORIZED The payment of $95,701 to the City of Miami for 60% of actual maintenance and utility costs incurred for the use of six City of Miami park/ school sites, for the period of January 1, 1999 through March 31, 1999.

97,177 H-33 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Central Parking System of Florida, Inc., for the use of paved parking facilities at Coconut Grove Elementary School, at an annual rental rate of $60,637.56, from July 27, 1999 to July 26, 2000.

97,178 H-34 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Thomas R. Post for use of a parking lot for district staff and visitors, at a monthly lease rate of $2,036.25, for the period of September 1, 1999 through August 31, 2000.

97,179 H-35 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $14,400, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the north boundary of the Tropical Elementary School site.

97,180 H-36 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $10,800, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the south boundary of the Banyan Elementary School site.

97,181 H-37 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $21,780, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the west boundary of the Bowman Foster Ashe Elementary School site.

97,182 H-38 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $18,900, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the northwest corner of the Greenglade Elementary School site.

97,183 H-39 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $21,600, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the west boundary of the Leewood Elementary School site.

97,184 H-40 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $6,000, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the south boundary of the Parkview Elementary School site.

97,185 H-41 AUTHORIZED The execution of a grant of easement agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., in consideration of a payment of $24,000, for the installation of a Controlled Environment Vault on the south boundary of the PLC "F" school site.

97,186 H-42 AUTHORIZED The execution of a purchase and sale agreement with Tract 14 Land Company, Oscar Altman, and Act Realty, Inc., for land for State School "PPP," and Tract 14 Land Company for State School "VV1" at a price of $116,500 per acre, under the terms and conditions set forth.

97,187 I-1 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected Region V Schools. June 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,188 I-2 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected Schools and Centers June 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,189 I-3 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Audit of the Internal Funds of Selected Vocational/Adult and Other Education Centers, April 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,190 I-4 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Review of Payroll Procedures at Selected Offices, June 1999, presented by Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,191 I-5 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Review of District Budgetary Procedures, April 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,192 I-6 RECEIVED The Internal Audit Report - Current Status as of June 1999 of the Internal Audit Report - Review of the Telecommunications/Network Systems and Operations, June 1996, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,193 I-7 RECEIVED The Office of Management and Compliance Audits - Miami-Dade County Public Schools - Quality Control Review for the Period July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998 by Sanson, Kline, Jacomino & Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,194 I-8 RECEIVED The Summary of Internal Auditing Activities for the 1998-1999 Fiscal Year and Proposed Audit Plan for the 1999-2000 Fiscal Year for the Office of Management and Compliance Audits, June 1999, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

97,195 I-9 APPROVED The list of contractors (as delineated in the Official Agenda) for pre-qualification; and authorized staff to issue a certificate to each con-tractor, certifying pre-qualification for a period of one year.

97,196 J-1 AUTHORIZED Staff to complete and submit a survey exception, if required, to the Commissioner of Education at the Florida Department of Education; and awarded Project No. A-0532, Alteration and Addition, Parkview Elementary School, to the low bidder, Buade Construction Company, Inc.

97,197 J-2 AUTHORIZED Staff to complete and submit a survey exception, if required, to the Commissioner of Education at the Florida Department of Education; and awarded Project No. A-0599. Addition, Renovation of Second Floor, Miami Sunset Senior High School, to the low, responsive bidder, Crisal Construction Co., Inc.

97,198 J-3 AWARDED Project No. A-0714, Design Criteria for Design-Build, Allapattah Middle School, (S/S "SS"), to the low bidder, G.C.C.M., Inc.

97,199 J-4 AWARDED Project No. A-0713, Design Criteria for Design-Build for S/S "LL-1" at Horace Mann Middle School site, to the low bidder, J.V. Construction Corp.

97,200 J-5 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 6 on Project No. A-0317-02, Auger Cast Piling, Miami Edison Middle School, for a credit of $62,970.

97,201 J-6 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-0317-30, Food Service, Miami Edison Middle School, for an extra cost of $1,378.

97,202 J-7 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A-042, Addition, Remodeling, and Renovations, Allapattah Elementary School, for an extra cost of $16,773, and a time extension of 71 days.

97,203 J-8 APPROVED Change Order No 8 on Project No. A-0426, Additions, Renovations, and Remodeling, Greynolds Park Elementary School, for an extra cost of $22,135, and a time extension of three days.

97,204 J-9 APPROVED Final Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A-0547, New Construction, The 500 Role Models Academy of Excellence, for an extra cost of $166,393, and a time extension of 22 days.

97,205 J-10 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A-0573, New Elementary School, Christina M. Eve Elementary School, S/S "Q-1", for an extra cost of $21,201.

97,206 J-11 CONFIRMED Change Order No, 2 on Project No, 0005-BB, Window Replacement, Sunset Elementary School, for an extra cost of $16,689, and a time extension of five days.

97,207 J-12 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. 3E002, Upgrade of Fire Alarm System, Miami Jackson Senior High School, for an extra cost of $26,213.

97,208 J-13 COMMISSIONED The firm of Architeknics, Inc., to perform architectural/engineering services for a $3,059,827 additions, remodeling, and renovations project at Poinciana Park Elementary School.

97,209 J-14 COMMISSIONED The firm of Louis J. Aguirre & Associates, P.A., to provide Special Projects Consultant services, primarily electrical in nature, for the Board during a period of two years, commencing July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2001.

97,210 J-15 COMMISSIONED The firm of LIVS Associates to perform engineering services for an $880,000 HVAC sys-tem replacement project at Frederick Doug-lass Elementary School.

97,211 J-16 COMMISSIONED The firm Bosek, Gibson & Associates, Inc., to provide Special Projects Consultant services, primarily electrical in nature, for the Board during a period of two years, commencing July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2001.

97,212 J-17 AUTHORIZED Staff to complete and submit a survey exception, if required. to the Commissioner of Education at the Florida Department of Education; and awarded Project No. A-0557, Design Criteria for Design Build, Booker T. Washing-ton Middle School Conversion, pending withdrawal of the appeal with the Third District Court of Appeals, to the responsive bidder, Danville-Findorff, Inc.

97,213 J-18 COMMISSIONED The firm of Veitia Padron, Inc. for a two-year term contract for miscellaneous Construction Management At-Risk services for projects with an estimated construction cost of up to $500,000 each, with the maximum construction cost value not to exceed $5,000,000 per year, commencing July 14, 1999 through July 13, 2001.

97,214 J-19 AWARDED Project No. A-0681, Design-Build Media Center/ Miscellaneous Renovations, North Dade Middle School, to the low bidder, G.C.C.M., Inc.

97,215 K-1 ENTERED A final order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Margaret Rolle, accepting the recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge in Case No. 98-1187.

97,216 K-2 AUTHORIZED The provision of a defense for Irwin Adler in Case No. 99-1605.

97,217 K-3 AUTHORIZED The Office of the School Board Attorney to provide for the defense of Alba Allison in the case of Lillian D. Bertot v. Alba Allison, Circuit Court Case No. 99-4688 CA 09.

97,218 K-4 ENTERED A final order in The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Michael Exelbert, Case No. (Unassigned), granting in part and denying in part the Request for Administrative Hearings filed on behalf of Mr. Exelbert in the manner set forth in the proposed order.

97,219 K-20 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.01, Equal Opportunity Employment and Assignment.

97,220 K-21 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.32, Discrimination/Harassment: Complaint Procedures for Employees.

97,221 K-22 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.10, Discrimination/Harassment: Complaint Procedures for Students.

97,222 K-23 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-3B-1.01, Investment of Funds--Principles, by amending the document, Deposit and Investment Policies for School Board Funds, which is incorporated by reference and is a part of this rule.

97,223 K-24 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, for the amendment of Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.15, Assignment, Transfer, and Appointment – Executive Level Administrative Positions; 6Gx13-4A-1.16, Assignment, Transfer, and Appointment - Non-School-Site Administrative Positions; and 6Gx13-4A-1.161, Assignment, Transfer, and Appointment - School Site Administrative Positions; and the document, Management Selection Procedures Manual, which is incorporated by reference and is a part of these rules.

97,224 K-25 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-4C-1.05, Staff Development Programs, to repeal the document Master Plan for Inservice Education 1994-99, and to promulgate the new document, Master Plan for Inservice Education 1999-2004, which is incorporated by reference and is a part of this rule.

97,225 K-26 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to:

97,226 K-27 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to:



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