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Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

March 17, 2004

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


Miami, Florida

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of the March 17, 2004 School Board Meeting

10 A.M. Conference Session

DISCUSSED Attendance Areas 2003-2004.

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of January 29; February 3, 5, 10, 19, 24, and 26, 2004.

105,537 A-1 DISCUSSED Superintendent’s New Business and Reports.

105,538 A-2 RECEIVED The vision, mission, core values, and goals sections of the District Strategic Plan 2000-2005 (Revised).

105,539 A-3 RECEIVED The Miami-Dade County Public Schools 2003 United Way Campaign Final Report, presented by the Bureau of Community and Hospitality Services.

105,540 A-4 RECEIVED The 2003 Annual Report on Security and Crime Statistics, and direct the Superintendent to provide a status report on school district security programs, to the extent possible within the next 60 days, including the status of the preliminary draft report recommendations; and promote district stakeholder input for inclusion in the status report.

105,541 A-5 CONFIRMED The position specification criteria developed by the Superintendent Selection Committee and Korn/Ferry International for the Executive Search for Selection of a Superintendent of Schools.

105,542 B-1 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to issue a Request for Proposals from agencies to provide supported employment services for the education of students with disabilities; and approved a selection committee to evaluate the submitted proposals.

105,543 B-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enter into a contractual agreement with JDL Associates, Inc., an educational consultant company, April 14-16, 2004, to provide a three-day training to selected staff in the facilitated Individual Educational Plan (IEP) process, in an amount not to exceed $21,000.

105,544 B-3 APPROVED The application for Spirit City Academy, Inc., on behalf of Spirit City Academy; and authorized the Superintendent to negotiate a charter school contractual agreement for a term of five years, commencing with the 2004-2005 school year through the conclusion of the 2008-2009 school year, which reflects the contents of the application as approved by the School Board.

105,545 B-4 APPROVED The first amendment to the charter school contractual agreement with Archimedean Academy, Inc., on behalf of Archimedean Academy to operate a second site/campus for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year; and operate a second campus during the 2004-2005 school year, or relocate the school permanently to the second site/campus commencing with the 2004-2005 school year and throughout the term of the contract which ends on June 30, 2012.

105,546 B-5 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enter into a cooperative agreement with Miami Dade College to allow dental hygiene students to conduct dental screenings at Biscayne Elementary School. There is no cost to the district.

105,547 B-22 AUTHORIZED* The implementation of educational programs for the 2004 summer services, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

* Amended No. 7 of the recommendation, as follows:

“Approve the summer services budget summary for fiscal school year 2004-2005, thereby authorizing Financial Affairs to establish appropriations, not to exceed $14,000,000 $18,000,000, in the General Fund for 2004 Summer Services.

105,548 B-23 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to enter into a contractual agreement with the Close Up Foundation, in an amount not to exceed $79,845, to partially fund the Great American Cities Program for the period effective May 16, 2004 through May 22, 2004.

105,549 B-32 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-63 (2003-2004).

105,550 B-33 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-65 (2003-2004).

105,551 B-34 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-72 (2003-2004).

105,552 B-35 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-86 (2003-2004).

105,553 B-36 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-88 (2003-2004).

105,554 B-37 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-92 (2003-2004).

105,555 B-38 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-99 (2003-2004).

105,556 B-39 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-125 (2003-2004).

105,557 B-40 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material Case No. 001AD(03-04).

105,558 B-41 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material Case No. 002AD(03-04).

105,559 B-42 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material Case No. 003AD(03-04).

105,560 B-43 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in supplemental material Case No. 007AD(03-04).

105,561 B-60 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding the Medical Occupations and Vocational English Resource (MOVER) Program, in the amount of $50,000, for the grant period effective November 21, 2003 through June 30, 2004.

105,562 B-61 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative Program in the amount of $30,000 for the grant period effective July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004; and a contractual agreement with the South Florida After-School All-Stars, Inc. in the amount of $25,023, with the balance of $4,977 used for salaries for the contract period of February 19, 2003 through June 30, 2004.

105,563 B-62 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) Part II Program, in the amount of $300,000, for the grant period of December 1, 2003 through December 31, 2004; and a contractual agreement with the Ed Fund, in the amount of $289,995, for the contract period of December 1, 2003 through December 31, 2004.

105,564 B-63 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from Miami-Dade County for Palm Springs North Elementary to support the music program in the amount of $2,500 for the grant period effective September 9, 2003 through September 30, 2004; and a grant award from Miami-Dade County for Palm Springs North Elementary, to support the ESOL program in the amount of $1,000, for the grant period effective September 9, 2003 through September 30, 2004.

105,565 B-64 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award and a contractual agreement with the University of Miami for funding to implement the National Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Program, in the amount of $5,000, for the grant period effective April 1, 2004 through March 31, 2007.

105,566 B-65 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Child Nutrition Foundation for funding under the School Community Kitchen Program, in the amount of $10,000, for the grant period of March 18 through December 31, 2004.

105,567 B-66 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a grant award from the Best Buy Children’s Foundation for funding the Best Buy Teach Program to support Ruth Owens Kruse Education Center in the amount of $2,500 for the grant period effective March 18, 2004 through December 31, 2004; and a grant award from the Best Buy Children’s Foundation for funding the Best Buy Teach Program to support Madie Ives Elementary School, in the amount of $2,500, for the grant period effective March 18, 2004 through December 31, 2004.

105,568 B-75 APPROVED A reduction of the school day, for June 7, 8, and 9, 2004, in all elementary schools to five hours and 15 minutes; in all K-8 centers to five hours and 15 minutes; in all middle schools to five hours and 30 minutes; and in all senior high schools to four hours and 30 minutes; and authorized the Superintendent to make any special adjustments necessary due to unique circumstances in particular schools.

105,569 B-76 APPROVED The opening and closing hours of schools (Pre-K- 12) for the 2004-2005 school year; and the exceptions to opening and closing hours of school (Pre-K-12) for the 2004-2005 school year.

105,570 B-80 AUTHORIZED A letter of support for Mr. Frank J. Cobo’s application to the CUBE Steering Committee.

105,571 B-81 DIRECTED The Superintendent to review and modify Board rules and guidelines that govern student fund-raising safety, and submit the review/modifications no later than the School Board meeting of June 16, 2004.

105,572 B-82 DIRECTED* The Superintendent to: (1) convene an Ad Hoc Committee to review and report within three months on the implementation status of the nine board-adopted core character education values; and (2) study and report within three (3) months on the feasibility of including moments of reflection before lunch and before dismissal.

[The stricken portion of the proposal failed 2-7.]

* As amended to include the following items [taken from Agenda Item B-87]:

Report back to the School Board with recommendations on, but not limited to, the following:

1. Increased teacher training.
3. Parental training activities for home.
4. Adapt Character Education curriculum to support FCAT preparation activities.

105,573 B-83 AGREED To join the Cuban-American community as it commemorates, on May 20, 2004, the 102nd anniversary of the independence of Cuba.

******** B-84 WITHDREW Request for the Superintendent to explore the feasibility of moving the educational programs at the English Center to another location and report back by May 19, 2004.

* Withdrawn after the meeting convened.

105,574 B-85 AUTHORIZED* The Superintendent to adopt, as it top funding priorities for the 2004 Florida Legislative Session, the following issues:

1. preserve the District Cost Differential (DCD);
2. allocate Classrooms for Kids capital outlay funding based only on K-12 needs;
3. repeal statutory limitations on the use of the 2-mill capital outlay levy;
4. oppose the deletion of impact fees unless replaced with a comparable revenue source;
5. preserve the integrity of the FEFP using performance-based funding as an incentive, funded from     new general revenue funds;
6. increase Workforce Development funding; and
7. establish a sales tax exemption on all equipment and materials used to construct and maintain a     public K-12 facility, and ensure that the savings are passed on to the school districts.

* As amended, to add the issue of no-flight zones to the list of priorities, to gain

105,575 B-86 DIRECTED The Superintendent to develop a School Board rule establishing procedures for the conversion of a school to a K-8 center; and submit the School Board rule for initial reading no later than the Board meeting of June 17, 2004.

******** B-87 DIRECTED The Superintendent to develop strategies to enhance Civic and Character Education and report back to the School Board by May, 2004 with recommendations on, but not limited to, the following:

Note: See Agenda Item B-82. Of the following items, Nos. 1, 3, and 4 were combined with the recommendation in Item B-82.

1. increased teacher training;
2. audit of school-based curriculum offerings;
3. parental training activities for home;
4. adopt Character Education curriculum to support FCAT preparation activities; and
5. reconvene a workgroup with local experts to further explore other enhancements.

105,576 C-1 AUTHORIZED The Board Attorney to direct outside counsel to proceed with legal action, including the filing of lawsuits against responsible parties, to recover damages incurred by the Board and other appropriate claims related to the design and construction of Felix Varela Senior High School and Jane Roberts Elementary School, subject to negotiation of legal and consultant fees acceptable to the Superintendent and Board Attorney.

105,577 C-20 ADOPTED Amended School Board rules 6Gx13-3D-1.021, Internal Funds– Specific Procedures and 6Gx13-5C-1.061, Management of Funds – Internal Accounts;

**** REPEALED School Board Rule 6Gx13-3D-1.06, School Activities Funds – Specific Procedures and the documents Manual of Internal Accounting for Elementary Schools and Manual of Internal Accounting for Secondary Schools, which are incorporated by reference and a part of these rules; and

**** PROMULGATED The new document, Manual of Internal Fund Accounting for Elementary and Secondary Schools, to be incorporated by reference and to be made part of these rules, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rules with the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 2004.

105,578 C-21 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.15, Assignment, Transfer, and Appointment - Administrative Positions, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 2004.

105,579 C-22 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.11, Board Meetings - Presiding Official, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 2004.

105,580 C-23 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.17, Citizen Appearances - Board Meetings, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 2004.

105,581 C-24 ADOPTED Amended School Board Rule 6Gx13-8C-1.23, School Board Committee Structure, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective March 17, 2004.

105,582 C-25 ADOPTED Amended Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.02, Elementary and Secondary School Calendar, and authorized the Superintendent to file the rule with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida.

105,583 C-26 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3F-1.022, Professional Services Contracts for Insurance or Risk Management Programs – Policy.

105,584 C-27 AUTHORIZED* The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-5A-1.10, Attendance Areas 2003-2004.

* Motion to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation carried unanimously.

******** C-28 WITHDREW Request for the initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-4D-1.023, Confidential Exempt Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan.

105,585 C-29 OPPOSED  The request for initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-1C-1.16, Observance of Death of Staff and Students, to include a districtwide mourning period of four days that will commence the morning after the death has occurred, when the death of the staff member or student has occurred on district grounds.

* Proposal failed 4-5.

105,586 C-30 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings, in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-2C-1.083, Educational Facilities Planning, Site Selection and Acquisition, and Construction, as noted [in the agenda item].

105,587 D-1 DISCUSSED* New Business: Board Members.

* Voted unanimously to continue the pilot of providing supplementary materials the same day as the Official Agenda, and return to assigning Board Members’ agenda items to the D-section of the agenda.

105,588 D-2 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-20, supporting the efforts of Friends of the Military Museum and Veterans Memorial of South Florida to preserve Building of the Richmond Naval Air Station.

105,589 D-3 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-22, congratulating KIDCO IV on its fifth anniversary and recognizing its Board of Trustees, Ms. Nilsa M. Velazquez, President/ CEO and its Board of Directors, for its extraordinary leadership and caring contributions to Miami-Dade’s community.

105,590 D-4 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-21, expressing appreciation to Expressway Toyota for its generous gift to Miami-Dade County Public Schools Teacher of the Year.

105,591 D-5 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-23, expressing appreciation to Velda Farms for its generous sponsorship of Miami-Dade County Public Schools Teacher of the Year event.

105,592 D-6 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-24, recognizing the life of Canon Verneka Sturrup Silva.

******** E-2 WITHDREW Request for authorization to execute a purchase and sale agreement with the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority for a 2,486-square foot portion of a 1.504-acre vacant Board-owned parcel of land located at the corner of N.W. 12 Street and N.W. 137th Avenue, for a purchase price of $56,000, and subject to the additional terms and conditions set forth above.

105,593 E-4 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-293, Estates of Elaine L. Eichleay, located at the southwest corner of S.W. 134 Avenue and S.W. 176 Street, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $79,200.

105,594 E-5 AUTHORIZED The acceptance of a Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-182, Princeton Park Homes, LLC, located east of US1 and south of S.W. 244 Street, for the provision of a voluntary monetary donation over and above educational facilities impact fees in the amount of $10,800.

105,595 E-6 AGREED To recommend approval to Miami-Dade County of the exemption of Educational Facilities Impact Fees for the Brisas del Mar Limited Partnership, in connection with a proposed affordable housing project for the elderly at 556 West Flagler Street.

105,596 E-24 AUTHORIZED An adjustment to the capital budget as detailed; and in the event there are, at the time of transfer, insufficient available funds in a structure from which to transfer the indicated amount, the difference will be provided from contingencies, reserves or other accounts; and changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.

105,597 E-26 COMMISSIONED The firms of F.R. Aleman & Associates, Inc., Weidener Surveying & Mapping, P.A., J. Bonfill & Associates, Inc., and E.R. Brownell & Associates, Inc., to provide land surveying consulting services for a four-year term, commencing on March 17, 2004 through March 17, 2005, with the second, third and fourth years at the Board’s option based on the negotiated fees; and other actions as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,598 E-27 APPROVED The amendment to the agreements with Spillis Candela DMJM and Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners to include the negotiated fees based on Attachment “A” fee schedule; and other actions as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,599 E-28 AUTHORIZED The issuance of Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection of one or more firms to provide cost estimating services for a four-year term (with the second, third and fourth years at the Board’s option); and approved the Selection Committee that will select the firm(s) for subsequent submission to the Superintendent and the School Board for approval.

105,600 E-29 AUTHORIZED The issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the selection of one or more firms to provide construction scheduling services for a four-year term (with the second, third and fourth years at the Board’s option); and approved the Selection Committee that will select the firm(s) for subsequent submission to the Superintendent and the School Board for approval.

105,601 E-30 APPROVED The replacement of designated engineering specialist Harper Partners with T Y LIN / H J Ross (formerly H J Ross Associates) to perform civil engineering services for the design-build firm of The Collage Companies at State School “TT” (Bob Graham Education Center), Project No. A0715; and authorized the Superintendent to provide written notification of this action to The Collage Companies.

105,602 E-31 APPROVED The GMP for Ponce de Leon Middle School, Project No. PB9999-13, in the total amount of $1,079,005, which includes building cost and a contingency in the amount of $51,381.

105,603 E-32 AUTHORIZED The transfer of $300,628 from Program 0001, Undistributed Capital Contingency, to Program 2175, Barbara Hawkins Elementary School; an amendment to the five-year work program resulting from this budget adjustment; and awarded Project No. 5C069, New Parent Drop-off and Parking Lot, Barbara Hawkins Elementary School, on the basis of Base Bid in the amount of $588,000 to the low bidder, TLMC Enterprises, Inc., 3800 NW 22 Avenue, Suite 100, Miami, Florida 33142.

******** E-33 WITHDREW Request for confirmation of Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0265BCM, Renovations, Hialeah Senior High School, for an additional cost of $6,129.

105,604 E-34 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 9 on Project No. A0358, New Elementary School, Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Elementary School, for a credit of $189,397.

105,605 E-35 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A0511, Additions/Renovations/Remodeling, Kinloch Park Elementary School, for an additional cost of $150,494 and approved a time extension of 85 days.

******** E-36 WITHDREW Request for confirmation of Change Order No. 10 on Project No. A0569A0570, Additions and Renovations, Amelia Earhart Elementary/Hialeah Middle schools, for a credit of $55,830.

105,606 E-37 CONFIRMED Final Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A0619, Primary Learning Center, Primary Learning Center M” @ Madie Ives Elementary School, for a credit of $21,189.

105,607 E-38 WITHDREW Request for confirmation of Final Change Order No. 2 on Project No. A0656, Lease Purchase Agreement, Hubert O. Sibley Elementary School, for an additional cost of $87,338.

105,608 E-39 APPROVED Final Change Order No. 3 on Project No. A0681, Design-Build Media Center/Miscellaneous Renovations, North Dade Middle School, for a time extension of 69 days.

105,609 E-40 APPROVED Final Change Order No. 4 on Project No. A0712, Design-Build, Addition at Palm Springs Middle School (S/S “BB1”), for a time extension of 507 days.

105,610 E-41 CONFIRMED Change Order # 1 on Project # A0825CMW7731, Portable Classroom Replacement, Miami Southridge Senior High School, for an additional cost of $21,849.

105,611 E-42 CONFIRMED Change Order # 1 on Project # BB999967CM, Safety-to-Life, Miami Senior High School, for an additional cost of $465,926, and approved a time extension of 60 days.

105,612 E-43 APPROVED The GMP for James B. Pirtle Construction Company, Inc., Project No. A0825W7151 CM, Portable Classrooms Replacement, to construct 22 classroom units in the total amount of $2,472,781 which includes building cost, site cost, and a contingency in the amount of $117,751.

105,613 E-60 ACCEPTED The donation by the City of Sunny Isles Beach to the School Board, of an approximate 2.5-acre site located at N.E. 182nd Drive and North Bay Road; and directed the superintendent to pursue an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sunny Isles Beach for the future construction by the School Board of a K-8 facility on the subject donated site.

105,614 E-61 CONFIRMED Authorization for the Kiwanis Club of Little Havana to stage fireworks at Miami Senior High School on Sunday, March 14, 2004.

105,615 F-1 APPROVED The prequalification certification, renewal, as well as the increase in prequalification limits of contractors, as indicated; denied the request to increase the single project prequalification limit of contractors, as indicated, and denied A.C.T. Services, Inc.’s application for Contractor Prequalification Certification.

105,616 F-2 SUSPENDED Mr. Robert Black, Custodian at Lake Stevens Middle School, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

105,617 F-3 SUSPENDED Ms. Debra Starkes, Teacher at West Little River Elementary School, for 30 workdays without pay, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

105,618 F-4 SUSPENDED Ms. Tiffany Adderly, School Bus Driver at Southwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

105,619 F-5 SUSPENDED Mr. Phillip Glenn, School Bus Driver at Central West Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

105,620 F-6 SUSPENDED Ms. Mary E. Collier, School Bus Driver at Southwest Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days without pay, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

105,621 F-7 AUTHORIZED The suspension of, and initiated dismissal proceedings against Mr. Vernard D. Stirrup, Custodian at John F. Kennedy Middle School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

******** F-8 WITHDREW Request for suspension and the initiation of dismissal proceedings against Mr. Angel M. Martinez, Custodian at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, effective at the close of the workday on March 17, 2004, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

105,622 F-10 ACCEPTED The resignation of Mr. Angel M. Martinez, Custodian at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School, effective at the close of the workday on March 12, 2004.

105,623 G-1 APPROVED Resolution No. 2, 2003-04 Capital Outlay Funds Budget, (a) recognizing new revenues, (b) amending appropriations, and (c) documenting changes in object codes, as described and summarized on page 6; and authorized changes to the Five-Year Facilities Work Program which result from Resolution No. 2, 2003-04 Capital Outlay Funds Budget.

105,624 G-2 APPROVED Resolution No. 04-19, requesting the State Board of Education of Florida to issue capital outlay bonds on behalf of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for the purpose of financing the cost of capital outlay projects described in section 1(b) therein.

105,625 G-3 AUTHORIZED The submission of the required certification for the Classrooms for Kids Program and the project allocation list detailing the capital projects to be funded from this program.

105,626 G-4 APPROVED The submission of the required certification for the Effort Recognition Program and the project allocation list detailing the capital projects to be funded from this program.

105,627 G-16 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for January 2004.

105,628 G-17 AUTHORIZED A contract, at an hourly rate of $85, for a total amount not to exceed $30,600, with Capital Accounting Solutions, Inc. to provide temporary professional staff to assist the Office of the Controller in assessing procedures and controls relative to accounting for grants and capital assets; recommending changes to current procedures and controls; and other financial services requested by the Controller. Particular attention is to be given to increased use of technology. The appropriation for this item is included in the General Fund of the 2003-2004 Budget to be under Fund 0100, Object 5310, Location 9151, Program 7600, Function 7500.

105,629 G-60 APPROVED The supplemental award on term bids, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,630 G-61 RECEIVED The Report of Purchases Made Within Guidelines of Board Rule 6Gx13-3C-1.10 – Purchase Approval, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

105,631 G-62 RECEIVED The report of the auction of November 18, 2003, surplus/obsolete vehicles and miscellaneous items, auction results.

105,632 G-63 AWARDED Partial Bid No. 185-CC04 – Portable Radios and Accessories, Catalog Discount, to various vendors as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 17, 2004 through March 31, 2006.

105,633 G-64 AWARDED Bid No. 043-DD02 – Sanitation and Cleaning Supply Program, to Sanitech Systems, Inc., effective May 14, 2004 through May 13, 2006.

105,634 G-65 AWARDED Request For Proposals No. 045-DD10 – Fleet Maintenance Software (Rebid), to TMT Software Company, effective March 17, 2004.

******** G-66 WITHDREW Request to reject Bid No. 046-DD03 – Storage and Delivery of Dry, Frozen and Refrigerated Commodities, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

105,635 G-67 AUTHORIZED Procurement Management Services to utilize the Florida Department of Education Bid No. 2003-15, PlanB - School Buses 2003, to provide school buses for the Department of Transportation, for a total amount of $815,360.

105,636 G-75 OPPOSED Request for the Superintendent to conduct a feasibility study and cost analysis of maintaining high school career specialists as 11-month employees, and to report the findings to the Board at the April 14, 2004 Board meeting.

105,637 H-1 APPROVED The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 937.

105,638 H-2 APPROVED The recommendations as set forth for appointments and lateral transfers to be effective March 18, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated, with the exception of the effective dates as noted throughout the item.

105,639 H-3 APPROVED The appointments and assignments of various personnel to the school district, as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 18, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

105,640 H-4 APPROVED The instructional personnel assigned to teach out-of-field for the period of January 24, 2004 through February 27, 2004.

105,641 H-5 AUTHORIZED The establishment, classification, and reclassification of various administrative positions, as delineated in the Official Agenda, effective March 18, 2004.

105,642 H-6 AUTHORIZED The contractual employment of Ms. Gail Shovlin as Administrative Assistant to School Board Member, Mr. Frank J. Cobo, effective March 18, 2004, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

105,643 H-7 APPROVED The proposed Better Educated Students and Teachers (BEST) Florida Teaching Salary Career Ladder plan and timeline, contingent upon successful negotiation with UTD and sufficient state funding; and authorized the Superintendent to submit the BEST Florida Teaching Salary Career Ladder plan to the Florida Department of Education.

105,644 H-8 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to amend the contractual agreement with Educational Testing Service to provide the computer-based version of the ParaPro Assessment to paraprofessional I employees.

105,645 H-9 APPROVED The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) modifying provisions of the M-DCPS/UTD labor contract to facilitate the continued implementation of the “Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT)” Part 1 Grant in ninety-four schools. The appropriation for this item is included in the Other Federal Programs (Contracted Programs Fund) of the 2003-2004 Adopted Budget.

105,646 H-10 APPROVED The proposed M-DCPS/UTD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), authorizing the rehiring of retired classroom teachers, and extending the DROP termination date for classroom teachers for the remainder of the 2003-2004 school year.

105,647 I-1 AUTHORIZED A contractual agreement with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) to provide a technology summer institute for 41 principals, in an amount not to exceed $23,570, to be offered between July 12, 2004 and July 16, 2004. The appropriation for this item is included in the Other Federal Programs (Contracted Programs) Fund of the 2003-2004 Adopted Budget. No local funds are required.

105,648 I-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to host the Twelfth Annual Instructional Technology Conference; and approved contractual agreements with Miami Beach Convention Center and its required subcontractors for September 22, 23, 2004, to provide facilities and services for the conference at a cost not to exceed $100,000.

105,649 I-6 AUTHORIZED The submission of an application to the Florida Department of Education to sponsor the Summer Food Service Program for Children 2004.

105,650 I-22 RECEIVED The Ernst & Young LLP’s audit report: The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Management Letter, June 30, 2003.

105,651 I-23 RECEIVED The Ernst & Young LLP’s audit report: The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Single Audit Reports in Accordance With OMB Circular A-133, Year Ended June 30, 2003.

105,652 I-24 RECEIVED The Auditor General of the State of Florida’s Report No. 2004-108 – Miami-Dade County District School Board, Workforce Development Education Program Operational Audit, presented by the Office of Management and Compliance Audits.

105,653 I-36 OPPOSED* Request to dispense with the committee structure and re-institute two regularly-scheduled School Board meetings per month; and the establishment of an agenda briefing session by the Superintendent and his staff for the Board’s administrative assistants on the Friday preceding each of its bimonthly, regularly-scheduled meetings.

* Proposal failed 2-7.



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