M-DCPS School Board


School Board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools


Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2011

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


1450 Northeast Second Avenue

Miami, Florida 33132

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of September 7, 2011 School Board Meeting

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of July 26 and 28 and August 2, 4, and 18, 2011.

APPROVED Minutes of the July 27, 2011 Special Board Meeting; the July 27, 2011 First Budget Public Hearing; the August 1, 2011 Attorney-Client Session; and the August 3, 2011 Regular School Board Meeting.

115,128 A-1 HEARD Superintendent’s Informational Reports to the Board on Selected Topics.

115,129 a-2 RECEIVED Information regarding revisions to District purchasing procedures to promote equality of economic opportunities for minority and women-owned business enterprises, as part of the Superintendent’s Economic Equity & Empowerment Initiative.

115,130 C-11 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent of Schools to enter into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and the Institute for Child and Family Health, Inc. and Marcos E. Cintron, M.D., pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 059-LL10 – Psychiatric Consultation Services Up to 51 Programs with Self-Contained Classes for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, effective October 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.

115,131 C-70 approved The out-of-country field trip to Germany, Poland, and Czech Republic for the students at Young Women’s Preparatory Academy, March 12 through March 21, 2011.

115,132 C-71 authorized The Superintendent to enter into separate Contractual Agreements pursuant to a Grant Award with various organizations, in an amount not to exceed $274,000 for the grant period of July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012, as delineated in the Official Agenda Item.

115,133 c-80 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to accept grant awards for five programs from multiple funding sources and enter into Contractual Service Agreements with the agencies prescribed in the grants, and as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,134 c-100 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend Board Policy 5410, Student Progression Plan.

115,135 d-20 approved The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 1027.

115,136 D-21 Approved The appointments and lateral assignments of Managerial Exempt, Professional and Technical personnel for 2011-2012, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,137 d-22 approved The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Miami-Dade County Public Schools and the United Teachers of Dade to implement M-DCPS Race to the Top Scope of Work.

115,138 d-24 approved Contractual employment of Ms. Ana Herrera, Administrative Assistant to Member, Ms. Raquel Regalado, effective August 18, 2011, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated.

115,139 D-45 adopted Amended Board Policy 4120.01, Confidential Exempt Personnel, and the document, Classification and Compensation Plan for Confidential Exempt Personnel, which is incorporated by reference and is a part of this policy; and authorized the Superintendent to file the policy with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, to be effective September 7, 2011.

115,140 d-55 approved The Superintendent’s recommendation for suspension, without pay, of the following two employees, as agreed upon: Ms. Theresa M. Baker, Teacher, Barbara Goleman Senior High School, for five (5) workdays; and Mr. Tramaine Morgan, Security Monitor, North Miami Beach Senior High School, for thirty (30) workdays, effective at the close of the workday September 7, 2011.

115,141 d-56 suspended Ms. Lasaundra D. Dasher, School Bus Driver at South Transportation Center, for 30 calendar days, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

115,142 d-57 suspended Ms. Patricia M. Gonzalez, Teacher, South Dade Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,143 d-58 suspended Mr. Henry R. Matthews, Paraprofessional, at Ponce de Leon Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,144 d-59 suspended Mr. Michael O. Mosaku, Teacher, Miami Coral Park Senior High School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,145 d-60 suspended Mr. Rasi G. Samuels, Lead Custodian, at South Pointe Elementary School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,146 d-61 suspended Ms. Molina M. McIntyre, School Security Monitor, at Crestview Elementary School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,147 d-62 suspended Ms. Ericka K. Patterson, Chief Data Input Specialist, at Miami Lakes Educational Center, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,148 d-63 suspended Ms. Jeannette T. Yassin, Teacher, South Miami Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,149 d-64 suspended Ms. Walita C. McBride, Teacher, Olinda Elementary School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,150 d-65 suspended Mr. Johnson Lubin, Custodian at Madison Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, for 7 calendar days without pay, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

115,151 d-66 authorized The Superintendent to enter into a Contractual Agreement with the Consortium on Reading Excellence (CORE), to provide professional development services and onsite support, in an amount not to exceed $50,000, effective September 30, 2011 through June 8, 2012; and grant an exception to Board Policy 6320, for CORE based on as otherwise determined by the committee.

115,152 d-67 suspended Mr. Howard L. Glass, Teacher, Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,153 d-68 suspended Ms. Waleska M. Velasquez, Teacher, Miami Jackson Senior High School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,154 d-69 suspended Mr. Anthony M. Fisher, School Security Monitor, at Homestead Senior High School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,155 d-70 suspended Ms. Belkys M. Copin, Teacher, Jose de Diego Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, without pay, and authorized the initiation of dismissal proceedings, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

115,156 d-71 suspended Ms. Rosa M. Almond, Trust Specialist at Howard D. McMillian Middle School, effective September 7, 2011, at the close of the workday, for 15 workdays without pay, pending the outcome of a hearing or grievance/arbitration process, if requested.

115,157 e-1 approved The Annual Financial Report for 2010-11 and the Florida Education Finance Program Cost Report for 2010-11; and authorized the Superintendent to submit the approved reports to the Florida Department of Education.

115,158 e-2 approved The Non-Expandable Personal Property Inventory Deletions containing 1,828 items with a depreciated cost of $399,494 and Recoveries containing 18 items with a depreciated cost of $27,093 to update the records for April, May and June 2011.

115,159 e-14 adopted The following millage rates: a) locally levied Discretionary Operating millage levy of .472 mills and Capital Outlay millage levy of 1.600 mills; b) state established and Required Local Effort millage levy of 5.693 mills; and c) Debt Service levy of .240 mills; and adopted the millage resolution for FY 2011-12 for a total of 8.005 mills.

115,160 e-15 adopted The Educational Facilities Plan and the Five-Year Facilities Work Program for fiscal years 2011-12 through 2015-16; and authorized the Superintendent to make minor budget, project and schedule adjustments, if necessary, and report in writing to the Board.

115,161 e-16 adopted The FY 2011-12 Annual Budget by approving changes from the Tentative Adopted Budget as enumerated on pages 2 through 14 of the Official Agenda item; and the revenues and appropriations delineated on the official state budget forms and including any amendments approved by the Board following the public hearing on September 7, 2011.

115,162 e-17 adopted Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 General Fund Final Budget Review, decreasing revenues and appropriations by $9,949,011; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations and the Summary of Appropriations by Function.

115,163 e-18 adopted Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 Capital Outlay Funds Final Budget Review, decreasing revenues, appropriations, and Fund Balance by $12,599,828 and documenting estimated changes in object codes, as described and summarized on page 5 of the Official Agenda item; and authorized changes to the Five-Year Facilities Work Program which result from Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 Capital Outlay Funds Final Budget Review.

115,164 e-19 approved Resolution No. 2, FY 2010-11 Debt Service Funds Final Budget Review, (1) recognizing changes in revenue, non-revenue sources, and transfers in from other funds; and (2) amending appropriations by the amount of $7,186,230.

115,165 e-20 adopted Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 Contracted Programs Fund Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $4,427,828; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (page 2 of the agenda item) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (page 4 of the agenda item).

115,166 e-21 adopted Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Fund Special Revenue Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations by $4,719,105 as follows: ARRA - Targeted Stimulus Funds $198,443, ARRA - State Fiscal Stabilization $1,047,164, ARRA - Other Stimulus Funds $3,473,498; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (pages 2, 5, 8 and 10 of the agenda item) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (pages 4, 7, 9 and 12 of the agenda item).

115,167 e-22 approved Resolution No. 2, FY 2010-2011 Food Service Fund Final Budget Review, increasing revenues and appropriations and ending fund balance by $4,299,259.

115,168 e-23 adopted Resolution No. 1, the FY 2010-11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue – School Board Law Enforcement Trust Fund – Final Budget Review, increasing revenues, appropriations and ending fund balance by $18,624 as shown on the schedule on page 3 of 4 of the agenda item; and Resolution No. 1, the FY 2010-11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue – School Board Special Events Trust Fund - Final Budget Review, reducing revenues, appropriations and ending fund balance by ($181,430) as shown on the schedule on page 4 of 4 of the agenda item.

115,169 E-24 adopted Resolution No. 1, the FY 2010-11 Internal Service Fund - Final Budget Review, decreasing revenues, expenses and net assets by $1,051,798 as shown on the schedule on page 2 of 2 of the agenda item.

115,170 e-25 adopted Resolution No. 1, the FY 2010-11 Fiduciary Fund - Pension Trust - Final Budget Review, increasing revenues, appropriations and fund balance by $1,796,797 as shown on the schedule on page 2 of 2 of the agenda item.

115,171 e-26 adopted The Final Resolution to provide flexibility for the selected FY 2010-11 Categorical Programs in the amount of $15,779,803.34.

115,172 e-28 adopted Resolution No. 3, FY 2010-11 Special Revenue – Education Jobs Fund Final Budget Review; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations (page 2 of the agenda item) and the Summary of Appropriations by Function (page 3 of the agenda item).

115,173 e-36 adopted Resolution No. 11-099 proclaiming the week of October 10-14, 2011, as National School Lunch Week.

115,174 e-76 adopted The proposed 2012 State and Federal Legislative Programs; and authorized the Superintendent to advocate for the best interest of the District on issues at both the state and federal levels that may have impending fiscal, local control, and/or governance impact on Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ District operations, but does not have major policy implications, provided such issues are reported to the Board.

115,175 e-141 rejected Bid No. 065-LL06 – Plastic Can Liners, to permit rebidding using revised specifications.

115,176 e-142 awarded Bid No. 066-LL05 – Paper, Laser-Printer Roll (ITS), to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, effective October 15, 2011, through October 14, 2013.

115,177 e-143 awarded Bid No. 038-LL03 – Miscellaneous Cafeteria Supplies, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, effective September 7, 2011, through September 6, 2013.

115,178 E-200 adopted Amended Board Policy 0165, Public Meetings, and authorized the Superintendent to file the policy with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida to be effective September 7, 2011.

115,179 E-201 adopted Amended Board Policy 9125, Notice of District Advisory Committee Meetings, and authorized the Superintendent to file the policy with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida to be effective September 7, 2011.

115,180 e-202 authorized The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend Board Policy 9140, Citizens’ Advisory Committees.

115,181 e-203 authorized The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to promulgate new Board Policy 6320.05, Local-Vendor Preference.

115,182 f-1 Authorized The Chair and Secretary to execute the necessary documents to dedicate approximately 158 square feet of Board-owned land at the corner of NW 37 Avenue and NW 191 Street, adjacent to Barbara Hawkins Elementary School, located at 19010 NW 37 Avenue, to Miami-Dade County, for right-of-way purposes; and the Superintendent to finalize negotiations and execute a Construction Access Agreement with Miami-Dade County to facilitate construction activities at the School, under, substantially, the terms and conditions, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,183 f-2 authorized The Chair and Secretary to execute a Grant of Easement Agreement with The City of Miami Gardens to allow the City to install a public bus shelter adjacent to Scott Lake Elementary School, as described in the Official Agenda item.

115,184 f-3 authorized The Superintendent to further explore an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sunny Isles Beach to facilitate City financing, as well as opportunities for shared funding between the City and the Board, for a facility expansion at the Norman S. Edelcup Sunny Isles Beach Community School, and to bring back to the Board an item with proposed final terms and conditions.

115,185 f-20 authorized The Superintendent to adjust the capital budget in the amount of $2,458,885; and in the event there are, at the time of transfer, insufficient available funds in a structure from which to transfer the indicated amount, the difference will be provided from contingencies, reserves or other accounts; and make the changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.

115,186 f-21 authorized The Superintendent to extend until February 29, 2012 and amend the Agreements with Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Ronald E. Frazier & Associates, P.A. and CAP Government, Inc., to provide Building Code Consultant services, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,187 F-22 authorized The Superintendent or his designee to exercise the fourth-year option of the four-year Agreements with various firms, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, to provide Geotechnical, Construction Materials Testing and Environmental Assessment Consulting Services with all terms and conditions of the original Agreements, except as amended August 4, 2010 and December 15, 2010.

115,188 f-34 confirmed/approved Change Orders on various projects, as delineated in the Official Agenda item.

115,189 f-60 awarded Bid No. 061-KK01 – Custodial Supplies, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, effective September 7, 2011, through September 6, 2012.

115,190 f-61 awarded Bid No. 044-LL10 – Relocation of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda item, effective September 7, 2011, through September 6, 2013.

115,191 f-62 rejected Request For Proposals No. 046-LL10 –Telecommunications Facilities (Rebid).

115,192 f-80 approved The new prequalification of contractors for Educational Facilities as indicated on Attachment A of the Official Agenda item.

115,193 G-1 approved The contracts for the Deputy Assistant School Board Attorney and the Assistant School Board attorneys; and contracts for administrative and support staff, as indicated per the attachments to the Official Agenda item.

115,194 g-2 authorized The Superintendent to complete negotiations and execute a Consent Agreement by and between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida and Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management relating to Sanitary Sewer evaluation Survey at several Board-owned sites, providing for the extension of delivery of results through November 12, 2015, or as it may be further extended by applicable law or by mutual agreement of the parties to the Consent Agreement, and further authorized the Superintendent to execute any and all documentation which may be required to effectuate the said Consent Agreement, including without limitation, requesting and executing further extensions, if any.

115,195 G-4 entered Final Order accepting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order in the case of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida v. Priscilla Parris, DOAH Case No. 11-1009 as its Final Order rescinding the suspension of Respondent and awarding her the back pay for the period of the suspension.

115,196 g-6 adopted Amended Board Policy 0156, Legal Counsel, and authorized the Superintendent to file the policy with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida to be effective September 7, 2011.

115,197 g-7 authorized The Superintendent to initiate rulemaking proceedings pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act to amend School Board policies 6835 - Office of Management and Compliance Audits, and 6840 - Audit and Budget Advisory Committee.

115,198 h-3 directed The Superintendent to continue encouraging student participation in the School Breakfast Program at all Miami-Dade County Public Schools; and encourage adult participation, if feasible, in the School Breakfast Program in conjunction with the International “Walk Our Children to School Day.”

115,199 H-4 directed The Superintendent to explore for future years the possibility of Miami-Dade County Public Schools opening residential educational programs.

115,200 h-5 approved Resolution No. 11-100 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Leon Medical Centers on the 15th Anniversary of service to our community.

115,201 h-6 approved Resolution No. 11-103 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Close Up Foundation for its contributions to the students of Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

115,202 H-7 approved Resolution No. 11-101 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Mr. Eugene Butler, Jr., Principal of Norland Middle School, the recipient of the Miami-Dade County Council of PTAs/PTSAs 2010-2011 Paul Bell Principal of the Year Award.

115,203 h-8 approved Resolution No. 11-102 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, honoring Angelica Delgado for representing the United States at the Olympic Games in London in 2012.

115,204 h-9 approved Resolution No. 11-104 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing October 3-14, 2011 as Disability History and Awareness Weeks.

115,205 h-10 endorsed The United States Marine Band performance on October 14, 2011, hosted by the University of Miami, and directed the Superintendent to work in conjunction with the University and help promote the event among M-DCPS students.

115,206 h-11 approved Resolution No. 11-106 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, as a day of solemn commemoration and encouraging the observance of a district-wide moment of remembrance.

115,207 h-12 APPROVED Resolution No. 11-107 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing David Ramsey of the Boy Scouts of America for his service to the community and support of education.

115,208 h-13 APPROVED Resolution No. 11-108 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Classy Girlfriends Forever for their service to our community.

115,209 h-14 approved Resolution No. 11-109 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing Dr. Arthur E. Woodard for his service to our community and support of education.

115,210 h-15 APPROVED Resolution No. 11-105 of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, recognizing the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County for hosting and producing AileyCamp Miami.

115,211 H-16 endorsed The Adrienne Arsht Center’s presentation of ‘Rock Odyssey’ from September 19 - 30, 2011 and its affiliated education and outreach programs.

115,212 h-17 directed The Superintendent to review the current policy related to political activities by district employees and schedule a workshop prior to the December 14, 2011 School Board Meeting to report the findings.

115,213 h-18 adopted* The proposed draft 2012 Legislative Program. *As amended on page 5 of the proposed Greater Florida Consortium of School Boards’ 2012 Legislative Program; see stricken sub-section below:

Critical Needs .25 Mill Levy

Allow the critical needs .25 mill levy without a referendum.

********** h-19 withdrawn The rotation of School Board Vice Chair position.





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