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School Board of Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Excerpts of Unofficial Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2005

The School Board publishes MINUTES of its meetings as soon as possible after each meeting. The EXCERPTS from the latest meeting are provided below as an unofficial review of the actions taken. Citizens may arrange to review the official minutes by calling the Department of Information Services at 995-1126.


1450 Northeast Second Avenue

Miami, Florida 33132

Excerpts from Unofficial Minutes of the June 15, 2005 Board Meeting

APPROVED Bid Opening Lists of May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2005

APPROVED Minutes of the May 18, 2005 School Board meeting.

107,550 A-1 HEARD The Superintendent of Schools’ new business and reports, as follows:

  • Update on the Closing of the School Year
  • Update on Passport to Summer Exploration
  • Update on E-Rate
  • Update on the District Cost Differential (DCD)
  • M-DCPS National Board Certified Teacher Gala

107,551 A-2 APPROVEDThe Superintendent’s Reorganization and Restructuring of Selected District Offices.

107,552 A-3 ACCEPTED*
The report on 2005-06 Operating Budget.

* Amended action as reflected above.

107,553 A-4 RECEIVED The Highlights of Student Achievement: District Trends of Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Sunshine State Standards (SSS) Writing, Reading, and Mathematics Results.

107,554 A-5 RECEIVED The District Assessment Review and Action Plan.

107,555 B-1 HEARD New Business: Board Members

107,556 B-2 ADOPTED Resolution No. 05-30 affirming to our citizens a collective pledge with Miami-Dade County, the City of Miami and the City of Hialeah for reform and accountability in government; and directed the Superintendent to provide quarterly reports to the Board on progress made on the Capital Plan.

107,557 B-3 APPROVED Resolution No. 05-26 recognizing the sponsoring organizations for their 10-year commitment to the H.O.P.E. Contest.

107,558 B-4 DIRECTED The Superintendent to:

1. review the sexual abuse education program for the purposes of updating and strengthening the curriculum;
2. disseminate information at school sites for children, educators, and parents;
3. require all elementary schools that do not have anti-sexual abuse instructional ma terials to purchase My Very Own Book About Me and receive district-generated ma terials, which adds a component to the curriculum addressing Internet solicitations;
4. create programs at The Parent Academy;
5. accept and review proposals from agencies expressing a willingness to provide services; and
6. accept and review proposals to provide assessments and prevention presentations.

107,559 B-5 ADOPTED Resolution No. 05-31, promoting student pedestrian safety and directed the Superintendent to encourage all Miami-Dade County Public Schools to participate in the international “Walk Our Children to School Day” on October 5, 2005.

107,560 B-6 DIRECTED The Superintendent to:

1. initiate rulemaking to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3F-1.01 to expand the School Board Attorney’s involvement in the contracting process to include the review and approval as to form and content to determine compliance with School Board Rules and any intellectual property and copyright issues as appropriate;
2. initiate rulemaking to amend School Board Rule 6Gx13-3F-1.021 to include language specifying that any computing equipment provided by M-DCPS as part of a contract be limited to network-based use and to provide a full explanation to the Board Attorney and to the School Board when a contract is submitted for an amount greater that the bid; and
3. review other rules as applicable regarding the contracting process and return to the School Board at its meeting of October 19, 2005.

107,561 B-7 AUTHORIZED The allowance of distribution of KidCare flyers with information about the KidCare program at the school registration site, at PTSA meetings, at Open School Night, with the student accident program information, etc. and to provide parents or caregivers with KidCare enrollment information when they register their students at their respective schools; and the allowance KidCare or Children’s Trust representatives to schedule visits and presentations on the school site to speak to the parents about KidCare.

107,562 B-8 DIRECTED The Superintendent to:

1. prepare and issue Requests for Proposals for use of all or some of the facilities at every school that are not currently used for after school programs;
2. issue an invitation to each municipality and unincorporated Miami-Dade County to renovate the fields at the schools within their boundaries for use as sports fields and to oversee sports programs on such fields;
3. establish a vigorous outreach program to lease and use school facilities for community and civic meetings; and
4. review existing Board rules and modify if necessary to provide establish reasonable and practical guidelines for use of school facilities for non-school uses, such as providing insurance coverage on an as needed basis, that encourages such uses and eliminates barriers to such use.

107,563 B-9 AUTHORIZED The elimination of Increasing the Graduation Rate and Decreasing the Dropout Rate Committee.

107,564 B-10 AUTHORIZED The elimination of the District Advisory Committee for Advanced Academic Programs Committee as a standing Board committee.

107,565 B-11 WITHDREW* The elimination of the Minority Business Enterprise Advisory Committee as a standing Board committee.

* Withdrawn during the meeting,

107,566 B-12 AUTHORIZED* Speakers who are opposed to an item on the Consent Agenda to speak, so that Board members are fully informed; and not permit those who are in favor of an item on the Consent Agenda to speak, when there are no speakers in opposition.

* Amended as reflected above.

107,567 B-13 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rule making to revise the allowable uses of Board members’ office funds so as to permit Board members to operate their offices, join organizations, sponsor events at schools and at community-based organizations, send out newsletters and pay for advertisements featuring District and school achievements and awards, and otherwise use their funds in a way that advances the District’s Strategic Plan and mission.

107,568 B-14 DIRECTED The Superintendent to create a Uniform Consent Form to consolidate all routine parental consents into one form that can be signed at registration or at the beginning of the year and thereby eliminate the obtaining of consent forms throughout the year; and that such Universal Consent Form be available on the District and school-based website in downloadable form.

****** B-15 WITHDREW The creation of a Citizens Construction Advisory Committee composed of five member: two appointees named by the Chairman of The School Board, two appointees named by the outgoing Chairman of LAFAB and one by the Superintendent of Schools.

107,569 B-16 AUTHORIZED The extension of the employment contracts with Herbert Cousins, Jr., Frank Angulo, Jr., George R. Kiszynski, and Helga R. Gonzalez through August 31, 2005; and requested that the Inspector General present an Annual Report to the Ethics Advisory Committee and School Board by July 15, 2005 for consideration at the August 17, 2005 School Board Meeting.

107,570 C-1 ENTERED Into a cooperative agreement with Miami Dade College to facilitate the provision of educational and vocational experiences for exceptional students; and extended the cooperative agreement for a maximum of two additional one-year periods.

107,571 C-2 ENTERED Into contractual agreements with Florida International University, Florida Memorial University, Miami Dade College, St. Thomas University, and University of Miami, for dual enrollment services for magnet programs/schools.

107,572 C-4 ENTERED Into a cooperative agreement with Assurant Solutions for the continuation of the satellite learning center at 11195 SW 196 Street, Miami, Florida 33157; and extended the cooperative agreement for a maximum of two additional one-year periods.

107,573 C-5 ENTERED Into a cooperative agreement with Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida, Inc., for the continuation of the satellite learning center at the Mount Sinai Medical Center; and extended the cooperative agreement for a maximum of two additional one-year periods.

107,574 C-6 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Life Skills Center Dade County, Inc., on behalf of Life Skills Center Miami-Dade County, for a term of five years.

107,575 C-7 APPROVED The charter school renewal contract with Renaissance Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Renaissance Elementary Charter School.

107,576 C-8 APPROVED The charter school contractual agreement with Renaissance Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Renaissance Middle Charter School, for a term of 10 years.

107,577 C-9 APPROVED The first amendment to the charter school contractual agreement with The City of North Miami, on behalf of North Miami/Florida International University Charter Senior High School, to defer the opening of the school for a period of up to two years.

107,578 C-10 APPROVED The second amendment to the charter school renewal contract with Rosa Parks Charter Schools, Inc., on behalf of Rosa Parks Charter School/Florida City, to become a public employer.

107,579 C-11 APPROVED The fourth amendment to the charter school contractual agreement with Theodore R. and Thelma A. Gibson Charter School, Inc., on behalf of The Theodore R. and Thelma A. Gibson Charter School, to operate a second campus at 3634 Grand Avenue, Miami, Florida 33133.

107,580 C-12 APPOVED The second amendment to the charter school contractual agreement with The Miami-Dade Charter Foundation, Inc., on behalf of Northeast Academy, to reduce the term of the contract by six years to expire on June 30, 2005.

107,581 C-13 APPROVED The second amendment to the charter school contractual agreement with The Miami-Dade Charter Foundation, Inc., on behalf of North County Charter School, to reduce the term of the contract by six years to expire on June 30, 2005.

107,582 C-14 ENTERED Into a contractual agreement with the Florida Department of Health, Miami-Dade County Health Department to receive funds to provide a minimum of 100,000 hearing screening services for students enrolled in grade levels required by state statute and School Board rule.

107,583 C-15 ENTERED Into a contractual agreement with Dr. Renée Sacks to provide consultant services for the evaluation and alignment of career education as part of the District’s Secondary School Reform Framework, Task Areas 1 and 2; and extended the contractual agreement to include Task Areas 3, 4 and 5 to be completed by November 15, 2005.

107,584 C-20 ENTERED Into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and various agencies, as delineated in the Official Agenda, pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 046-EE10 – Counseling Services In 20 Programs With Self-Contained Classes For Emotionally Handicapped Students.

107,585 C-21 ENTERED Into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and various agencies, as delineated in the Official Agenda, pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 045-EE10 - Counseling and Psychiatric Consultation Services.

107,586 C-22 ENTERED Into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and various agencies, as pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 068-EE10 – Speech and Language Pathology Services.

107,587 C-23 ENTERED Into contractual services agreements between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda, pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 069-EE10 - Counseling Services for Immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students and Their Families.

107,588 C-24 ENTERED Into a contractual services agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Inc., pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 047-EE10 – Counseling and Consultation Services For Children and Their Families In The Tops Program For Severely Emotionally Disturbed Students.

107,589 C-30 ENTERED Into a contractual agreement with Miami Dade College to fund an agreed-upon share for the New World School of the Arts.

107,590 C-31 ENTERED Into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Women of Tomorrow Mentor and Scholarship Program, Inc., (WOT), to provide group mentoring services to selected senior high students.

107,591 C-32 AMENDED* Into a contractual agreement with Bendixen and Associates to provide public opinion survey services to satisfy Goal 4 (Efficient Management Practices), Objective 10 of the District’s current strategic plan; and granted an exception to the rule regarding bids or Requests For Proposals, as otherwise determined by the Professional Services Contract Committee, to School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3F-1.021.

* Amended the recommendation to provide that the contract go through the RFP process with the purpose of soliciting companies for review; and brought back to the Board at a later date.

107,592 C-33 WAIVED Requirements of School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4C-1.021, Fingerprinting of All Employees Prior to Employment, as it relates to K-12 Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ students who are involved in internships with the District under the 2005 Passport to Summer Explorations summer school program.

107,593 C-40 ENTERED Into an Articulation Agreement between The Florida International University (FIU) Board of Trustees and The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for support of dual credit enrollment programs.

107,594 C-50 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-105 (2004-2005).

107,595 C-51 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-155 (2004-2005).

107,596 C-52 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-166 (2004-2005).

107,597 C-53 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-168 (2004-2005).

107,598 C-54 AUTHORIZED The expulsion of the student specified in the supplemental material SM-169 (2004-2005).

107,599 C-70 ENTERED Into a contractual agreement with Miami-Dade County Department of Human Services, Division of Child Development Services, for funding after-school care services.

107,600 C-71 APPROVED The 2005-2006 Workforce Development Education Program fee schedule; and authorized the calculation and implementation of the 2005-2006 Workforce Development Education fee.

107,601 C-80 ACCEPTED A grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding a Challenge Grant Collaborative Curriculum.

107,602 C-81 ACCEPTED Grant awards from the College Board for funding the 2005 College Board Florida Partnership Expanded Opportunity Grant.

107,603 C-82 ACCEPTED A grant award from the United States Department of Homeland Security (USDHS), Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), for funding the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHGP).

107,604 C-83 ENTERED Into separate contractual agreements with each State-approved SES provider selected by the parent of an eligible student in an amount not to exceed a per student cost equal to the annual cost per pupil for Supplemental Educational Services as defined by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) and authorized by The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB).

107,605 C-84 ACCEPTED A grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the Title I, Part C, Education of Migratory Children.

107,606 C-85 ACCEPTED A grant award from the Florida Department of Education for funding under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I, Part A, and Part D.

107,607 C-100 AUTHORIZED The initiation of rulemaking proceedings in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to amend Board Rule 6Gx13-1 C-1 .15, Funds—Soliciting From Students and School Board Authorization.

107,608 D-9 RECEIVED The “Safety and Security Best Practices” self-assessment results; and authorized the Superintendent of Schools to report the self-assessment results and School Board action to the Commissioner of Education by July 1, 2005.

107,609 D-20 APPROVED The instructional and non-instructional appointments, reassignments, leaves, and separations as included in Personnel Action Listing 952.

107,610 D-21 APPROVED The recommendations, as set forth in the agenda item, for appointments and lateral transfers to be effective June 16, 2005, or as soon thereafter as can be facilitated, with the exception of the effective dates as noted throughout the item.

107,611 D-22 APPROVED Appointments and assignments of personnel new to the school district:

  • Ms. Cecilia M. Lavina Supervisor II, Accounting, General Accounting;
  • Ms. Suzanne F. Fahmy Administrative Assistant III Stockroom, Procurement Management Services;
  • Mr. Felix L. Pereira Programmer Analyst II, Systems and Programming Services;
  • Ms. Susan L. Detmold-Collins Director II, Centralized School Bus Routing, Department of Transportation; and
  • Mr. Robert H. Johnson Buyer, Procurement Management Services.

107,612 D-23 AUTHORIZED The inclusion of the position Special Counsel to the Office of the Superintendent, into the Senior Management Service Class of the Florida Retirement System, effective July 1, 2005.

107,613 D-24 ENTERED Into an agreement with the law firm of Akerman Senterfitt, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, to provide specialized legal services in the area of labor law, with compensation not to exceed $30,000, at an hourly rate of $150 per hour.

107,614 D-25 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the contractual agreement with Mr.Christopher F. Kurtz to the contracted position of Labor Attorney, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, at an annual salary of $145,000.

107,615 D-26 APPROVED Nominations of staff members whose names appear on Appointment List 6 for appointment, as applicable, to annual or professional service contracts, subject to reduction-in-force procedures in accordance with state statutes, collective bargaining provisions, and Miami-Dade County School Board rules, effective July 1, 2005.

107,616 D-35 AUTHORIZED The suspension and initiation of dismissal proceedings against Mr. Ronnie R. Bell, Custodian, at Miami Coral Park Senior High School, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

107,617 D-36 AUTHORIZED The suspension and initiation of dismissal proceedings against Mr. Mahdy E. Gittens, teacher at Miami Coral Park Senior High School, pending the outcome of a hearing, if requested.

107,618 E-1 RECEIVED The Monthly Financial Report for April 2005.

107,619 E-2 AUTHORIZED The Superintendent to develop and implement an incentive program for MEP employees currently in DROP; and the establishment of a reserve of up to $780,405 for the cost of this program.

107,620 E-13 ADOPTED Resolution No. 2, 2004-05 General Fund Spring Budget Review, increasing revenues, appropriations and reserves by $17,443,029; and the Summary of Revenues and Appropriations and the Summary of Appropriations by Function.

107,621 E-14 AUTHORIZED The utilization of the 2004-05 fiscal year budget, as amended, as a continuation budget for 2005-06, effective July 1, 2005, until such time as the 2005-06 tentative budget becomes official.

107,622 E-15 APPROVED Resolution No. 3, 2004-05 Capital Outlay Funds Spring Budget Review, (a) recognizing new revenues, (b) amending appropriations, and (c) documenting changes in object codes, as described in the agenda item and summarized on page 6; and authorized changes to the Five-Year Facilities Work Program which result from Resolution No. 3, 2004-05 Capital Outlay Funds Spring Budget Review.

107,623 E-25 APPROVED Resolution 05-25 authorizing the issuance of up to $120 million Tax Anticipation Notes, Series 2005 to provide interim funds for the operation of the District.

107,624 E-26 APPROVED Resolutions 05-27, 05-28, and 05-29 clarifying the original 1996 GO Bonds Resolution 96-1, amending the original 1996 GO Bonds Resolution 96-1, and authorizing the remarketing, respectively.

107,625 E-66 AUTHORIZED The issuance of Request For Proposals (RFP) #089-EE10, Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Coverages.

107,626 E-67 AUTHORIZED Staff to take the necessary steps to disallow any new contributions to the §401(a) Plan, as part of the Miami-Dade County School Board 401(a)/403(b) Terminal Leave Retirement Plan (TLRP), and only allow contributions to the §403(b) Plan, pursuant to IRS maximum contribution limits, effective July 1, 2005.

107,627 E-68 AUTHORIZED Renewal of its contract with Gallagher-Bassett Services, Inc. for loss prevention services, pursuant to the provision of RFP# 219-P-10.

107,628 E-69 AUTHORIZED* Renewal of its contract for employee benefits consulting services to Deloitte Consulting LLP, pursuant to the terms of Request For Proposal (RFP) # 094-BB10, and the proposal received from Deloitte Consulting LLP, (formerly Deloitte & Touche, LLP), for the two remaining one year renewals, effective July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2007.

* Amended to extend contract for one year.

107,629 E-70 AUTHORIZED Appropriate amendment(s) to the Board’s Governmental Money Purchase Plan and Trust with ICMA Retirement Corporation.

107,630 E-71 CONFIRMED Payment of the annual premium for its renewal of excess General/Automobile/ Professional Liability Errors and Omissions coverage.

107,631 E-72 AUTHORIZED Renewal of its specific excess workers’ compensation coverage with Wexford Underwriters/Continental Casualty Company (CNA) (A.M. Best A XV), through Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

107,632 E-141 APPROVED The supplemental awards on the term contracts, as delineated in the Official Agenda, inasmuch as the estimated requirements, previously awarded by the Board.

107,633 E-142 REJECTED Bid No. 010-EE03 – Food-Service Equipment, Accessories and Kitchenware, Catalog Discount, to permit rebidding, using revised specifications.

107,634 E-143 AWARDED Bid No. 049-EE03 – Bakery Items, to Flowers Baking Company of Miami, LLC.

107,635 E-144 AWARDED Bid No. 070-EE10 – Sign-Language Interpretation Services, to vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,636 E-145 AWARDED Partial Bid No. 082-EE01 – Furniture: Tables, Book Displayers and Lecterns, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,637 E-146 AWARDED Bid No. 083-EE03 – Fruit Juices, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,638 E-147 AWARDED Bid No. 091-EE07 – Automotive Repair Service and Specialized Repairs for School Board Vehicles, to various vendors, as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,639 E-148 REJECTED Bid No. 096-EE07 – Fuel-Storage Tanks and Monitoring Systems: Inspection, Repair and Replacement, to permit rebidding.

107,640 E-149 ENTERED Into a contractual services agreement between The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and UHZ Sports Medicine Institute, pursuant to Request For Proposals No. 100-EE10 – Sports Medicine Program.

****** E-150 WITHDREW Bid No. 067-EE01 – Metal-Detection Program, to Corporate Protection Security Group, Inc.

107,641 F-1 ACCEPTED A voluntary monetary donation in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-441, Fuster Design Associates PA.

107,642 F-2 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in Connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-458, JC & JC Ventures Inc.

107,643 F-3 ACCEPTED A voluntary monetary donation in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-255, Irwin Potash, et al.

107,644 F-4 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-449, Lazaro Bombalier.

107,645 F-5 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 04-388, D & A Isaac Investment Group, et al.

107,646 F-6 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 03-368, Rosella Harpaul.

107,647 F-7 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 05-025, James Cloninger and Karen Hilson.

107,648 F-8 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Miami-Dade County Application No. 2004-42, Valdemiro da Silva.

107,649 F-9 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 2004-20, Lewis Swezy.

107,650 F-10 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 2004-21, Ernest Valdes.

107,651 F-11 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 2004-22, Tropical Forest, LLC.

107,652 F-12 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 04-335, FAZE Corporation, Inc.

107,653 F-13 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 03-064, Turnpike Homes LLC.

107,654 F-14 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 04-253, Beacon at Doral (East) Joint Venture.

107,655 F-15 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 04-253, Beacon at Doral (West) Joint Venture.

107,656 F-16 ACCEPTED A Declaration of Restrictions in connection with Application No. 03-25A, Elite Construction & Development, Inc.

107,657 F-17 AUTHORIZED The execution of a Grant of Easement Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company for the construction of State School “NNN”, on the campus of South Miami Senior High School, as described in the agenda item.

107,658 F-18 AUTHORIZED The renewal of the lease agreement with Inner City Youth of South Florida, for use of the playfield area at Lillie C. Evans Elementary.

107,659 F-19 AUTHORIZED The execution of a lease amendment with A.A. Holdings, LLC, for space for the School for Applied Technology.

107,660 F-20 AUTHORIZED The execution of a lease agreement with the City of Miami Beach for the use of Flamingo Park baseball and softball facilities for Miami Beach Senior High School.

107,661 F-21 AUTHORIZED The adjustment of the capital budget in the amount of $329,026; and made the changes to the five-year facilities work program resulting from these budget adjustments.

107,662 F-22 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for water and wastewater facilities at the Coral Way Elementary School site, Project No. A0719, in favor of Miami-Dade County.

107,663 F-23 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for the water facilities at the Charles Wyche Elementary School site-Modular Building, Project No. 00137300, in favor of Miami-Dade County.

107,664 F-24 AUTHORIZED The execution of the Absolute Bill of Sale for the water facilities at the Lawton Chiles Middle School site-Modular Building, Project No. 00156900, in favor of Miami-Dade County.

107,665 F-25 AUTHORIZED The execution of the sewer force main easement at the Key Biscayne Community School Site, Project No. A0701, in favor of Miami-Dade County.

107,666 F-26 AUTHORIZED The amendment and conversion of the agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., for the K-8 Conversion Project at Frank C. Martin Elementary School – Project No. A01093, from Design Criteria Professional (DCP) to Project Architect/Engineer (A/E), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,667 F-27 AUTHORIZED The amendment and conversion of the agreement with Spillis Candela DMJM for New Senior High School, State School “JJJ” – Relief for Barbara Goleman Senior High School – Project No. A0742, from Design Criteria Professional (DCP) to Project Architect/Engineer (A/E), as delineated in the Official Agenda.

107,668 F-28 AWARDED Project No. AK0043, Addition, Renovation and Remodeling, Merrick Educational Center, on the basis of Base Bid and Alternate Nos. 2 and 3 in the amount of $1,798,170 to Miami Skyline Construction Corp.

107,669 F-30 AWARDED Project No. A01029, Design-Build - New Middle State School “SS1” - Relief for Homestead and Redland Middle Schools, on the basis of Base Bid and Alternate No. 1 through 6 in the amount of $29,821,000 to Betancourt, Castellon Associates, Inc.

107,670 F-31 AWARDED Project No. A0833, Auditorium/Classroom Renovations, Henry H. Filer Middle School, on the basis of Base Bid and Additive Alternate Nos. 1 and 2 in the amount of $1,698,460 to Hewett-Kier Construction, Inc.

107,671 F-32 APPROVED The GMP for Suffolk Construction Company, Inc., Project No. A0795CM02, Additions, Remodeling, Renovations And Replacement, Miami Beach Senior High School, in the amount of $59,686,761.

107,672 F-33 AUTHORIZED Payment to Williams Scotsman, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $29,000 for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 for the leasing of mobile office units.

107,673 F-34 APPROVED Final Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0837, Roof Replacement, Madie Ives Elementary School, for an additional cost of $22,643 and approved a time extension of 49 days.

107,674 F-35 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 3 on Project No. BB0557, Design-Build – New Addition and Remodeling, Miami Palmetto Senior High School, for an additional cost of $41,059 and approved a time extension of 20 days.

107,675 F-36 CONFIRMED Change Order No. 1 on Project No. A0825W6761, Modular Classroom Addition and Miscellaneous Improvements, Redland Middle School for an additional cost of $225,425 and approve a time extension of 145 days.

107,676 F-37 APPROVED The GMP for Hewett-Kier Construction, Inc., Project No. A0100301, Historic Preservation and Structural Repairs, Ponce de Leon Middle School.

107,677 F-70 APPROVED The prequalification and renewal certifications of contractors as indicated in the agenda item; approved the increases in Coastal Construction of Monroe, Inc. d/b/a Coastal Construction Company’s and MCM Corporation’s prequalification limits; and denied Structural Cabling Solutions, Inc.’s application for Contractor Prequalification.

****** G-1 WITHDREW The settlement of the case known as Constance Gilbert and James Rolle, Jr. v. Miami-Dade County School Board, Circuit Court Case No. 04-8922-CA-04, for the sum of $35,000.

107,678 G-2 AUTHORIZED The School Board Attorney to enter into a contract with Ms. Paula Richardson in the amount of $65,000 for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 for paralegal related duties associated with garnishment proceedings for the School District.

107,679 G-3 ENTERED A final order in the case of Miami-Dade County School Board v. Lakeisha Y. Davis, DOAH Case No. 04-4248, adopting the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Order terminating Lakeisha Y. Davis’ employment with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, as of November 17, 2004.




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